Anti-Germanic thread

Austria was the first signal, now most likely the Netherlands is the second one - germanikuks are kuked, useless, and we should destroy them. We need Slavic-Anglo(not really germanic) alliance.

How do we destroy germanikuks together for our and your freedom?

Other urls found in this thread:

Anglos are pretty fucking Germanic.

Also, fuck this shitty shill thread.

Nope, you are mostly Celtic I believe. I wouldn't count you as "germanic".
>shill thread
germanikuks are the same enemies as Kikes and Muslims, they play in the same league as useful idiots. They can't be redpilled, they just do what (((they))) tell them to do. We need to kick their Scandikukian/Gayman/Neitherlandish asses and replace their people with ethnic Anglos and Slavs.

This person (random Hans from Google) looks so innocent, but don't be deluded - he is the enemy of Europe as much as the Jews and Muslims.
He votes leftists, he takes in immigrants and wants to force other "fellow" Europeans to do so.

Germanics are eternal barbarians, and still want to destroy us,

However during the Migration Period they were stopped by heroic Slavs who took their lands - and we need do this as well nowadays.

fuck gaymanics

the polack is polacking again, remember: it took us 2 Weeks the last time.

t. p*le

Seems like this gaymanic barbarian doesn't even know how to count. Your country is pathetic and Schulz will win your elections because your nation is a joke.

Back to Gaymany ------>


>still thinks it's the 20th century

You got lucky, faggot. It was your peak. Wars are different now.

>Germans conquer their way through modern-day Great Britain, setting up a multitude of their own kingdoms while eliminating Celtic paganism and Celtic culture.
>Over a thousand years later some Polish fag says "I wouldn't count you as Germanic"

Are Mexicans allowed?

t. self-hating 3/8 Mexican desperate to fit in

Are jamaicans anglos by that logic?

This would be a better Europe.
But replace Netherlands with Hannover under personal union with the UK.

Uhh maybe.

The only bad thing about Germany is that they didn't finish off polish vermin.

No you idiot, the difference is that Germans themselves migrated in mass and set up their own societies in Great Britain. It wasn't the same as colonialism.


England=Angle Land

I could call your boss NOW and pay him 1000 euro to fire you and rape your mother. Thats how poor and unimportant you are.

We should bathe in their blood. I want the aryan race gone forever.

The worst thing about gaymanics is that they are kuks destroying the west just like Jews and Muslims
.Most of the British are Celtic anyway. Also the most of English vocabulary is Latin.

>Wars are different now
>implying Poland didn't actually "fight" the invading German tanks with...horses
>implying Poland won't roll over within a week now
Ahahahaha based Poland

>gaymanic level of delusion and blissful ignorance
awful memes

No, you're not. Stop larping.

>amerishit education
Lol same thing happened to us, only we didn't cuck. We made an alliance with the catholic jew that sent Germans to christianize us. And we cucked them many times.

How about you shut your mouth, degenerate rat

Forgetting germanic Charlemagne, Charles Martell, Richard Lionheart, Nicholas Count of Salm etc.

True. I guess 500 will do it too

According to that map England is as germanic the dutch, genius.

According to that map England is as germanic the dutch.

Ask Bernie Sanders.

Present day Welsh, Irish, and some Scots do hold onto some of their indigenous blend of Celt/Gaelic culture. But by and large this is all fading away. Historically, the British Isles have been dominated by the Anglos and Germans that invaded.

>most of English vocabulary is Latin
Just wrong.

I like how the austria city names are italianized.

You say germans are intruding into other cultures like you think jews do, but you did the same with lithuanians. My relatives hate poles because they have corrupted the lithuanian people and country

>we didn't cuck

yeah okay Jan all those partitions of Poland were just nightmares

Genetic majority of celts actually. Mostly culturally Anglo though

>everyone against the Germans
not this shit again.

that map is bullshit, it implies lithuanians are mongoloids. fuck ugrics

that map is bullshit, it implies lithuanians are mongoloids. fuck the ugrics

Majority Celtic, turbofag. And they're less Saxon than the Dutch. Less Nordic than you, roughly 2x more than us. But still majority Celtic.
Also culturally, English and German are not mutually intelligible. They have similar elements, but many words are different to the point that knowing English on a professional level can understand fuck all from German. Not to mention they always hated your fucking guts ;^)

>Anglos are pretty fucking Germanic

Irish and Britons came from Iberian Celts.The Germanic tribes that came after never outnumbered the original ones they just assimilated them.

Y-yeah! Remember we're mostly Celtic haha

Britain is more closer by ancestry and genetics to Spain then to Sweden.

10/10 map

>India posting "to much poop" image

The ETERNAL GERMANIC Strikes again!

>calling anyone "degenerate"
Good barbarian ruler and self-proclaimed "Roman Emperor"
>Charles Martell
Not that bad barbarian.
>Richard Lionheart
British with French ancestry
>Nicholas Count of Salm
Wow, you sometimes fought against muslims and kikes too, big achievement.
My salary is around 2000€, but yes good goy, believe that east is pure and degenerate. Also stop breeding, we want you to become extinct.
Most of the British have mostly Celto-Roman blood.
>Just wrong.
*Romance, but still I have the point. What's the deal? Both Poles and Lithuanians share same Balto-Slavic (Aryan) ancestors.
Many of Lietuvans although have Finnic genes, I guess it's mostly case of Samogitia.

