>green eyes
>O negative blood
>teenage hairline
>youthful skin/appearance
>20/20 vision
>warm blooded
Anyone else won the genetic lottery like me?
>green eyes
>O negative blood
>teenage hairline
>youthful skin/appearance
>20/20 vision
>warm blooded
Anyone else won the genetic lottery like me?
Other urls found in this thread:
>green eyes
>able to sustain a natural athletic build with little effort
>graduated college with honours
>able to grow a full beard
>mental illnesses run on both sides of the family
Shit... Better luck next time.
> Warm Blooded
> Not being a reptilian
> Winning the genetic lottery
>teenage hairline
>youthful skin/appearance
yuo sound like a manlet
>5'10" + 8"
>full beard
>green eyes
>was born with 2" of hair and still has same hairline
>No mention of height
manlet confirmed
isn't o negative universal donor? universal receiver would be better
>O negative blood
Loving Every Laugh
You can be a nordic/germanic ubermensch at 6'5" and 180+ IQ.
It doesn't mean shit if you aren't making as many children as possible, prove me wrong faggots.
>broad, 6 ft 3
>no balding in my family whatsoever, not sure why
>youthful appearance, quite attractive actually
>strong immune, no eye problems, allergies etc
I'd say my worst trait is having brown eyes. Brown eyes suit me the best but niggers also have brown eyes so I don't like it.
>black eyes
>O negative blood
>teenage hairline
>youthful skin/appearance
>20/20 vision
>warm blooded
>population increasing at an alarming rate
Who else won the planet like me?
>Hispanic mutt
>O Positive
>Terrible eyes
>Nice jaw line
>Weird skin tone
>Suicidal tendencies
I'm pretty conflicted here, help me out guys.
OP is already a universal receiver
considering he's a faggot.
yet here you are, with the dredges of society, posting on this god forsaken board
you're a winner
>eyes like pic related
>above average intelligence
>6"x6" penor
>masculine jaw line and great teeth
Could be worse
>not being a 4 foot tall blasian/middleeastern obese midget with a hammerfoot born in nepal
way to fail at gaining sweet, sweet diversity points
>STEM degree/good job.
>fuck 8,9/10s with little effort
>alcoholic, end up alone anyway.
Oh well. At least I have a pretty good spank back to reminisce on.
>brown hair
>green/hazel eyes
>5'7 + 6.5"
>decent common sense
>good jawline
>shitty eyesight, right eye practically blind
>family has history of many diseases including dementia, stroke and heart attack
>both parents and their parents drank lots of alcohol
>currently recovering from alcohol problem
Just fuck me up senpai
Oy vey!
>dark brown eyes
>ab- blood
>big nose
>curly hair
>badly thinning and receding
>horrible vision
>lactose intolerant
>4.5" penis
Im smart with finances and love jewelry
>blue eyes
>dark brown hair
>perfect vision and hearing
>can grow facial hair like a man
>144 IQ
>7.5 inch dick
>i'm proud of my east slavic heritage
The only real downside is my peanut allergy, but other than that, I am very grateful for the life I have been given.
>O negative
>greenish-grey eyes
>widows peak that made me look like I was balding in middle school
>nice skin, never had acne
>put on muscle easily
>good jawline
>above average benis
Everything else is kinda good, except my height.
I blame that on my mom's side, where most of the men are manlets.
>blue eyes
>blonde hair
>AB negative
>Thin hair
>20/20 vision
Did I win something?
Forgot to mention
>AB +
If you're white American, chances are you're also genetically Anglo, try again, moron.
How does those alcoholist genes suits you?
>"wtf is an immigrant from European countries with the exception of England"
>baltic crypto-slav
>green eyes
>O negative blood
>jew hairline
>semi-jew nose
>youthful skin/appearance
>20/20 vision
>"warm" blooded
you ain't got shit on me
>warm blooded
Are you me? The only difference is the eye colour.
>O positive
>Only have that good vision with glasses
>Everything else
You forgot height, Nigel. If you're not at least 188cm you're not White.
