Is being a wage slave as miserable as it looks?

Is being a wage slave as miserable as it looks?

No, I have money to do whatever I want and a good career ahead of me.

I could vacation to the Maldives next week if I wanted.

You NEETs meanwhile will just rot in your moms' basements playing WOW and living on the scraps of people like us.

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Depends. If you're smart you'll get good job, work average hours and make good pay. But in this economy most like myself work all day just about every day and don't even make enough for a decent apartment

Not really, I like my job.

It's pretty wretched, OP. But at least you can buy shit.

You'll never make a decent meme, however.

No. If you're actual good at what you do, and work in a good field (e.g. IT, Finance), you have a lot of power over your life.

Because of the pay, you can afford to keep long periods of holiday in between jobs (or why not during a job). Getting fired is not really that bad, because you can find job elsewhere.

It's not great.

I work from 7-630. It sucks really.

I only make around 42k.

I hate it.

I miss being a NEET.


also holy shit my job has been awesome lately. Yesterday I did a small amount of work during my first 3 hours, and then did a total of about 30 minutes of work for the last 5 hours.

Throughout January/Feb I was getting paid 40 hours even when they weren't having me come in, some weeks I was coming in 12 hours and getting paid 40 hours

I don't make a crazy amount of money, but this is quite honestly what I've always dreamed of. So I'm trying to latch on and make this into a career. Being a wageslave with an easy job is possibly the best thing to ever happen to me.

Once you get to be in charge of other people or get to delegate some of the bitch work its alright. Since smartphones its gotten much cooler for sure.

-posted from work while a 25 year old works on my stuff

I thought that was seth rogan from the thumbnail

>Be a Neet for 4 years
>Consider suicide regularly, but at least engage in media
>Get a job, consider suicide regularly, don't have time to do anything
>Except my 2 weeks holiday a year which is gone in a blink of an eye

If you are not in debt and you can spend sum money good, then it's pretty nice.

It's okay. I guess define "wage slave". The fact of the matter is we have to work for money, or just live in the wilderness, be a hunter gatherer, and raise a family in a hut (all of which is possible, and some people do this).

I define wage slave as what I do. In the states I work at a deli in a grocery store, called Publix. I make about $11.50an hour, 40 hours a week. So I can clear about $1,500 a month after taxes, which is pretty terrible. If you're an assistant manager you can clear 45k a year and as head manager 75k+ (depending on how profitable your deli is.)

Some days it sucks hard. Others it's better. You'll have your peaks and troughs like any job, of course good co-workers can make or break your experience. But no one should want to live off that their whole life. You should aspire for more. I'm currently saving up money to move and pursue a different career but I need the resources and reserve funds saved in case something goes wrong. so I'm doing this at the present and I don't mind it. There are a lot worse job for a wage slave. There are also some better. But I have good job security and publix will basically never fire you unless you fuck up REALLY bad, like don't come to work or get caught stealing.

So to answer your actually question, any job is what you make of it. I don't feel like a wage slave because I'm not one, where-as a doctor might feel like a wage slave even though he definitely isn't.

The worst part of a wage slave job isn't the job, the pay or whatever. It's the hate. Wage slave jobs will make you hate your co-workers for being dumb as shit and hate your customers for being dumb as shit. You think those mailmen went postal because of depression? Nope, it was the hate.

>have job where I rarely interact with clients
>have job where I spend ~15 minutes a day talking to coworkers
>love my job
Yeah that makes sense honestly. As a teenager I worked at a grocery store and I absolutely fucking hated it despite only working three 4 hour shifts a week.

>i guess define wage slave
working half the year to year to fund government salaries and bonuses.

Define wage slave.

If you genuinely enjoy what you do, I wouldn't regard it as work, let alone slavery. On the other hand if you loathe what you do, yes, it is.

It's a matter of choice, son.

Only if you do not profit of your money like a debt wage

It's Much Better than being unemployed.

Nah the key is to a for an easy do nothing position. >posting from work this instant

You don't need high pay if you are single man and can budget

90%of my pay goes into savings and in a few years I'll start a small business on the side

Mexican here

Mister can I have yo jab

Nothing red-pills you more than owning your own business and employing others.

If you can survive the first five years or so where you make nothing for yourself out of it you'll definitely come out of the experienced changed.

