Are women with strong jaws degenerate?

Are women with strong jaws degenerate?


Is that coolface?


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>Is X degeneracy?

"Women" with strong jaws are. Women with strong jaws probably not? Just ugly.

I'm Swedish and I get disgusted by square-jawed women. Should tell you something.


for some reason they become reporters


Best. Post. Ever.

And yes, degenerate af

Too many bog pills


they will give you a son with a strong jaw
Sup Forums needs to breed with masculine women

>not degenerate

No, that makes no sense at all.

Unattractive? Masculine? Sure.

I agree

No, they just took too big of a bogpill

>He hasn't taken the Bogpill yet


No, actually I need to mix woth one of those to correct it
Whites have teeth space issues cause the prefer cute looking girls

You really gotta ask that?