Sophie LaBelle of Assigned Male comics will stop making comics thanks to Sup Forums

Sophie LaBelle of Assigned Male comics will stop making comics thanks to Sup Forums.

Lol, when is it gonna detransition?

Literally who

We did it! Even better, we did it together!

He'll still draw from time to time tho. Aren't their more idiots generating similar filth?


We did it, Reddit!


post some edited comics

>edit my comics into racist, transphobic and perverted stuff

can i get a sample

Thank fuck for that, their comics were some of the most fucking obnoxious, condescending shit ever.

Is this real? Link the facebook post

>killing the goose that lays the golden crazy

Dammit Sup Forums

Kind of sad, the Sup Forums edits are fucking hilarious

I feel like this picture should be accompanied by a quick rundown of sorts.

whatcha doin there, literally who?


Less than a year till it kills itself. Faggotry is your genes trying to get AIDS and quit.

Holy Kek, what a beast.
Is Emma Watson with it?

Only one I have saved

This is the greatest thing Sup Forums has ever achived, fuck traps, not in a literall way of course, that would be gay.



Shame he's leaving us.


Her art is getting worse.

God damn this could top trump


This one is all you need. This is literally gold.

They're not leaving. OP should read the comments before posting this clickbait.

you know better than that, kiwi


im an attack helicopter. I am because i say i am. if you say otherwise youre a bigot. I am the sole authority on this.


>trans and queer middle schoolers

Jesus these are children

Did we even actually do anything to him aside from posting his shitty comics on Sup Forums?

Like, you never hear about having a mental breakdown. Is this just a tranny thing?

>just that I live in fear

Wilders may have lost but there are still victories for us

What did he meant by this? I seriously don't understand the point of that comic


best edit

of course it's a tranny thing, they're mentally ill

Good shit's hilarious.

Imagine if B^Uckley stopped making comics after loss.

K.. keep me posted
Some cunt that was trolled by KiwiFarms.

>I live in fear
We did it, reddit!

good. he was awful.

I thought Donald Trump was joking when he said we would win so much we would get tired of winning.

I was wrong ...

WTF is this

Sup Forums does something inarguably good for a change. Congratulations.

Can't handle the heat, stay outta the kitchen.

Assigned White, and Assigned Dale.

There are a few other Assigned White comics I know of, I don't have them saved though.

Gotta love reaction image material.


Where does he say he's stopping?

we did it.

It looks like a chud

wait no, 2nd quote was to one of his actual comics, I had open and some reason got mixed up.

I stopped because of hate, not because they're horrible fucking comics nobody wants.

just a cry for attention

No need for any edits, the comics are already "transphobic" because it depicts transgenders are people who are always constantly a victim and that they are weak and powerless

Boo fucking hoo, I'm living in fear of words on the internet, it's so hard making penis to vagina slice of life comics in trump's america, waaaah

>just that I live in fear
Oh well, then.


He's a developmentally arrested, mentally ill pedophile who wishes he was a 13 year old girl and draws shitty comics about his fantasy self.

fucking keked

such an accompaniment would be heretical, you're not a filthy heretic are you user?


reality's a bitch: the comic

I think its the person who blessed us with this!

looks just like the Bum Tickley mouths that were just rotated 180 degrees

I.... this whole comic gives me mixed emotions


>constantly attack other passive aggressively
>whine that people don't like being attacked passsivelt aggressively and return the favour.
Why do they always do this

Her facebook post is obviously a cry for help... she clearly wants more edits of her comics.

Oh that makes sense


Underrated, FPBP

keep donating im not going to keep working thou

Somebody took the bogpill

imagine how it must feel to have such a shitty identity that even uttering it shames you

He should grow some balls... again.

context clues

This can't be real.

This is the only one I have, i need moar

I get told to kill myself about a dozen times a day, whats she so butthurt about?

>Just that I live in fear

God, it's like he derives some perverse sexual pleasure from it.


>just that I live in fear
Someone is trying to make a few pity bucks I see.

Now those comics will explode in the meme market, guys!

>Delete several invitations to kill myself

Very confused by this statement.

Oh no, now we have to find new cringeworthy material again... Fuck (*)man

This. We all do, constantly. What a bunch of pussies.

I can't even tell which are the edited joke versions and which aren't. The tiny line between reality and satire has ceased to exist.

I haven't ever really laughed at one of these edits until now. This is gold.

Good riddance.

We need more this scorched earth approach towards trans-kin and those pushing it or trying to normalise it.

Hopefully the father finally got through to Stephen.

I want to say something in her defense like "this is cruel, how would you feel if you were in her shoes?"

But honestly, if this was happening to me I wouldn't be mad. I'd probably take the time to read the edits and laugh. Life's too short to be butthurt.

>thinly veiled "please donate money to make up for it"

What happens when we beat the left at their very own subversion game.

I like that one the best, actually. AnCap memes are some of my favorites.

these are great

The weak should fear the strong.