>yellow eyes, third eyelid
>drinks infant blood
>ridge on head that females love
>scales, sharp teeth
>eyes that could pick up a shekel on a sidewalk a mile away
>cold blooded
Silly goy
as a cockroach you wouldnt understand
>Green eyes
>Teenage hairline
>Youthful skin/appearance
Great if you're a girl, nice baby fat if you're a guy
>20/20 vision
Not as rare as people make it to be
>Warm blooded
Good job you aren't a fucking lizard want a cookie, nigger?
Jesus christ what a garbage post
Watch your mouth nigger.
>green eyes
>won the genetic lottery
blue eyes or you're a fucking nigger, gtfo
>Black curly hair
>Brown eyes
>Slightly balding
>Full beard by age 15
>Slightly oily skin
>20/500 vision
>Cold blooded
Goyim btfo
Quick rundown on me
>Green / Grey Eyes
>6ft 2in
>100 KG
>Not Fat
>Blond Hair
>Type O negative
>Short sighted in one eye
>Never bothered with glasses
>light blue eyes
>very white
>light blonde hair
>hair is receding because I am not eating properly lel (is what I tell myself)
>130 lb heavy
>skel genes
>fucking occular albanism
>8" dicknow
I'm a mixed bag.
duck master race
If you got Norwegian and German blood in you, it's possible
>sand nigger skin
>black hair
>brown eyes
>skinny af
>nigger nose
>thin af hair
Pretty much just described me.
I also have a ridiculous immune system. I heal fast, I don't scar, and I sweat the flu off overnight and feel amazing by morning.
shit dude
how did you get that lucky
>doesnt include height
manlet detected
What does a widows peak indicate? Does that mean i'my descended from jews? They already took part of my penis, they better not have raped one of my anscestors...
>yellow eyes
>superior IQ
>control the worlds governments
>cold blooded
get on my level human
What the fuck is up with green eyes and O- ???
>25% celt 75% anglo
>Literally zero racemixing in entire family tree
>Blue eyes
>Brown hair (was blond when I was a bairn, wtf?)
>Hairline is the same as when I was 12
>No fugly moles, birthmarks, skin blemishes or defects
>20/10 vision
>Literally zero health problems since birth other than contagious illnesses
>Grandparents are all at least 80 years of age, 3/4 of them still alive (one died younger due to a stroke)
> the cold never bothered me anyway
Feels good man.
>9 inch cock
>chef at wendys
>rich family
>Curly black hair that girls love to touch
>Sun kissed brown skin that girls complement me on
>Decent jaw line
>Good facial hair genes (thank you Moorish blood)
I'd say I'm alright.
O- negative is a universal blood donor
>1,80m tall
>Natural broad shoulders/upper back
>Strong legs
>My head is made out of cement lol
>Quick thinking
Of course I know I have more cons than pros, I even born with fucked up feet that were fixed at a really young age, for example.
Almost exactly, except I have o+
Yes but shitloads of green eyeds got O- in this thread including myself, there's a pattern and I prolly have autism for noticing
those are all my pros (similar if not same), and i already listed my cons
>rich family
>blue/green eyes, blond
>strong jaw and deep-set eyes, but overall symmetrical boyish look
>full beard
>look roided but natty, 10%bf atm
>135ish IQ
>researcher in AI/neuroscience
>20/20 vision
Tbh very happy with my life.
just noticed the same thing as you my dude, my dad has green eyes and O- blood too
O negative blood is a shitty blood type to have tbqf
You want AB Pos
i always thought anglos were tall since the part of my family that is english is always 6 ft tal or more(when male), but from what i gather from this thread u guys are mostly manlets
I'm not Anglo, I'm originally from Finland with ancestors from far north in the country. The cold/resource deprivation adaptation decreases limb-length and increases intelligence. Further down south in the country we have populations which have produced some of the tallest and strongest men in Europe due to the Nordic admixture. Brits from my experience cluster around 5ft9-5ft10.
>brown eyes
>brown hair
>normal hairline
>very youthful appearance, everyone thinks i'm 14
>shite vision (but it's my own fault for spending my entire childhood on the internet)
>gyno despite being fairly /fit/
>big nose and eyes
>poor blood circulation
>can't grow ANY facial hair despite being 19
>ingrown toenails constantly
>sweaty, clammy hands
>anxiety and panic attacks
>5inch penis
>girly hands
>wide hips
>ear wax problems constantly restricting my hearing
>shite teeth because parents never enforced me brushing them
I'm single ladies x
>light brown eyes
>good hairline, brown hair
>70% bear
Surrounded by niggers everyday.
