What a fucking madman

He wrote the greatest and most important book ever written and did it in pol fashion. Blew my expectations completely the fuck out of the water. Pol must know about this and act on this.

Other urls found in this thread:


I agree this book did blow my mind. Does anyone on here know this guy or anything about him? I hope it spreads like a virus.

I keep seeing this book
what is it about user?

There needs to be a weekly if not DAILY thread to discuss the book and how to spread its ideas.

Impossible to explain, it is like no other book at all. I would say it is a mixtre of Meditations, pol/r9k on women, and Industrial Society and its future.

REVOLUTIONARY understanding of human nature and how to view and construct society.

that seems like a lot

There is a lot at stake. I was once a BRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPrrrrrt poster but I have found a higher calling.

On feminism:

"The equality (which isn't even aimed to be equality but rather power usurpation and allocation for more power for women than men)
that feminism pushes should be analyzed in two ways:

1. Are the sexes really equal in the area of focus?
2. Should women be made equal in the area of focus?

Feminists push for women to be accepted as equal in masculine areas of focus, or deserving of the allowance to participate in these
masculine areas of focus even though they may be inferior.

Any area of focus with power being granted to women that undermines the necessary strength of the area of focus should not allow
women to be granted the power.
Any area of focus with power being granted to women that destroys male cohesion and bonding should not allow women to be granted the power.
Any area of focus with power being granted to women that masculinizes women or feminizes men should not allow women to be granted the power."

See at first I was all 'Maybe there's a new book to read' but the constant samefagging has decided for me that I CANNOT read this book, ever. It has produced faggotry.

reads like psychosis desu.

bitches ain't shit
nothing new there user

Sad, the ideas presented will never see the light of day and humanity will slowly continue on its path into suffering and destruction. WELP

READ THE BOOK, it is all encompassing and almost every page presents a groundbreaking argument never before seen by anyone. Don't read this if you are not prepared to be changed forever.

Def won't read it now, try shilling it on r/theredpill

Does it address the Jewish problem?

"We have free will, we are not all powerful, we are not all knowing, and we experience the universe with a biological framework and consciousness. I have discovered that due to this inherent structure of our perceived existence, we
follow two distinct paths. The duality of human nature is this:

Every single human feeling, thought, or action at any level of experience or awareness can be categorized under two equally valid
but opposite reactions to the absurdity of the universe. Rejection and destruction or acceptance and building.

Fundamental individual destructive tendencies given our free will in a meaningless existence are a lack of self-control, cowardice,
a lack of wonder, and a lack of sense of humor. Without courage, self-control, wonder and/or humor the individual and society
disintegrates. A lack of those four things leads people to wrath, depression, madness, hedonism, and ignorance. These five major
ways that destructiveness occurs greatly diminish the quality of someone's life and eventually lead to the cessation of life for
the individual and humanity.

All of these reactions influence the collective conscious, which shapes the existence of the individual and humanity.

Individuals create the collective conscious and are created by the collective conscious.
Individuals influence the collective conscious and are influenced by the collective conscious."

Our inherent meaningless existence produces mental and physical anguish. Other people or society as a whole can exacerbate anguish
produced by existing. The source of this mental and physical anguish is powerlessness. An individual that feels powerless may
reject the conditions that produce the powerlessness and retaliate through wrath as an attempt to gain power. The attempt to gain
power through wrath is either the attempt to supersede the powerlessness by trying to obtain all the power one can get (which
indirectly creates destructiveness in the individual and society), or the direct destruction of anything that creates powerlessness.

Wrath is destruction and destruction is power.
Wrath is extreme power and extreme power is destruction.

Section 3: Power, Biology and Society

Maintaining a strong society is vital for the success of the human race.

Society is an application of the collective conscious for the organization of individuals.

Society has created beings that are different and more than just animals, but we still retain an underlying animalistic nature.

Society is full of individuals that interact with one another. Each of these individuals must have a degree of autonomy and
individual power in order to be on the path of building, but as one individual gains more power, others may lose it, and can fall
into destructiveness through wrath and especially despair. Society provides guidelines for social interactions and the allocation of power.

Considering these two important components of human nature (Underlying Animal/ Underlying Power) in relation to society:

1. A strong society is based in balancing the pursuance of our biological nature completely and the rejection of our biological nature.
2. A strong society is based in balancing the desire to obtain all power and the desire to relinquish all power from ourselves.

These are the Biological-Artificial Spectrum and the Power Spectrum.

