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You're still part of the EU you stupid cuck. It's been 9 months and you haven't even started the 2-year leave process.
First post truth post
>No Sweden and France
What the fuck?
>i have no idea what i am talking about because i'm a stupid burger
Don't worry, if you want those juicy EU trade deals you're going to have to accept cultural diversity one way or the other!
article 50 you dumb nigger. you have yet to start the leave process.
Sweden is so cucked its on a seperate list.
Britbong, you guys cucked yourself when you guys left.
you're still on the cuck list for at least 300 years because of WW2 (and no 1 NO-vote isn't going to change that)
Feels good bein Anglo tbqhwylads
Milgram showed that the Dutch are obedient goyim cucks
>this is coming from a kraut
if we're cucked for 300 years you're cucked for 30,000 m8.
Yeah and my point is you don't understand why it hasn't been done yet, because you have no understanding of the world outside of your third world shithole.
>Prefering Paki immigrants over Eastern European immigrants
This is just fucking sad.
The Dutch have been infiltrated by another Trudeau-clone, and they're gladly committing national suicide.
Is there any hope left for a race war? How many more trucks of peace do you Euros need?
Sweden makes me ashamed of my heritage but even more detirmined to find a sweet nordic girl to continue the lineage because I know they aren't.
I don't remember fighting for zionism and globalism mate
>subtle heritagefagging
You're a mutt, not a Swede. Stop.
>Upcoming: Germany
>not Permacucked: Germany
I'm hoping that we can be part of the uncucked list again. My vote will definitely go to Marine. I look forward to my fellow Frenchies to do the same as me.
Marine Sauve Nous !
yeah because crashing out without even putting together your agument for negotiating with the EU is such a wise idea. they will literally prevent free movement the day article 50 is triggered.
The Netherlands hasn't been counted yet, results won't come in for another ~12 hours, definite results 21 march.
>Bong calling others mutts
>Protecting Black South Africans
Why do German Antifa suck Anglo cock so much?
Netherland status: Cucked by Turks
>anglo countries
the eternal anglo always wins, when will you learn
Geert 19 seats
Sup Forums BTFO
>Be mix of two dif northern European groups similar to most other European peoples
>Literally a bit of everything from all over the world/different races and you probably have no fucking idea where most your ancestors were from and base your entire linage off your last name
Theres quite a difference burgerfriend
See, we went to the polls to fix our countries and didn't actually loose.
I'm pretty certain Sweden has reached the bottom and the only way left is up.
>representative for the feminist party's youth league
>get expelled for having the opinion that there are bigger issues at hand than boob jokes
You forgot about me buddy
This. Anglo countries are eternally cucked.
Sorry lad but we're still deep in the cucked zone
Well well well. Wouldn't it be a ironic twist of fate if it will be us germans to uncuck the continent? And somehow I feel like this will happen. The stars are aligning. We will once more become the nemesis of the """free""" world.
you can already place Germany on cucked, no way the AfD is going to win much. It's either Merkel again or Schultz...
Ah yes, because Austria with it's GREEN party president is TRULY uncucked
>UK = 70% white
>USA = 42% white
>Living in a fantasy world
Why is Sup Forums always wrong?
And your God is now officially a limp-wristed BITCH
Can someone tell me why non-countries get a flag?
>third world shithole
Ahaha, sorry folks! The UK and US used up all the meme magic! Try again in another 3000 years!
It's 62% non-hispanic white. We only have 12% blacks. What do you think the other percentages are?
well whatever you do don't choose Italy as an ally this time
Just wait until 2018. While you'll be still negotiating Brexit, HC Strache will smash the 40% mark.
Sweden is a unfunny comedy skit.
You're really stupid aren't you ?
I didn't realise the UK had voted Farage as their prime minister
Muslim-loving cucks.
I voted Klaver and my GF did too. GroenLinks went from 4 to 16 seats. This is a major victory.
The most happy I'm about Geert Wilders losing yet another election. I don't understand that Sup Forums believed he had an actual chance. Everyone I know in Amsterdam voted GroenLinks, D66 or VVD. I literally don't know anyone who voted PVV.
Brexit will fuck up Britshit economy
uk - a mix of pakis, poo in loos, polish, african and whites
us - a mix of chinese, whites, mexican and african
Point is US > UK, better food.
It's best we stay out of that. Most Brits don't know our politics and we don't know theirs.
>right wing government
>no terrorist attacks, full prisons, hardly any violence, 85%+ white, hardly any extreme SJW
Both the US and the UK are more cucked than us. You morons know fuck all about politics.
Not an argument.
He didn't even do that well. A right wing party still won you absolute faggot. Stop spamming Sup Forums with fake news, especially if you know nothing about Dutch politics.
Theres only one anglo country user.
87%. You're 91.
forgot to add japs, vietniggers and general asians in the US pile...
still even better food.
Why do you think article 50 hasn't been triggered yet ?
Neither is your son you fat fucking idiot
>american educashun
Wilders gained seats, VVD lost. Nuff said.
Why have we not triggered article 50 yet, amerifriend?
Denial: the Post
>mfw a britSHIT threw his crisps in the bin near me
Wtf? I love italians now.
Everyone loves Italians.
a soft dissolution of the EU is preferable to leaving immediately and being shit on by the remaining countries economically out of spite.
ideally other countries will agree to leave and you'll have nearby trading partners
This is why the EU wanted the UK to leave as quickly as possible to try and scare others away from leaving.
stay and you can dictate the terms of leaving, and seeing as you're still technically a member you still have a say in how the EU is run.
Can some Dutchbro tell me what VVD's positions are in a nutshell? It seems libertarian which isn't too bad.
I love Italians!
That's not why we havent triggered article 50 yet friend.
What's the most plausible coalition now?
VVD + D66 + DDA + CU
or something else?
In the case of Sweden, muslims tend to be thoroughly segregated, living in thir own ghettoes. Don't see, don't exist.
Then people, particularly women, are quite careful in expressing their opinions.
I think the negative opinion among ordinary people is about 60%.
you still don't have a wall you stupid cùck
60% USA
I guess those british MPs must have been lying to me then.
>Only 12% black
Burger bro, stop.
Anons, post your faces when you see dumb burgers trying to politik. So fucking funny.
I said this when Hofer lost, and I'll say it again:
Daily reminder that this failure is Sup Forums's fault, and the same will happen in France if you don't start meming harder.
Praise Kek get threads on the day before the election is not memeing harder.
Lmao, you fucking Europeans.
>get fucking rekt
Enjoy Europastan
Pretty much cuckversatives, but at least no RINO fucknuts like McCain. So pretty much in the direction of Jeb Bush.
Don't forget leafland, we're uncucked
Feels good to be cucked man. Jessiah my man. Degenerate blondie btfo.
From express.co.uk
>The first two municipalities - out of 388 are out. They have both voted for Mr Rutte's VVD party.