Are hispanics who look like this counted as "White" or "hispanic"

Are hispanics who look like this counted as "White" or "hispanic"

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Cubans are honorary aryans desu

Depends. There are a lot of them though

depends on if they vote Democrat or Republican. Republican latinos are white, Democrat latinos are black.

Whites from latin american countries, that is

This. Cuban-American refugees are the only refugees worth taking. They've experienced the communism meme firsthand and vote accordingly.


you are only white if you have >95% european genes

hispanics have a shitton of amerindian and african genes

What about Spaniards and genetically spanish criollos?

Hispanic is not a race though and you don't have to be a mestizo to be listed as a "Hispanic" or "White Hispanic" because hispanic is not a race.

you don't live in america so you don't know how broad this word is

there are no human races you racist idiot

but hispanics are not white simple as that


Republican Latinos are hard working, family orientated, and fled communist or war torn shitholes.

Democrat Latinos are lazy wetbacks that are only here for gibsmedats.

what if a white hispanic was pure 100% European.

Look at the Sheen family, it's possibe

hispanic isn't a race

>There are no human races
>Hispanics are not white
Pick one


hispanic genes from SPAIN don't make beans brown user

As Hispanic as a Guatemalan who just forded the Rio Grande into the US.

the american definition of "white" in very broad from a european point of view

>white people are a race
you are an idiot

so according to your logic people from every little corner of their world are their own races because you are only allowed to separate people from each other by means of racism?

when they also have african, amerindian and arab genes in them it makes them non-white

wat u see me as?

you realize not every hispanic is a mestizo because hispanic is not a raceeeeeeeee

Bro the UK is still cucked unfortunately


>by means of racism
Racism is just a buzzword invented by a communist. Race is very real. Mestizos are not European Caucasians, but those exist in Latin America, and often immigrate to the USA

That's proven bullshit and you know it

you look white and handsome as well :)

Sure, Bünzli.


No, they are hispanic. If they were white, they would have been called white to begin with.


Hispanic means FROM SPAIN. We diluted them with our cocks for 300 years, but that doesn't make them white.

Depends, I am working on a census for latin America, mexico is obviously 0% white population, that's a no brainer.

But I've met 1 white person from argentina although 3 other non white argentinians.

Hispanic MEANS FROM SPAIN. Not from A America.

Martin Sheen (Estevez) is from Irish Mother and Spanish father -> 100% white.
They are not sudacas from S America.

By the way, LATIN = ancient Roman. Nothing to do with indians from S America. So stop naming those half niggers latinos. SUDACAS is more proper.

"hispanic" is a bullshit categorization used to obfuscate actual racial differences

There are actual non-meme white hispanics. As in, people with ancestry of spanish descent. Guys like Ted Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Fidel Castro, Augusto Pinochet, etc. Then there are the indios and mestizos. You know, your common beaner trash. The guys that look like Danny Trejo. But according to the way our census works, these distinct groups are lumped together as "white hispanic" which is total bullshit.

There shouldn't be any hispanic designation at all. It's like having a special separate ethnic designation for french speakers that includes haitans, frenchmen, quebecois, and cajuns. No, there should just be WHITE. Actual non-meme white hispanics like Cruz should just be white. Mestizos and indios should be categorized under "native american" because that's what they are.

ARG had a lot of European migrants/colonization. Mostly Italians and Spanish. Then nazis.
Read some more.

>we wuz white n sheeiiit

Yes, I'm compiling a census.

They'd be white hispanics due to their European ancestry that isn't morbidly filled with indian blood

Hispanic is not an official race by the american government



don't fall for arg propaganda, 99% of them are not remotely white.

Argentina/GDP per capita
14,715.18 USD (2013)
Obviously they are predominated by indians.

White hispanics are smash gods

I wish south americans would stop fucking lying about being white. I know there are actual white people in SA, but the majority of the ones who CLAIM to be white are mestizos who are just fooling themselves for a morale boost. And it makes it really damn hard to assess the percentages of people who are actually white when all the non-white are pretending to be white too.



Lol no they're not. A lot of them are nigs and a lot od the healthcare fraud in the country typically comes from this shithole (in particular Hialeah).

Typically hey look like

Latin america is not mono-ethnic. There are varying percentages of indios, nigs, and whites (and mestizos/pardos) in each country. Of course, it's hard to actually tell what percentage of each country is actually white, because all the mestizos lie and pretend they're whites with a tan.

still, you can't just make a blanket statement like "cubans are all niggers". It's true that there are niggers and mulattos from cuba. But there are also whites from cuba. A lot of the cubans that first left after the gommunist revolution, for example, are high-agency whites that were actually smart enough to get out. And then later on, the ones that came on bottle rafts tended to be browner


that's because most of the whites fled Cuba before the 80s


Those are two separate categories. We literally have the "Are you Hispanic?" question on most forms.

>I-im really white you have to believe me
You have to go back

Am I white hispanic ????