As said before in the sections on economics and environment, a complete restructuring of our society is needed. Our entire physical
civilization, and our society, must be completely dismantled and recreated. Not an easy feat, but necessary. Individual minds and the
collective conscious must first be restructured and aligned with the path of building in order for anything to happen. Why must all
this infrastructure and industry be done away with? Because the costs greatly outweigh the benefits. The industrialization of travel
has brought mental deterioration and immense physical destruction. Alternative travel like horse and carriage and bicycles are the
necessary modes of travel for the creation of the right aesthetic and society, with automobiles and other industrialized forms of
travel greatly reduced. The more we industrialize the more we deteriorate. All of this industrialization brings constriction,
confusion, detachment, the hurried acceleration of day-to-day life and society, the feeling that every moment must be spent consuming
and doing something like looking at a screen rather than simply existing- "But existing with what to stimulate oneself?" people will
ask. Existing with nothing but your mind. Maybe some nature and maybe a nighttime vision of the unknown we call the universe, in
which we are a part of. But those in the cities, if they ever did look up to the stars, would only see a handful, even though we live
among trillions, and may view millions with our own eyes if not for the light pollution. There is no such thing as freedom in modern
society, and there is no such thing as wonder. This is not a sentimentalist "back to the good ol' days" for the sake of the good ol'
days mentality, this is a necessity for the actualization of our species, in which true happiness can be created for all. It will
take immense courage and effort in order to achieve greatness, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Good question

YESSSSSSSS. IT IS THE ANTIDOTE. It is the ANTI-JEW!!!!!! It does not mention them once, but it completely aware.

Any actual decent contemporary red pill tomes?
I am trying to fast track my lurk stage.

laughable stuff, It's the kind of things I'd be expecting to hear from a hippie cult leader

The worst thing that comes with the rejection of animalistic behavior and power-seeking is sexual degeneration. In a strong society
there is a strong polarity between the sexes with men being dominant and masculine, and women being submissive and feminine. But of
course with free will, and a society that allows for complete freedom, anything is acceptable. But why should our polar animalistic
nature be retained? Proponents of unrestricted free will ask why is it desired for men to remain men and women to remain women when
these creations can be dismantled and replaced with something else? Why not continue with our society in which more and more men
become feminine and more women become masculine? Why not take it to its conclusion with a new humanity where all women are the
masculine beings and all men are the feminine, or a new humanity comprised of androgynous things?

Our base polar nature should be retained because it is a base guideline to work off of and use as a mental and social anchor, because
it is practical, and most importantly because it is necessary.

>Straight to the point
>Reads like psychosis

Found the feminine penis carrier.

Isn't it funny you have the text ready to paste, who's your publisher user?

This shit is garbage. I should write a book though


Entire text is available online.

>Our base polar nature should be retained because it is a base guideline to work off of and use as a mental and social anchor, because
it is practical, and most importantly because it is necessary.

He def just wants to fuck a harem of submissive bitches in his utopia


Link > Spam

Polygymy or whatever it is called is heavily frowned upon. Focus is on bringing back the FAMILY. WITH MEN BEING MASCULINE AND WOMEN FEMININE LIKE IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE.

Yup sorry Cohen , have fun in the barbed wire trampoline


Wonder is the most important foundation in exploration, understanding, and building.

Life becomes not worth living if it loses its mysteriousness in the eyes of the individual. We are ingrained with a sense of wonder
from birth, but may ignore and "lose" this feeling with time. Other things, or everything, get in the way of the individual in
feeling a sense of wonder. Yet life will always be a dream at its core and the individual must realize this. Perceiving the world
with wonder intertwines the individual with the universe, and curiosity sustains life, because life is not worth living if
everything is known. We must strive for all-knowledge but accept and enjoy our sense of wonder that arises in being a human being,
ignorant of life's unanswerable questions.

The powerlessness that comes with meaninglessness creates all of the suffering in the world, but from the same meaninglessness we
have wonder, which makes life worth living.

stop samefagging this thread, are you employed by the publisher or something?

