Why does it seem like Americans, Brits, and Australians have a certain resistance to cuckery...

Why does it seem like Americans, Brits, and Australians have a certain resistance to cuckery, while mainland Europeans and Canadians do not? What exactly is the difference?

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>America isn't cucked

If you say so, Mr. 56%.

Only Australians are resistant to cuckery.

And still able to get Trump elected. Meanwhile most countries in western Europe have huge white majorities and probably won't get a single right wing candidate elected


British Isles fostered a mindset different than that of continental Europe. As much as we like to harp on bongs for being a nanny state, their nation carved out the ideas that would become the basis for limited government and rights of citizens.

Meanwhile continental Europe spawned Communism.

Pic semi-related.

That's what happens when you're taught to hate your own race your whole life

Continental europeans have low energy mentality.

Canadians can be quite terrible don't get me wrong, but le weed man only got in because he is weed man, nobody paid any mind as we never do in our elections, nobody knew this would happen, but now we know. The uncucking is gaining momentum, white cities and towns are pretty resistant.

wish us luck

C'mon man. We have to give the French and the Germans a chance. If we have them, we can do it.

I think the fact that in America we've had a diverse population much longer than other countries have, so we know what it's like a lot better than they do. We can see that their optimism about it is extremely stupid.

Yep. That dichotomy is Scottish Enlightenment versus French Enlightenment.

It's called being part of the Anglosphere.

And no, Canada does not count as 'British'. They were originally French, which explains a lot about their psychosis and collective cuckery.

Eternal Anglo. We were the cuckers, not the cucked.

Just as the UK allowed female police officers to wear headscarfs at work the EU banned them in workplaces.

56% bullshit and lies about to nothing

trump is a cuck you retarded faggot

Who doesn't have guns anymore?

I didn't know calling out a braindead orange faggot for lying 24/7 makes someone a cuck.

Funny world you live in, OP. Here's hoping you lose your health insurance this year if his plan passes.

There are two people in this world.

Ones that enjoy bantz, ones that can't handle bantz.

The former is finally getting fed up with the recent developments made by the latter.

America most certainly does not have any great resistance to cuckery.

Godspeed, leaf.

Scots and Scotch-Irish are responsible for the American South's honor culture as well. God bless them.

Us being one of the main (if not the) driving force in Europe.
We are full of german guilt, which pretty much forces everyone in EU to behave like the retards we are.
Literally the only thing ruining the EU is Germany. And we can't stop because it makes us feel guilty.



We don't give one fuck. That's why. and we love good shit.

europe, or at least germany, is scared of the right since they are told that we always have to watch out to not let something like nazigermany happen again, so better to stay from anything even resembling the right. for the same reason we never turn right on the streets but always 3 times left when we actually have to get right

English language, there is something about it.

Also the sultan of Londonistan is muslim of course. Based british.

Trump is the most alpha man to ever hold office in modern times and definitely the biggest pussy slayer we have ever had the exact opposite of a cuck

I lol'd

I'd rather die than not shit on everything using my first amendment

dubya was more alpha than trump

Because we come from ancestors who conquered the world and left for distant wild lands to strong arm them to our will. It's deeply ingrained in our cultures to respect strength and independence while being disgusted by weakness.

Canada is the embarrassing exception to this. Fucking leaves.

What's it like up there?

Free speech

ALL European men with balls died in ww2, all that remained were bitchfags, who had little bitchfag kids

>Destroy Europe's last stand against the Jew.

>Militarily occupy Germany since war, bases all over Europe.

>Put Jews in charge everywhere.

>Stamp out all nationalism.

>Mock countries for being controlled by Jews that you put in power.

You dindu nuffin, right?

>US #1 exporter of cuckery and jewry
>resistant to cuckery

Also Germans have a really hard time getting high energy. Unless it's at Soccer Games.

That being aside AfD is an one-issue Party and looses in the poll exactly because of that and their negative attitudes.

Too many loosers, too few winners. Mentality issues.

They Aussie who doesn't get shot at school



Pretty sad, it feels bad to watch you people vote against your self interests so easily.



Back to the cane fields, monkey.

unless he goes full white nationalist he's still somewhat of a cuck

yeah, the only reason i consider voting them is because of the immigration politics. i honestly dont even know what else they want to do. i am a leftie to be honest, so its natural i dont really dig the AfD completely. but i feel like they have the naziimage among the population which hurts them really bad, additionally the internal struggles and fighting going on making them seem even less reliable, and then there is also the stuff that they are only voted for the immigration policy.

No just raped and murdered also if you protect yourself and family you get thrown in jail so yeah your cucks


I'm a white Canadian, and I always ask myself that question as well. If we weren't so cucked Trudeau would not be Prime Minister. The man just oozes with cucky-ness. He's the son of Fidel Castro.

We've got a triggered kike here.




It's due to a lack of implemented socialism


Germany has endured half a century of propaganda. The Dutch are degenerate stoners. The French have been a lost cause since the Franco-Prussian war and the fall of Napoleon III.

churchill is weird. he is obviously a puppet for (((them))) and did what they told him. but then he goes out and drop those redpills. i feel like he knew what he did was wrong, didnt want to do it, but thought if he wont he will just get replaced and will have even less influence.
i mean he is also the guy who considered operation unthinkable, which was uniting allied forces with german ones during ww2 and fight russia together.

