Nazis BTFO once again by people of the Europe. We europeans DO NOT WANT another nazi piece of shit...

Nazis BTFO once again by people of the Europe. We europeans DO NOT WANT another nazi piece of shit, is it clear enough you racists ? Hate will do not reign again in this peaceful continent,get over it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>this continent


Turkroaches are neither European nor human.

Heil Hitler! NatSoc is increasing!

>MuH Muhammed
Eat shit Roach learn your place

Why would you say something so hateful?

Ignoring the flag,

this statement is actually quite accurate.

>We europeans

kys bussi

I agree my fellow European
Racism is NOT welcome here!

I'd love to follow my leader but independent expeditions are not allowed to Antarctica.

I agree these racist islamophobic bigots need to learn that nobody wants a nazi as a leader we want progressives who will give us equality

>turkroach letting his leader literally become a fascist dictator
>fuggin fascist europeans not helping it happen!

>[email protected]

Didn't your leader say we're nazis?
Fuck off roach


>We europeans
>A fucking roach

Spray yourself goat fucker

Fuck off roach. You're quickly being exposed for the Islamic terrorists that you truly are. Only a matter of time before people start purging your kind all across Europe.

>almost take over the world
>kill millions
>find the secrets of Antarctic
>live out the rest of life in Argentina

This poster doesn't make any sense.

>turkish intellectual

>btfo by the people of europe

>"We Europeans"
>Country with 3 big cities, 12 coastal tourist spots and 66% of people living in sheer 3rd world poverty


wilders was the best bet right now in netherlands but lets be honest, this guy said Islam must be kept out because it was a threat to the sacred Jews and Gays of the netherlands. hes paul watson tier, which is of course better than the alternative

Best trigger of the day goes to a roach.

But then again your face triggers me every day the most so no big achievement. Now go die fucking Kanacke.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Well said OP. If Brexiters and Drumphkins could stop waving swastikas around whilst they're saying 'we won, deal with it' then that would be great.

>We Europeans

baiting this hard and obviously, cmon roach.

We europeans?
>kebabs are not euro

you are not european , you are a muslim sub human


pick one Mesutz

>"We europeans"
>Comes from Turkey

I voted DENK, my brother. Great times are ahead. This time 3 seats, but the next time it will be 10.

you know i really thought about it, if muslim immigration is an issue, yet muslims hate jews, you'll likely end up with a highly anti semetic population, something like nazi germany anyways, so its actually ironic that you say no nazis plz about the immigration issue, when most of those people are technically the nazis according to your logic

>believing in a poll
you are going be nuked with insecticide bomb, fucking roach

Hate alread does reign over Europe. Its muslim's hate for the infidels.

You have no power here roach.

>Same continent as Hitler

I've got some bad news for you m8

Why can't cucks spell 'fascist'?