How are you alt-right redditors feeling now?
How are you alt-right redditors feeling now?
thats a funny way of saying it just sucks and noone liked it...
how did they tank her ratings?
do they mean the star rating? or viewers?
if its the star rating, from what i saw they had it artificially high, if its viewers how would that be our fault lmao
Blaming Reddit Keeps the newfags off this site. We should start framing Reddit for our accomplishments.
Could it be that she sucks and pretending she is attractive didn't work? She got famous for falling over in front of Kanye and Kim. No talent.
>this thing that happened i didn't want to happen is the fault of anyone who might fall under the opposing side of the supposed political spectrum
boy this should be a fun 8 years
>Alt-Right Redditors
Le Reddit army strikes again.
Remember, these are the same cunts who say its okay to hit a nazi. Next thing you know you are put up against the wall and shot for triggering a micro-aggression or some shit.
>See picture
>Think there's no way such articles are written as if this is important
>It's real
Just drop the nukes now
>a failed repugnant person fails
When did they decide to do this? because it's had 1 star rating since it came out.
The most offensive thing about this article.
They are grossly outnumbered you know.
lmfao if realizing that amy schumer is an unfunny fat hog who steals jokes about her vagina and thus not watch her shitty show makes me alt-right, then seig heil motherfucker!
A manufactured career for a Senator's cousin comes crashing down along with the neoliberal atheist DNC platform. What about her?
I still blame ebaumsworld.
too real please stop
I am so proud of my special and grateful to all the people spreading love on line about it. I am the first female comic who is selling out arenas all over the world and so grateful for that. I am embarrassed for the “journalists” who report on trolls activities as if it’s news. It’s indicative of administration right now. Anyone who reported that “viewers aren’t happy” with my special, it would have been cool if you did a moment of research before posting. The alt right organized trolls attack everything I do. Read the @splitsider article. They organize to get my ratings down. Meeting in sub Reddit rooms. They tried on my book and movies and tv show And I want to thank them. It makes me feel so powerful and dangerous and brave. It reminds me what I’m saying is effective and bring more interest to my work and their obsession with me keeps me going. I am only alarmed by the people printing their organized trolling as “news” this is what the current administration wants. So this post has nothing against the trolls. I thank you trolls so much. It fills me with hope and power to see you all furiously posting so as always accuse me of whatever lies you want. Call me a whale. Call me a thief and I will continue to rise and fight and lead. I know who I am. I am strong and beautiful and will use my voice my whole time on this earth. Journalists do better it’s embarrassing. Trolls see you on the next one!
>redditors BTFO
Alt right was banned from reddit a long time ago. So your poorly researched article is just fake news.
I laffed
>Want to watch cute anime girls
>Fat white cunt on the front page
>Give her 1* for being a fat white cunt
>Go watch my cartoons
The media has to be stopped and the only way to stop them is to ignore their bullshit
>special bombs
>blame the evil "alt-right"
Haha okay.
Does ur vag still smell like a petting zoo?
>blame the ebul alt-right for every shit
Remember ghostbusters.
We're truly the jews now.
>make an unfunny special talking about muh smelly fat vagina
>people find it unfunny and vote it down
I guess anybody that finds her unfunny is racist? Funny since I was willing to give it a chance but it was genuinely unfunny.
Let's blame tumblr that would turn the world upside down
We wouldn't fall off because the earth is actually a false hologram and gravity is bleeding in, it's not actually flat.
>Notorious alt-right website 9gag is at it again
Pretty sure the land blubber did that with her overeating and being unfunny. Sure, blame alt right...and white supremecists will blame jews and niggers will blame whitey etc.
I'd rather watch fucking pokemon on netflix than see her show.
what a fat fucking sow
I gave it 1 star too without watching it
>it wasn't funny and no one liked it
Haha. Fuck jews.
You're setting comediennes back by making disgusting statements and passing them off as jokes. Take sexual humor away from your sets and you have nothing.
"Hello city, it's so great to be here!"
-5 minutes later-
"Goodbye city, you've been a terrific audience!"
just imagine how liberals on reddit feel about this
This 100%
>being mad for reddit taking the blame
How is this bad you retards
When usa elections hit we got so many faggots that have their own r/thedahnald echo chamber generals so they dont spread their cancer too much
Off yourselves
I read that she has a lot of stolen jokes from big names in this special
Fuck those guys. They should be hanged for spreading hate-speech.
They mean the star rating. Saw an different article about this in the morning, but that one didn't accuse the alt-right as being the culprits, and cited it being panned all over the place
It's totally okay with us.