Complete animalistic sexual behavior in women is characterized by the pursuance of a man or many men for only their high sexual
prowess with disregard for the creation of a strong family due to:
A. The desire for the woman to put off raising a family in this pursuit, which also contributes to a long-term negative effect in the
creation of a family in section C.
B. The unlikelihood that a man with high sexual prowess will settle down and raise a child with the particular woman given the fact
that he has many other options and may be animalistic himself.
C. The elimination of the possibility of raising a strong family with a man who has less sexual prowess than any man the woman has
had sex with before. The reason for this is that a woman will only remain subservient and desire to be with the person who is the top
alpha male in her sexual past. The woman is subservient to the feelings and pleasure that the alpha male gave her. A man who remains
in a relationship with a woman in which he has no possibility for becoming the top alpha male in her sexual history is a beta and
therefore weaker and inferior to the actual alpha male from the perspective of the woman and her feelings. If the woman disregards
her sexual hierarchy and starts a family with a beta male, the partnership is doomed to be weak and they will fail in remaining
together and fail to create strong offspring. The woman may have chosen the beta for his provider status because of her inability to
hold down an alpha male. The beta is a provider of both monetary and emotional support for the woman. The woman is the dominant
person in the relationship with the beta male because she holds the locus of power in the relationship- her sexual feelings and needs
that are not being met.

What about my waifu Joanna Champion?
I would like a strong wife like her that can fight.

>18/35 posts by same shill
This is embarrassing, you are turning people off this book.


It might be good but you're forcing me to hate it.

Your country and people are a complete embarrassment.

Stop shilling your book Sean

No way the japs are awesome.

Nice get

Stop that

you have my interest beside of your shill, go one

>area of focus
>area of focus
>area of focus
>area of focus
>area of focus
>area of focus

If society is to be strong, I call for every human being to rise from the slumber of complacency and ignorance and elevate humanity
to its potential until the end of human existence. If life is worth it for us, it shall be worth it for our descendants. If the
choice is made for humanity to continue, we shall exist for all of eternity. The collective conscious will remain in existence and
with it all of the lives of every human being that has ever existed intertwined with the future and destiny of our species.

People must take action. People must organize. Indifference shall no longer exist. The builders of our time shall no longer be
silenced and neglected. I have created this foundation for others to take the torch of truth into the future. I call for truth-
seekers to rise and carry this torch.

I call for the controlled deconstruction of many aspects of society, and a reconstruction of these areas in the way of building.

Society must be made strong and true in these areas for the actualization of our species.

Is there an audiobook, I only do audiobooks

What is this "sexual prowess" you speak of?

so are you family, let a fucking thread happen instead of bumping your own thread dozens of times

The parties which exist at present and which draw their profits from the State as
it now is cannot be expected to bring about a radical change in the regime or to
change their attitude on their own initiative. This is rendered all the more
impossible because the forces which now have the direction of affairs in their
hands are Jews here and Jews there and Jews everywhere. The trend of
development which we are now experiencing would, if allowed to go on
unhampered, lead to the realization of the Pan-Jewish prophecy that the Jews
will one day devour the other nations and become lords of the earth.

>word salad

No thanks, that's the sign of an idiot who wants to sound smart

How's this for word salad leaf, take note.

"Liberals do not understand power at all, resulting in weakened individuals and the creation of all sorts of fucked up cockeyed shit
involving people who do not deserve power being granted too much power, and people who need and deserve power not being granted that
power. Liberals have a defeatist mentality and inferiority complexes."

Can a non shill recommend this? Anybody other than the author posting here?


>weaponized autism
>serious post


Get this luddite trash out of Sup Forums. There is no going back. The technology is advancing faster than ever before and it will take us to the stars. This stuff reads like anarchoprimitivism memeball.

Sorry, the only true redpill in book form is pic related.

SAGE. Saging myself.


The Foundation is a foundation for the exploration of our existence in a holistic sense and also in a physical sense. The foundation
for exploration is a foundation for the physical exploration of our universe. The physical exploration of the universe is a
component of the holistic exploration of our existence in searching the unknown and providing structure to continue searching the
unknown. Part of the purpose of all the foundations in building and preventing destruction is to provide a base framework for the
continuing exploration of existence.

We must leave the (false) safety of the Earth and venture into the unknown and harsh universe. We must expand to the outer reaches of
space and must colonize other worlds. The colonization of other worlds and manned exploration of deep space is the true exploration
of our universe."

This book sucks, are you serious?

>le two reactions bla bla bla

>Almost no recognition of book outside of this thread

Viral marketing?

And how do you plan on exploring outer space without industrialisation, in a world with horse carriages?

You obviously have no understanding of the duality or human nature whatsoever. What is a book you find value in?
Nuanced approach to technology.

You got a problem with anarcho-primativism?

It's some faggot shilling his own book on Sup Forums, Notice how all proxies are American too.




Go away Sean


What the fuck is this thread.

nice meme marketing faggot
I hope you sell +10 of these for the effort

I ordered it last week. It should be here soon. Hoping its as good as you guys say it is

You know what this is? Our only hope.

Thats rich coming from you Sean, very rich.