The Netherlands has fallen

>> Austria and Netherlands BTFO

>> they both will have continued issues with muslims and will cease to exist

You guys are always welcome to come here to burgerstan, just stay out of the following states

>> California
>> New York
>> New Jersey
>> Maryland
>> Virginia
>> Washington
>> Oregon
>> Michigan
>> Illinois
>> the entire north east

Can I get a quick rundown?

The Dutch Donald trump lost to a major cuck prime minister in the elections.

>NOS is worse tier propaganda than CNN
>literally buried and edited information on 200 dead in plane crash
>somehow people believe their exit polls as if they are final

no they need to move into these states to flip them in future elections

hey PA went red

Technically untrue for California, as they do have a small settlement of Dutch people. But other than that, CA gone a little downhill.

Stop inviting European white trash over here. They'll only turn us into them eventually.

Everyone in Europe is a normal person compared to American white trash.

thats rich coming from a man probably living in a country from the 80s, with rampant gang violence, stinky niggers, smelly spics (which are both higher in number than the entire population of norway btw)

you guys reek of poop.

All Muslims in Europe must go to the Netherlands!!!

Keep telling yourself that.

You do realize they'll come to their old colony New Amsterdam don't you? The one place you don't want them to go.

And colorado. Fuck you commiefornians for shitting up california with your failure then fleeing for greener pastures.

Im pretty sure the stats will also in this election reveal
PVV voters are mostly 30-55 years old, white, males, carrier of the society who understands the sincerity of the situation, while the rest dont
I hate Democracy, give me the Republic

They started counting An hour ago by hand you fucking Burger

Those are just polls and we know not to trust polls after Brexit and Trump

>New York

Everywhere but the city is fine. There are a few "bad towns" but upstate and most of Long Island are Conservatives.

>You guys are always welcome to come here to burgerstan


What are you saying?


Can I go to Montana?

Please stay out of my country, we can't have you giving us eurocancer.

Basically this but I dont mind escaping this shithole (and going into another).

WE let him lose. Remeber how much work Sup Forums put on Trump election ?

No. Do not come to America. You will bring muslims with you just like the swedes did in Minnesota.

>you guys reek of poop.


Whites are far better then more pablos, They're allowed to become citizens legally. Fuck off kikes.

>Dutch Donald trump

This loser will never be the equivalent of The Donald

He's a fucking Yuropoor for god sakes.
>France is next

>mfw Anglos realize Trump and Brexit was not part of a bigger western movement but just anglo monkeys being anglo monkeys

Sup Forums is an american board.

>immigration of euro socialists will solve immigration of illegas

Nice delusion there m8


>Europeans on Sup Forums

You're a special kind of retarded aren't you schlomo?

Wilders gained seats, VVD lost. Nuff said.

>American board
>caring for American interest and major shitfest

No one from America cared about a yid in Europe, you should have done some action yourself. Fuck the Netherlands and fuck Muslims.

>implying Sup Forums knows how politics work

You must be 12

Hmmm, maybe we should learn from this failure, and actually try to get Le Pen elected instead of sitting around then finally jerking off to Praise Kek "I believe that she will win" get threads on the day before the election. Do you want to win or not, Sup Forums?.

when are the final votes tallied? the left cheering is from the exit polls which may not be accurate...
They actually claimed Hillary won Florida just because the exit poll said so...

But Oregon is awesome as long as you avoid Portland and Eugene.

Hey man, Michigan is great and has tons of red pilled people. You just need to stay away from the western half or the cucked cities.

Fix your own country, Dutch. Don't flee like muslim faggots.

Theres still a chance for Virginia. I swear.

No, the appropriate response is fuck off were full. Netherniggers aren't welcome

We got Trump elected with Memes. Most of us can't meme in Dutch or French though. guys need to do this shit for yourselves. We can only supply digits to encourage you.

Nobody speaks French.

Maybe you shouldn't have supported a zionist shill.

>> be red pilled in a nation full of cucks who are the majority of the people and the government letting in third world barbarians invade

>> flee to another country and create a community of yourself and your people of what's left of your dying nation

Pick one

>moving to the USA

I don't want beaners here either. The latino damage is already done and there's no easy fix. I just don't want these white europeans coming over here and turning this place into cuck land and you know damn well that's what will happen.

Thanks for listing all the marxist shithole states, kind Burger, that's how a fellow men is supposed to act.

>sucks jew cock for decades
>infests all of the western world with their jew rats
>has the audacity to insult europeans, even though it's his fault for what happens there in the first place
Either you correct your wrong doings since WW2 or you will go down with us you asshole.
Your country is responsible for all this bullshit.

Are you shitting me? You turned all of western cvilization into cuck land with your kikery. Your country is still a fucking ZOG just like the rest of Europe so who do you think you are laughing about faggot.
The Rothschilds are still grabbing you by the balls just like almost the rest of the world.

Germany not even once

Americans are true pussy faggots.
First kiking the world and then acting like they dindu nuffin. Literal fucking niggers and you're even proud about it. Shame on you lad.

That's why we became the ultimate world power. A thing Hitler could only day dream about.

WTF?? But it's still not over?

You're always welcome in Pennsylvania, Just stay away from Filthidephia