I am done with this country. I want to go to an actually 100% white country.
Where should I go?
I am done with this country. I want to go to an actually 100% white country.
Where should I go?
Other urls found in this thread:
Iceland, they need the genes
hopefully the netherlands soon
>is probably mudslime
>hates immigrants.
>wants to become one.
Don't be such a pussy and stay till the end no matter what happens.
Yeah Iceland seems good. Pretty insulated from illegal migration.
>100% white
troll level = mediocre
Lol no.
Running away won't help. Stay in Germany and fight for your country back. Nationalism is on the rise again and you can be there in Germany when you send back all the shitskins. God speed German user.
Aye german bro
We have a german colony in Cordoba
We are more german than you
And daddy Hitler also came here
how many fucking leafs are in this thread
>iceland population: 300 000
>accepted like 30 000 'refugees'
Moving to Hungary?
Perhaps white nationalist should stage a coup against the weak liberals of Iceland.
>literally 10% less white over night
You guys are so retarded
Shit meme. There are a lot of gypsies and immigrants too in Budapest.
> I want to go to an actually 100% white country.
I'm afraid that does not exist anymore son
Noooooooooope, they will be kangz literally.
>all immigrants are equal
kys cuck
True, but they at least want to remain a white majority and invite whites to move there. Also pic related looks like a great place to live.
Slavland is the last 100% white bastion. Find some other country not infested already.
Although Niemcy not welcome here.
Just stay in Germany and move to the countryside. Let your cities rot.
>No sun
>Permanent winter
>Nothing to do
>Get depressed
>Commit suicide
As an American, I don't expect you to really understand what is going on over here.
This might be only specific to Bayern:
>Even small villages of 3000 are getting 600+ refugees
>Small cities of 30,000 accept around 3,000-6,000 refugees
Elsewhere in Germany
>Stuttgart crime in all categories has increase almost 100% since last year.
In southwestern germany smallish towns are full of turks as well.
Central America. Grab a bunch of German folk and make a whole German town. It's not to uncommon.
We might not be 100% (we are like 40%ish) white country but we are at least more German than yours.
Central Illinois (not near Chicago) has a lot of German roots. Go there if you want. Make sure you keep the niggers out.
Man up and make your own country white again (not just white but actually german). Right now there isn't even an actual "white" country. Maybe finland and iceland are still very white, but they are degenerate as fuck (many of them, that is), so I don't know for how long it will last.
I would say come to the Baltics, but...
Fuck off, we're full.
Only 98% white though.
Antartica. Cya.
We'll shit, I guess I'm just used to such a huge amount of land that I take it for granted.
I'm sorry Germanbro. I know my country is kike infested but you're always welcome in our small towns and rural communities.
Shitskins and refugees don't like to go innawoods.
Having some non-whites in major cities is characteristic of pretty much every European country. I'm sure our friend Hans could at least find some comfy place in the country side.
I'd say come to Poland but I live there so... go somewhere else
shut up, let nemcy die with shitskins!
ehm ehm, no slavs arent white- cugh, stay in germany!
Land in Chile is very cheap. I was thinking about buying farmland there and starting Kekistan.
I know where I'm moving to then, you'll be Kangz yet!
96% white.
Decent money to be made.
Germans love cliffs. You freaks.
Heaven. Only whites in heaven.
Iceland and Estonia both have extremely high percentages of whites in their population.
>Estonia is something like 99.8% European
>Iceland is 93% Icelandic
If you listen to then America is a good choice, just don't move to a majority Democrat state. Move somewhere where the state votes Republican consistently.
Fucking weeaboo
It's like 99% white.
Come to the USA we are all civic whites here
Poles are cool as fuck, nobody has been nicer to me than poles, both guys and girls, and Im a poo
Why would a 100% white country want a Turk?
> I want to go to an actually 100% white country.
I have bad news for you....
(I hear they aren't actually full)
Yeah go to a country that idolises FARC, Baader Meinhoff and the PLO.
Great idea...
Come to the Atlantic Palestine.
Canada's east coast is white asf
What happened to the 'WIR KAPITULIEREN NIEMALS'' stuff ?
Do you lost your balls ?
Did a truc rolled on them ?
Dont fool yourself into thinking Iceland is spared from the progressive-feminist infection.
come home ashkeNazi
All rightwings Germans should come to Netherlands, we start here and expand.
Elon musk is /ourguy/
There are no white countries left, fight for your own.
>blacks fuck your daughter while you masturbate feel your fury feel your hate elevate your mental state
Don't listen to this guy, they're white but many have mentality of niggers
t.Argentine Immigrant and US Citizen
You are welcome if you don't mind the smell.
dont be racist
you're a bad troll, it is.