Would it work if everyone respected the NAP?

Would it work if everyone respected the NAP?



Yes, very much so
It wouldn't be a utopia, but probably one of the lowest evils of a societal model

Only a majority has to respect the NAP, the rest would simply be physically removed.

Everyone respecting the NAP goes against human nature.

What the fuck does this even mean?
Violence and homicide is a-okay to some extent because 'lul thats just human nature :)' ?

> Would niggers be great if they weren't objectively awful?

Ancap is a joke. Only natcap can work.

"If only we told shitskins about the nap we'd be saved."

Might as well be commie hippie and talk about "we just need to love eachother" Its faggotry and impossible

The fact that it relies on autistic Dreamland shit like "NAP" shows that whoever came up with the ideology does not understand human beings at all.

"Would communism work if everybody shared?"

feudalism didn't work, no

These. It wouldn't work right now though. An ancap society would have to be cultivated via traditionalism and natcap.

"Would the world work if all humans would have the same values as me and followed them to the letter?"

Maybe, but who cares?

>What the fuck are roads
>How do I trade without central currency

If forcing people to be nice and not kill eachother doesnt work how would removing the reprecussions help?

The act of establishing an ancap society would send people into a looting frenzy

>autistic Dreamland shit like "NAP"
Are you retarded?
The NAP is already applied to citizens in civilized countries. The problem is that the state sanctioned itself to initiate violence and punishes those who would defend themselves.

What is "work"

Would we all be "equal" and in a magical sunshine land where everything is awesome? No.

But that isn't the point.

Also the NAP is gay, aggressive action is sometimes the most logical action.

No, it wouldn't. Without anti-trust laws nothing can stop a company to get monopolium somwhere by buying competitors or making the opponents fail.
The more this goes one the more those companies would be big, becoming city-states, and then states, and we would have some oligarchs and everyone else being slaves.

>maybe I don't want your fucking road on MY land.
>what is gold?