One picture that destroys pol

>one picture that destroys pol

Other urls found in this thread:



Tehe XD

>when niggers self segregate

They're more likely to destroy a Denny's than they are to destroy Sup Forums

>there are 700 Sup Forums btfo threads at any given time
>500 BLACKED meme threads at any given time
>we cant have one /hwnds/ thread at anytime
>80 leaf shitpost threads at any given time
Is this board even moderated any more?

That picture is fake though


That fucking movie... there is no way in hell NASA employed that many niggers at the same time in the 60s.

I imagine the "mmhmmms" sound like a turkey gathering

> We wuz scientists an shieeeet the movie. Made by (((them))).

Wow spooky OP. Really made me think.



No, they did, it's just they glossed over the fact they were entirely gruntwork.

Back before decent computers some monkey had to move all those punchcards around.
It wasn't intellectual, it wasnt well paid, it wasnt skilled. But because it involved a computer and computers mean smart now, that means the negro was smart!

>asian women




That's a very nice work of fiction tho

/hwndu/ threads are fucking stupid tho

not even memeing they're garbage reddit tier

We're being raided by Antifa and Plebbit. They'll be gone by tomorrow, then back again later. The cycle continues.

any army of strong independent black women..... im ok with this

They may destroy Sup Forums, but diabeetus will ruin them and their families. Self-control is a mother fucker

>this triggers the CIA



>what is fiction


>it's another episode of Ivan getting butthurt because CCCP got irrevocably BTFO by proud black American women

> One picture that destroys pol
What, the gas chamber line?

If the people championing this movie saw the real people it's based on, they'd be demanding reparations from them.

Here is one picture that destroys Sup Forums


But who will lead them?


>blacks and women have to search in the trash can to get a """"relevant""" figure of their own
>blacks have to be helped to get into university while asians can do it by their own and even better than the whites

This is depressing, but they don't seem to even care.

get this darkie off my screen

Maybe Sup Forums. Lots of us have jobs and wives.


>moon landing gets confirmed fake
>niggers did it








makes me smile

That was pretty much me before I got redpilled.
A different job every year, different women in baseless futureless relationships, depressed, became an alcohol

Got redpilled 2 years back, now 30, halfway through on-the-job trade qualification working fulltime and running a prosperous online company.
Everything changed for me, no more alcohol, no more being arrested for drunk driving and having bouts of depression. My car and motorbike actually have up-to-date registration, warrant of fitness and insurance. I get up in the morning and instead of opening a beer and ordering pizza while I get slosh drunk and play games, I'm industrious. I make my bed, eat breakfast and do washing and work on my company.
I finished getting all my licences and now am making something of myself while I've been buying Deus Vult canvas paintings and SS clothing.

Being a leftie was killing me, places like pol redpilling me have saved my life

Oh how wrong you are user. How wrong you are.
>thinks Sup Forums is a bunch of uneducated single autists
>doesn't realize most of us are married men with lives
The single autist Sup Forums is a meme

RIP Harambe

>search in google the story
>the black protagonist woman is actually so mixed that she looks white
>no coal-like niggers anywhere

Really makes me think


>tfw one semester away from finishing college

already beat this meme

nice fake nigger picture

>most of us are married men with lives
I though most of us were autistic ten year olds?

>no more being arrested for drunk driving
never change Antipodeans

I'm proud of you user

made me think/10

Reminder that every single one of those movies can be summed up by watching this:

The slave owner, of course

Aw, poor little triggered polflake. Sup Forums is not going to be your safe space.


This is the single most optimistic thing I've ever read on here.

Gotta give you the creds my dude

Really makes you think.

denmark, where did you even get that photo m8? its clearly australian

this post literally got me into college at the end of 2014.



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well if you look at the filename it might give you a hint where i got it from



Sup Forums can never be a safe space, because things people disagree with get many moree replies than something they do agree with. Sup Forums is a hurt box not a safe space

These ladies worked at NASA! NASA!!! What have you weaklings limp wrist chubby DRUMPFS gigolos did while sucking your mom's teets in the basement in IDAHO???

Fucking NOTHING.