Who is keep brining Islamic refugees to Europe?Is it Poland? Is it Hungary? Is it Slovenia?
No it's.....

No, the dutch and the english are actually pretty much the same.

Also, yhy would iceland be 1/3 slavic?

What kind of bullshit map is that?

we let them destroy themselves, and we dont let any western refugees in; they will bring their cancer with them, and they are far too weak and sensitive to survive in the east either way

No, the dutch and the english are actually pretty much the same.

Also, why would iceland be 1/3 slavic?

What kind of bullshit map is that?

>Austria was the first signal, now most likely the Netherlands is the second one - germanikuks are kuked, useless, and we should destroy them. We need Slavic-Anglo(not really germanic) alliance.
You really want to pick a fight with the country that blitzkrieged your country into nothingness?

Honestly, I would rather live in a world dominated by aryans than one dominated by slavs, no offense meant.

Samogitians are ethnic lithuanians, they just speak a different language and have slightly different genes. Finnish genes are nowhere to be found anywhere in the baltic states except for estonia, which is basically pussified finland. Trust me, ugrics are not even close to balts in terms of genetics


protip: mutations of haplogroups DIDN'T END ON R1B AND R1A
The British are alike half Germanic, but mostly Celto-Roman. Especially Scots and the Welsh.

Lol, you are not doing a good job of disproving that the english are germanic.

>blaming Germans for this shit
the got ganged up by the whole world and completely destroyed, they have been a NATO puppet state ever since, completely brainwashed by heavy propaganda

they are probably the only non south Euro country I am truly sorry for, they tried to turn things around and got betrayed by other """Europeans"""

In what way?


According to his map, on which iceland is 1/3 slavic as well.

slavic federation when?


the map is really fucking retarded. it mixes up so many different dna groups, for example, iceland is 1/3 slavic, and lithuania and latvia are half ugric. this is bullshit

celts are a minority, We have had Roman, Norman, Saxon and Danes Invade and inter breed. Romans having the biggest impact on the Island.

Somewhere from here:

>Also, why would iceland be 1/3 slavic?
Migrations? Vikangs?


Slavs are just as shitty, if not, worse. throughout the time of the roman empire they live in turk lands, in the middle of fucking kazakhstan. they immigrated in their rape hordes to where they live today, and throughout the centuries failed to accomplish much. they intruded on baltic homelands and germanic homelands, and today are drug addicts that are obsessed with adidas

Based Polack, we should've wiped out the Germans after WW1 and especially WW2.

>Also, why would iceland be 1/3 slavic?
>Migrations? Vikangs?

No, because some slav has drunk to much.

Every fucking time.

Stealth taking out refugees with STDs. Fighting the good fight.


>british flag
>siding with germans
Reminder that we voted for Brexit to get out from under the German thumb, and that they wanted to flood Britain with rapefugees.

KEK, Polish get discriminated by Pakis in the UK. It's just jokes. I see Pakis telling the Polish to Fuck off out of ENGLAND. IT's jokessssssss

>implying british arent germanic


lolno they started a pointless war for one harbour in the baltic but ended and getting cucked and losing most of their baltic coast.
hej słowianie, jeszcze nasza, słowian mowa żyje...

Eastern Europe are cucks TO the Germans

Fucking now

Yeah also that.

I wonder what this gene map would look like for the US

The iberian thing is a meme, other than that you are right.

>We need Slavic-Anglo(not really germanic) alliance.
>How do we destroy germanikuks together for our and your freedom?

Step 1 - Send me Slavic woman in mail.

Will issue Step 2 upon receipt.

nice projection, we are actually disloyal to them, just taking their monies and not giving anything in exchange

haha slavic master race right guys?

>Celto-Roman blood
Where do you even begin to factor "Roman" blood into this? There were no sizable populations of traditional sense Latin/Italian Romans in Britannia, certainly not enough to glare over the massive influx of raging Germanic snowniggers that would pour into the Isles in the coming centuries after the fall of Rome.

Also English isn't a romance language, this is common knowledge and if you stopped fucking around larping as a winged hussar you could quickly google this and uncover it for yourself.

it would literally just be celtic and germanic, with some slavic sections.

>light hair
>using only cheap and comortable clothes
>probably based
10/10 True Aryan

fuck america, its a shitty country. i hate it, i dont take any pride for it

And you use swede as an example?

You are all missing the picture how spectacular the socialists have lost the election.

Netherlands is more right wing then before, not more left wing.

Nope You are pretty much slaves of Germany. If you can't see that then You are fucking dumb just listen to a mark blyth lecture

Some cities founded by the Romans were populated by the Romans.
Many Anglo-Saxons have Roman blood.

American presidents with Roman ancestry:




>not really Germanic

The English are descendants of the Anglii and Saxon tribes from Denmark and the Norman invaders. Wales and Cornwall are Celtic, Scotland is Celto-Anglo-Viking

projection again

its pretty sad when your best known invention is a big sausage and your country is known for being gassed by the people you call inferior