Found a based Jew

there are many based Jews its the kikes that are the problem

I believe you are looking for r/the_donald

>based jew
>not in israel

please try again

you found controlled opposition

Trump actually referred to this Horowitz guy's video on Sweden.

>Democrats love socialism

No, they don't. And that's part of the problem.

the inbred isn't in Israel, he's not based

No such thing as a "based Jew" only controlled opposition who will jump on you the second you advocate White Nationalism.

Oh, well if Trump likes him he must be /our guy/. Kill yourself redditfag.

I'm half Jewish and half white. And believe it or not, I'm on your side. Show my any graph showing black achievements.. Any civilization. Any. Fucking. Scientist.
> inb4 all Jews should be gassed
Just know that not all of us want muslims and africans to destroy this society. Fuck Hollywood.

some of the people waiting for food that are starving have fat rolls

Im not a politics expert but whatever is going on in Venezuela atm moment is probably more anarchy than socialism.
Am i wrong?

You need to look into the studies on Jamaican poor people. It's essentially a carbohydrate effect on insulin and fat storage. In these dirt poor Jamaican areas there is still massive access to sugar cain. The children are stick thin and malnourished since they lack protein and animal fats to build muscle and so much more. But their mothers have become insulin resistant. Their fat cells swell with fat as beta oxidation is inhibited and the sugar is converted to fat. I highly recommend Gary Taubes' lectures on this topic. The problem is that the hormonal response to insulin just makes you more hungry in general.
Again, Taubes' books and videoes are great and some Sup Forumsack wrote a book at adresses the subject at

Yes, you're wrong

>Let me show you how bad socialism is
>Here's Venezuela
kekus maximus

>socialism doesn't work in this shithole, therefore it won't work anywhere

i don't want socialism in america but this argument is stupid. it clearly "works" in certain countries but its whether or not you agree with the principles.

Good video, the translation was spot on.

Just looks like corrupt mismanaged shithole to me, apperantly it was pretty fucked when that Mr. Danger guy was running the show but it wasn't this bad.


Pay attention to the video. She was middle class and now she is lower class. Fat rolls just don't go away.

did you watch the video? Anarchy opposes any form of government. The food is controlled by the government. The police trying to stop the endless murder (less people = more food for those that survive, so the citizens turn on each other in socialism) serve the government,

Anarchy = no police, no government


>mismanaged shithole
Yes, that's socialism.


and the guy whos girlfriend died is clearly gay

Yeah my bad, i shouldn't have used "anarchy".

>thinks Russia was a shit hole before the Jews fucked it sideways and introduced socialism.
inb4 real socialism has never been tried.