Keep Newfags off this site.
Anybody see the Joe Rogan Triggered one?
Choose one Ahmed
Fat cow is a joke thief.
Hope she gets all that's coming to her.
On the other hand, I didn't know we were doing this, so maybe i should go give it 1/5-stars
We're their bogeyman for abdicating responsibility when they do some dumb shit and lose money lol. I hope they never learn.
me too.
so are radical islamists compared to the dindonuffins but we all know how that played out.
all it takes is about 5% of the population to lose their shit before a civil war breaks out. the vast majority of people will keep their heads down under the mistaken belief that they will be left alone.
thats what that holocaust quote is all about:
>i didnt speak up when they come for the din dos because i was a good goy
I'm offended that they think anyone would bother taking the time to organize against that shit.
We're doing much more important things like fapping. shitposting and planning actual operations.
lol the whale's delusional. But I would never call her a whale because that's what the administration wants. I would call her an ambulocetus.
She's never been funny. What a dogshit 'comedienne'
Yeah. You're racist against women.
>related to Chuck Schumer
>releases unfunny special
>it bombs
>lol please check (((these sources)))
>its all a troll attack I'm really funny guys
>blame it
Jewess - checked
Feminist - checked
Liberal - checked
Fat and ugly Woman - checked
(((Amy Schumer))) is second (((Sarah Silverman))) just more Fat
Why does reddit get credit for everything we do?
is it wrong that I'd still plow that?
based upon looks, obviously not personality and professional skills
Amy looks like a 50th birthday balloon in that getup
You'd fuck someone that old that has been on the cock carousel for that long?
Enjoy your aids.
>Sup Forums has been so successful in spreading its memes that even normie retards now default to blaming reddit for everything they dont like
this is just great
>everyone and everything that I don't like are alt-right Russian spies!
shes a fucking degenerate
Can you even rate things on netflix?
I thought the star system was only to tell what kind of things you like. I don't think it's what everyone thinks of it. It's how netflix thinks you will like this movie based off of how you rated others.
Amy looks like your redneck friend's mom who's constantly drunk and hitting on you and his other friends.
Fat pig. I bet her cunt is greasy and smells of death.
Are you tired of winning yet? This truly is the best timeline.
I watched some of that. The whole "my vagina" thing is true, that's all she talked about - "funny sex jokes"
Not a redditor but this makes me feel pretty good
sarah silverman had her day back in the late 90s. nobody else was doing edgy female comedy back then. she hasn't really been relevant in 20 years but somehow is still orbiting the toilet bowl.
there would have to be strict ground rules. stockings + leather boots, from behind, with her arms tied up. and she's not allowed to look me in the eyes and certainly not speak. pic unrelated
Because everyone here is a redditor. Obviously.
>that hot Jewish gene
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Every other joke Schumer told was stolen from someone else, what did anyone expect would happen.
the_donald mod here. can confirm
Probably full of dead spiders, too.
This is good. At least we don't take the blame and can continue working without issues. Sup Forums is like the jews.
This is what I always say in reference to middle eastern dictatorships. When even 5% of your population believes heaven is a bomb vest away, dictatorship is the only valid form of government. If we want to have peace we need to drop this democracy shit and install dictators in the region where vacuums exist.
I watched it and it was actually pretty good. I liked the part where she says MY VAGINA.
These trips don't lie
we did it reddit!
>be so shit nobody wants to watch you
>blame it on people who said mean things on twitter after you said mean things on twitter
shes sweet dee irl except being shit at comedy and looking like a bird instead shes shit at comedy and looks like ms piggy
Kek lives.
>Fake claims blames alt-right.
All publicity is good publicity. Tons of people who never knew she had a show now knows after all her media whoring.
If it still flunks and still get shit ratings - then it's because even libtards thinks it sucks and doesn't want to spend money on it.
She can blame however she wants in order to scrape together more publicity, but eventually it will tank... very much like her career. A bad product is a bad product no matter how much publicity you garner.
woodland berry everyone of those sows.
for science of course
Holy shit I know that girl in the grey skirt.
>you're alone in a bar
>Amy Schumer sits next to you
>She puts her hand on your thigh
>She whispers in your ear
I want your dick
what do you do, Sup Forums?
haha, y-you too
did you read the review they wrote up from when amy schumer went to the beach?
>The 35-year-old stunner certainly turned heads as she pranced on the golden sands in her revealing monochrome bikini, which boasted an adventurous strapless top that showcased her generous curves to the full.
there isn't enough beer in the world.
got moar pics?
>looks like ms piggy
I think that's the appeal t b h