Anglo-Saxons have a thousand year history of belligerent defiance and independence justified by common law.

ITT Edgy American Teens that dropped out of High School.

So I have an interest in more of my rights give away more of my money taken away more opportunities taken away told I'm evil can't own my house or land do what I want with it forces to deal with violent shit skins not protect myself from them acknowledged I'm have things better because I'm white yet we are all equal they need special treatment

Yeah like I said what it like up there?

fight me fgt I'm at uni right now

He got into debt, got bailed out by a Jew, and the Jew called in the favor.

He sold out for shekels.


even worse they are younger than you think and cant even vote. Literal nazi youth but very much gayer.

We're cucked, the most cucked actually. We're so cucked we think giving the Jew, who employs us, the choice to fire us for no reason because EVIL UNIONS and make us lose our healthcare is a good. We go to the polls to lower the Jew's taxes and let them dump waste in our rivers and on our land. We go to the polls to tell the Jew, we're ready to give you everything.

>Raped and murdered? Don't know what you'r on but I can't remember something like that happening in years. Besides, I would rather a wanker who got fucked by criminals go to Jail then pick up a gun and start fucking up anyone who is a "Criminal".

Canada is cucked because so many Europeans immigrated here following world war 1 and 2

A friend gave me this graph to defeat the eternal Australian shitposter.

Why do we have higher testosterone then?

Because all the good white men left the comfort of mommy's countryside cottage in mainland Europe hundreds of years ago to go grab land and create a life in the new worlds while all the pussies stayed behind. That's why all European men today are pussified numales living with their parents or in apartments and never having children


of course. sometimes its so simple

Canadians wan to fight back but the propaganda machine that is CBC wont stop. We are roused and ready to fight back.

>inb4 majoring in gender studies.

That doesn't explain Sweden

Scandinavian countries were the most removed from the war and have almost no Jews at all yet they're by far the most cucked places on earth


>being a nigger
>talking shit about literally any remotely civilized race

Wew, boy

Its easy, Trump won not only because of the anti-inmigrant/ref ideology, he won because he was better than hillary on the economic plan (he will bring our jobs back!) Brexit was almost the same (millions of $ to the EU! Not anymore!)

I bow to you, you are obviously the superior shitposter oh m'lord. I am, and shall ever be, eternally 'cucked' by your superior 'faggotry'.

Seriously though, this a joke or some shit? Or do you measure your dick in bird and plane lengths instead of cm like everyone else in the world? Don't see how this is supposed to "defeat" me.

Swedes never had any balls to begin with.

ETERNAL ANGLO is invulnerable. Cucks and shitskins can shitpost all they like, that is all they can do.


How did you post all that text AND a file that large?!!!!

Good thing none of that shit would happen if you voted against Trump. Have fun living in fantasy land.

>Praising Anglos
>Posts Asian drawings

Back to my statement about high school drop outs.

Who are you quoting, Ahmed?

The difference is being vulnerable to propaganda.
You've been softened up by continuous exposure since roughly 1950, we however are less easily convinced of extremes like 'muh cuckoldry' and 'muh fascism'.
It's not uncommon to notice that 'woke' anglos tend to be amongst the most deluded and easily manipulable types in existence, with only very few realising just how many layers of lies they live in.

When the economy is in good shape, people just dont care about other problems, like inmigration or moslem problems. The same happens to totalitarian states (when the economy is good nobody cares who is in power)

Says a guy whose country is literally overrun by niggers and in which white people will be a minority by 2050. Good meme.

So you're to smart to not get raped by sand niggers?

The common law. This is the underlying belief that regardless of who is in power, the people have certain inalienable rights which can never be taken from them. This makes even the lowest members of society a part of that society, so it encourages an internal locus of control and a sense of responsibility for ones actions. This makes them work harder to help themselves, and appreciate that their actions affect other members of that society.
All who don't have the common law or haven't historically had it, are crushed into cuckery by believing that they are ruled by their magical betters, they eschew personal responsibility because they can blame their "rulers" for not making everything perfect for them, which makes them cowards who only need to do a quick turnaround and say "hey i wanted to, but the government didnt". This gives them an external locus of control, where they expect to be looked after by their betters, which internally devalues themselves and makes them feel pathetic and weak, the only defence they have for this is to try and brow beat everyone else into trying to be "nice people" so they can hide in the crowd and hopefully not be singled out as a nasty person. This means they run from any form of conflict unless it is a socially acceptable, herd mentality issue where they can hide in the greater numbers. This means they do not think for themselves, and are extremely susceptible to being manipulated by the state which can control what is deemed nice and what is deemed nasty through propaganda.
It's ALL about the common law. If you do not respect yourself and feel you have a voice in power, as the europeans have never done, then you will become a whiney little bitch that never stands up for anything unless you have a numerical superiority ie a coward.
The euros have always been ruled by "god emperors", in fact everyone in the world except the anglos and their sons have, thanks to the common law.

I am quoting on your poor education Tyrone.

>le USA whites are a minoritiy may may XD
good meme.

Your English skills are rather poor. Is that a requirement for getting into Europe?

Had connections back when the NBN was getting set up. Managed to get my road bumped up the priority list. Pretty sure I was one of the first people in WA to have internet comparable to an Ethiopians. Then the whole NBN shit got fucked by gobby the gob shite.

Are you seriously implying you're not having a demographic crisis? Lol.