Good job University of Illinois Sup Forumsacks

This just came from this jew who I went to high school with who goes there. You've all been bad goys today.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this Urbana or Chicago? There are multiple university of Illinois locations.


not to scale


This one's better.

Wait....they're blaming leftists for this?

Good stuff. This is how you redpill.

oy vey

spread it more, it's aggrivating their jewish brain rot

Notice he cut off the sources at the bottom. Guess he didnt want people to see the facts.

lol that was me just screen capping so I could fit the whole message

Oh haha. A real coincidence then!

urbana here
wasnt me
but there are plenty of jews in this general area who browse pol and would false flag like this
remember who did the original ben garrison edits

I wouldn't doubt this desu. A lot of jews on that campus

Is the guy who did this false flag and post, dare I say, (((ourkike)))?

>liberals point out white privilege
>its fine because fuck white people
>kike privilege is pointed out
>oy vey goyim, stop spreading hate
really activates my almonds this one

>lot of jews on that campus
i'm one of them

It's leftist logic user. If it talks like a leftie, thinks like a leftie, acts like a leftie...

I've got a question for college Jews.
Why's it that every single Jew I see is either a super bro-tier, intelligent, realist red pilled dude or mega-turbo uber SJW?

This is good shit. Turn 1% narrative on the Jews for maximum oven time

whoever did this fucked up.

the pew center shows that 46% of jews make 100k+

to be a 1%, you need to make 350k

that's good. the subtle tumblr t helps.

>pre-heat to 1488 before placing jews in the oven


We need to do more of this and blame it on the left.
We hate jews because we know what they are, the left hates jews because of muh palestinians.

Not a jew, but it all comes down to if they take the Jewish Blue pill.

The Jewish blue pill is the notion that you are God's chosen people and are above the law. You are better than the goyim and can say and do whatever you want.

These people form a cabal and all follow the leader. Whatever other top Jews are saying, they fall in line with immediately.

They ones that don't are Bros because they don't see themselves as a gods chosen or otherwise superior.

>44% of all US jews are in the top 1%

I express doubt over this claim.

I came here for Sup Forums...instead I got YLYL

>mfw gassing the kikes will finally unite this country

This is pretty good at dismantling the identity politics argument and the white privilege argument. It points out inherent flaws and brings attention to "racism against white people good, racism against anyone else bad"

What's really weird is so many of the ones that think they are God's chosen people are also pretty secular.

This is the stuff that needs to get posted around college campuses. Makes our enemies fight against each other so we can pick them off after they're weak or team up against said common enemy.

i think everyone is fed up with barley affording the roof over thier head while a few kikes sail around them in circles on their boats

does anyone have the builderberg stering group one with the religions?

pic related even though my resolution a shit

The funniest part is they think a leftist posted that

Jewish nepotism is very real and very insidious. Glad to see we're having this much-needed conversation. I stand in solidarity with the brave critical theorists at U Illinois who are daring to ask the hard questions.

jew privilege

>Goyim not to scale

Masterful. These flyers will be protected because of the misdirection "white privilege" leader headline. Fucking impressive.


there is nothing more jewish in this world than the concept of intersectionality. its design is to make debate impossible without introducing ambiguous, esoteric bullshit that has no real solution

Nice poster lads.

>goyim not to scale

It's also vehemently anti-white, in that forms the doctrinal basis for all "oppressed peoples" to unite against whitey.

The only suggestion would be to remove the "straight men" label at the top of the pyramid. Straight or male doesn't really matter in this context.

Anyone truly close to God becomes this way because it involves leaving their ego at the door and submitting to a higher power.

This mechanic can be abused a human is able to conflate himself with the embodiment of God himself. The imams do this, the Pharoah did this, and the Catholics do it too. It allows human errors to become holy truths.

Above all, just know that any ideology with a word for outsiders and non believers is a toxic one. Goyim, kuffar, gorger, bigot, misogynist, it is all the same toxic one way absolutist conversation.

Even the most brain dead genuine racist can break things down into gooks, chinks, spics, nigs, and kikes, each with their own characteristics. Anyone who can't reach this point goes beyond stupid and becomes just plain evil and self serving.

The truth is that, as explained in ops graphic, intersectionality is jews ultimately jewing themselves

If you are super-wealthy, are you moral? Checkmate faggot.

Why is Sup Forums so good at recognizing bullshit statistics when it comes on a Facebook image, but so readily accepting of it when it involves jews?

Because it is true.
Kill yourself

Do you have anything to back up the claim whatsoever?


ask your mother

>eat the rich!!!!!
okay occupy wallstreet, kys

Most highly intelligent politically active people have a hard time staying in the center.

Jews tend to be highly intelligent.

Jews are often very political(2 jews 3 opinions), further split between Reconstructionist Jews(Communists Larpers 100% cancer & SJW) Reform Jew(Pagan Larpers, tend to be left wing to SJW assholes, some normies) Conservative Jews(cucks, but not awful, tend to be middle of the road normies) Orthodox Jews(much more based, if your going to find any right-wing redpilled Jews look here)

The above is a summation of a culture split in the American Jewish community.

Source: I is a Juden

and most Jews in the 1% are Democrats

haha identity politics is the greatest gift lefties have given to the alt-rights

>Implying a complete lack of understanding of American Jewry.

Listen here you little shit, you have the Reform(and also Reconstructionist) assholes who don't even believe in God and rewrite the fucking Talmud(Bible) to suit their Socialistic to outright Communistic tendencies and then you have the normies(Minority of Reform, most of conservative Jews and some Orthodox) who are by default left-wing because help muh minorities, and muh anti-semitism and muh dems are pro-israel(in the case of the orthodox)

Then you have Orthodox Jews who are more right wing then most.

Oh yay, and before I forget, Orthodox is less of a how religious you are and more of how you practice when you act religious though there are much more religious Jews out there. For example, I am non-observant Orthodox, I.E. when I practice, I practice like a Jew, not like a kike, on Yom Kippur I fast and no electronics so I can complain how hard fasting is on twitter(fuck those faggots). I just don't normally practice. When I do, I do it the right way, not pulling shit out of my ass to fit muh political agenda. Fuck that shit.

Of course they would, because National Socialism was a leftist ideology.


Fuck, I live in Urbana. Anyone know who I can get in touch with to help with these efforts?

Hey Urbana, are there any alt-right groups in town that you know of?

No. It was at UIC


Just moved back to champaign from the Bay Area. Let's do this.

Wait seriously? Link

Don't have the link. Saw the original tweet and it said UIC. uiuc on the other hand had a great affirmative action bake sale today

Should have put a #PLM (palestinian lives matter) stamp on it for authenticity and privilege protection points.

Maybe we could meet up.

Here's a recent thing the campus Republicans did where they went to a black reading group at the IMC and weren't allowed in the door:

No shit - actual msm leftists attacked Occupy Wall Street as an anti-semitic movement. This might be a meme, but it's not that far from the truth. In Australia and Europe, thanks to the Muslim dominance of the left wing, anti-semitism is rife.

Feelz good man.

I'm red/green color blind. What is it?

It's Trump's tax returns.