>I work at a deli in a grocery store
I'm sorry
t. former deli cuck

Worked at McDonald's in high school for a year. Nothing motivated me more to keep studying than looking at the 40 year old losers working there as their career. The manager was alright, but even he had to work 70+ hours for a salary just to keep his job.

yeah but you're constantly working and get little time off for vacation.

Why work 40 hours a week to get 1-2 weeks vacation?

shit deal t b h

>But in this economy most like myself work all day just about every day and don't even make enough for a decent apartment
I hear this constantly, and I'm not sure what the fuck other people are doing to fuck up this badly.
Minimum in my state is 8.25
You do a 40 hour workweek, that's 330 a week and 1320 a month.
Income tax is a 3.75% flat rate, about 50 a month.
6 dollars a day on food, about $168 per month.
So we have $1102 left. Even if you're paying a fucking car loan and using your car frequently, you're looking at a pretty reasonable apartment (or at least one that's not located in niggerville). The only exception I can think of is a major city (where you're either in niggerville or in the ritzy areas).

Pretty much. But if you've been a good boy and gone through the "educational" system, you're pretty much prepared for it already.

Problem is those big corporate jobs are slowly going away, and those big corporations have found that chinks and pajeets make much better wageslaves, where they can get away with using them.

the average apartment in seattle costs $1,400 kek

as of now 1 in 5 college graduates get degrees in business, 2 in 5 in the arts, 1 in 5 in STEM, and 1 in 5 in other

80% if not more of college graduates today are getting useless degrees

This desu an 8 hour shift in customer service is suicide tier shit. Working 8 hours doing something that isn't just
>talk to retards all day
is honestly a god send.

Get a job you fucking leech. I work with niggers and poos and they don't complain nearly as much as you guys do about working.

Yeah, but minimum there is almost doubled. $15 an hour.
It's also hilariously white, in spite of the complete cuckdom of its politics.

>Yeah, but minimum there is almost doubled. $15 an hour.

I didn't know that

But you're right, it's completely doable. My brother lives in a medium city, dropped out of college and works as a bartender.

Has enough money to eat, have a nice apartment, and take vacations to the bahamas and shit 1-2 times a year

It's when you have kids that it becomes a problem

Yes, I sharpen knives for 10 hours a day at a wood mill and I'm considered "lucky" even though I fucking hate my life and will probably get cancer

working is for poor people. The fact that they are paid a wage shows how socialist this fucking country is.

No, it's actually even worse than it looks. People usually talk about work for the first 10 years, after that, well prepare for another 30.
No matter, how much money you earn, someone literally takes 8-12 hours of your life every day except weekends.


you lazy degenerate niggers should be grateful for the opportunity to spend your time doing something productive instead of smoking crack and watching porn, but no you always gotta stick your hand in my pocket in the form of a 'wage".

Eh, it isn't that bad. At weekends, just go hiking.

"your pocket" lol

if it's not my pocket then it's someone elses who deserves that money way more than you do.


5 weeks paid vacation and as much unpaid as I want to take. And on top of that I can work remotely so spending a month working from some beach.

Doesn't sound like too bad of a deal to me desu.

I sell my time and knowledge to the company I'm working for. If they can't provide terms that I'm happy with I can go to the guy next door and ask if they need help. If you're the only guy who can do something you can ask for whatever you want. If they can pick anyone from the street to replace you then your power in the negotiation isn't very strong.

I don't want to sound rude or anything but you have 5 weeks of vacation because government rips you off in terms of tax, mandatory health insurance, pension blah blah blah.... Not to mention how almost every industry in EU is almost by default inferior compared to USA.
It's similar in Germany, I have 30 days of Holiday + shitload of public Holidays, can work from home and it still sucks.
I know I sound like entitled shit but believe me i am not, I came from the bottom. However I still thin that selling your time for money is not very smart.

Don't forget $400 a month for Obamacare

I don't smoke crack, I'm not a nigger.

t. opiate not quite addict NEET

I know I'm getting ripped off in taxes. I did get free education so I'm not feeling too bad about paying something back to the system.

The thing is I genuinely enjoy what I do. So doing that for someone else and getting paid well for it is actually a pretty great deal.