If you get on GH now you might still become an archduke of manlets
>brown eyes
>brown hair
More masculine than lighter shades
>normal hairline
>very youthful appearance, everyone thinks i'm 14
Sucks when you're young, but its great when you're 30+, which is the majority of your life.
>shite vision (but it's my own fault for spending my entire childhood on the internet)
>gyno despite being fairly /fit/
Gyno surgery is quick and not too expensive. My roider friend had it done.
>big nose and eyes
>poor blood circulation
Take garlic pills from Holland and Barretts.
>can't grow ANY facial hair despite being 19
Normal, I have a full beard (26 now) but until 23 or so p. much nothing.
>ingrown toenails constantly
If you cut them the wrong way it makes it worse.
>sweaty, clammy hands
>anxiety and panic attacks
Take ashwagandha/vitamin c, they will lower your adrenaline and cortisol. Or take nicotine gum and give zero fucks and lose your baby face as well.
>5inch penis
>girly hands
>wide hips
Hands become masculine over years.
Normal for young adults, it gets better with age.
>ear wax problems constantly restricting my hearing
There's a technique to massage below the jawline/under the ear to release blockage in the area which helps against recurrent ear infection. Also lowering stress and taking immune boosters (zinc, garlic, etc) will stop it from happening as much.
>shite teeth because parents never enforced me brushing them
Get tooth-whitener or use baking soda.
meant beard not bear
>Non autistic.
I won op.
It's not fair. Father is of French,British and German descent, he has bluish eyes and dirty blonde hair along with the rest of his family and my siblings. My mother is a Bavarian German whose mother is blonde hair and blue eyed. But fucking Opa has brown hair and brown eyes which I got and Sup Forums will never accept me as white.
>70% bear
Do you hibernate in the winter? What are you doing up so late, shouldn't you be sleeping in your den?
how to get growth hormone
Either a doctor or a dealer, or you can get growth hormone releasing peptides online, which are much cheaper.
Shut up, """""human""""", we know what you really are.
>Manlet (5'4)
>Thick glasses
>Can't build muscle easily
>barrel chested
>paternal grandmother from greece
>white Mediterranean master race
>white but tan really dark
>thickest fucking dark brown hair ever (now salt and pepper)
>eyes can look dark brown to deep green
>above average iq
>mentally, socially, and financially stable
>never get sick
>have shit for a penis but I'm a foreplay master and the old lady likes it in the butt
I'm older and not /fit/ anymore I'm structured more like pepe in pic related
Underrated post.
+Dark hair, perfect hairline
-really dark brown eyes(dad has green and mom blue so idk how tf, cause i reallllly look like my dad
+really strong jawline
+facial perplexion commonly considered handsome
+easily maintained athletic body shape
-left eye is fucked since birth, everyone in family has perfect vision
+6.5 penor, chicks i fucked told me im their biggest somehow
+pale skin, chicks call me edward from that gay movie
-back is a liitle crooked just like my brother and dad
Being white in itself is a win.
Fuck my id
Blond hair, green eyes here. The only downside to that is that I stick out like a sore thumb in my country and people always call me gringo if they havent spoken to me
Me :)
>Adonis level good looks
>Hazel eyes
Just in time to help save the white race.
Yeah, go figure, Sup Forums was filled with Adonis pussy-slayers the whole time.
You lying faggots are fucking pathetic
How does one re-roll character's genetic stats?
Do I have to to quit my self?
Or is there an option interface to customize somewhere in this game?
>>warm blooded
Nah man, I'm cold blooded
>-really dark brown eyes(dad has green and mom blue so idk how tf, cause i reallllly look like my dad
Some genes have probably skipped a generation or two and ended up in you. I have blue eyes from dad while mom has brown.
mostly german blood here. theres more indio blood here via mexico than anglo blood at this point.
Warm blooded means you can survive in the cold you dumbass.
You're smart