He is EXACTLY as pathetic as we thought


Drumpf being a retard is no surprise to anyone

I think he's inadvertently bringing to light that you can wiretap people for no Fucking reason.

But you may be an Austitic troll so sage

>new york times article
But isn't that fake news humpty drumpty?

>he has had weeks to come up with an excuse for why it was 5d chess
>he's still not able to give a good explanation
yea he's an idiot

Wait so this means NYT is fake news?

64d chess strikes again.

no, it means he literally can't read

Trump is a low IQ baboon and a disgrace to the global far right movement.

Farage, Le Pen, Petry, Wilders, etc. all blow him out of the water in terms of intelligence and ability to articulate themselves.

after watching that tucker interview, i can't really defend him being smart or playing 4-d chess...we lasted almost 300 years lads, not bad but not great. i seriously don't think we're ever coming back from this. there is a good chance our next president will be kanye west or mark cuban. trannies are running rampant, gays are everywhere, niggers are chimping out, spics are pouring in, whites are running in circles, jews are oy vey'ing. it really does feel like we're in the beginning stages of a fall of rome type situation. oh well lads, lets just sit back and enjoy the happenings

Pat Buchanon, Ron Paul and Rand Paul were your only hope unfortunately. Your empire is finished.

>it really does feel like we're in the beginning stages
Nigger, this began a long time ago. We're much closer to the actual collapse than the beginning. Don't fret quite yet, the white man is waking up.

>ITT shills fleet themselves
prove me wrong

>the white man is waking up.
lamo retard still roleplaying on his anime forum

That's what he wants you to think.
You didn't realise he was playing 6D chess this whole time.



I worried about the 4D chess stuff when he decided to take on Obama care.

Let the fucker fail. He either fails or introduces yet another crappy system.

And I don't know how healthcare is #1 issue in this country. Seems like an issue only the unemployed and fatasses care about (i.e. Dems). He should have focused on taxes and illegal immigration first.

Oh some niggers attacking kids who aren't defending themselves. You forget all the white police men gunning down and tackling thousands of niggers every year in self defence.

Your fellow clapistanis will still call it "winning bigly" while they fellate him :^(

>1. Complain about fake news from the failing NYTimes
>2. Accuse Obama of wiretapping you
>3. Push for Trumpcare
>4. Popularity numbers fall by 5-10 points
>5. Leak tax returns to MSNBC
>6. Rebrand Trumpcare as Ryancare
>7. Lel I got the wiretapping story from the NYTimes
>8. ???
>9. Profit selling a stake of a house owned by the (((Kushners))) to the Chinese for 400million
Seems like 9D Chess

So that's how thet spin it ? Lol. Thankfully nobody outside braindead (or evil) morons trust cnn/nyt/wapo.

These next two weeks are gonna be pretty shitty for you, but bait while you still can, somewhat.

I totally agree with you. He's also way too much in favor of big business interests. I don't really think he's a genius playing 60D go, but I voted for him because he was the only choice.


Btw, what makes these people absolutely unable to understand what the dude is saying while we all get it, and is quite obvious ? Hate, malice, stupidity ? Maybe pre frontal contex development or some shit. Some of these people are quite smart but you'd swear their brains operate differently or something. I'm bumping leftypol/goon shit because this is an interesting discussion to have.

Where did the NYT get their information from then? Did they make it up?

>durrhurr stupid drumpf believing everything he sees on the news
>everybody knows its fake news can't believe what they tell you

Trump is effectively the biggest fraud in history.

Not really that rich.
Actually mentally retarded, not smart at all.
Didn't keep a single campaign promise. Why is Hillary free? Why is ISIS still around?
Takes credit for others' successes. Job market has been slowly gaining for quite a while, it's due to Obama-era gains. Trump is just catching the tail end of that.

I voted Trump because I wanted Hillary in jail, more jobs, no more feminism, and no more Mexicans stealing jobs. All that's happened is my ACA is going away (I wanted Obamacare gone, not ACA).

Your source should be the interview, ypu brainless moron. It's ptetty fucking obvious what he's saying.

I dont get you fucks.

Btw breitbart is way more credible right now than cnn/nyt/wapo. As is fox buisness most likely. Fox sucks and infowars is entertainment, like the young turks.

NYT article's headline clearly said he and his associates were being wiretapped in an ongoing investigation. So either they lied and they're fake news like he claims or it's true and they were wiretapping him, so which is it?

Reeeeee how can Trump btfo when the Liberals lost over 1000 legelstive seats, the Presidency and now the Supreme Court?

Now the only thing they have left is shitposting ;(

It's okay I was a BernieBot too but I took the redpill.




hows it feel for those sources being more credible than literally any leftwing media outlet?


5d chess you braindead fucking swede
thats what happens when you trust the failing NYT :^)

it's only a surprise to the low-education hicks and white trash that voted for him.


The New York Times is actually Fake News?

It even managed to misdirect the attention of the President Of The United States. That's DANGEROUS.

Time we shut it down for the safety of everyone.


That's probably good if he's looking at now-confirmed Fake News outlets like the Jew York Times.


Hillary lost to THAT?

Wow. Leftists must truly be sub-human morons.

He said in the interview he is working on something with this. He's placed all his pieces and is now waiting out the independent investigation.

>libtards now also calling NYT fake news


>Leftists still think mocking poor people will make them vote for their corporate interests

Interesting angle you have. I'm not seeing how it plays out.

Remember when Trump said that gravestone vandalism could be the Democrats. Everyone mocked him for it and then all of sudden it turned out a nignong was sending the threats and was both in Penny and Stl when the vandalism happened?

>reads "wiretapping" information from NYT
>uses this information to launch an investigation to see if it's true (and why wouldn't he)?
Two options come out of this
>A) NYT et al are actually telling the truth and political shitstorm ensues
>B) NYT et al are found, with strong evidence, that they are indeed printing and circulating fake news. This further destroys trust in the media and opens the doors for president trump to break up the MSM monopolies, finally putting them in their place.

>implying he isn't already playing 7D chess with all of you shills
Kek, you are legacies more delusional than anyone you could even talk about.

Ah yea, another Shareblue lefty...

>He's a billionaire...thats bigly monies...
>smarter than you...he's the President...
>keeping promises, implementing promises...Rome wasn't built in a day...
>Hussein never had a jobs report that was 100% better than estimates...
>Obamacare IS the ACA...

You didn't vote Trump ya fat fuck tranny cuck...now go get your tendies...

Oh 'Drumpf'!

You got him there! Good one!


Still salty huh

They're defending themselves as best they can.... Hard to defend when it's 20 on 3 or 4 and those 3 or 4 are stuck in a booth. This video just highlights the fact that niggers are animals. Hard to imagine a justification for that kind of behavior.

Good example of nigger mob mentality. They're not individuals, their world is just reaction.

Worse than that, the nog was making the bomb threats and the tombstones were knocked over by the FUCKING WEATHER, Trump literally made the seasons anti-semitic.


>got root?

Try Harder sweetie. Make those Soros nickels count

Right. It's funny how these hicks and rednecks were the same people who voted Barrack Obama into office twice. Or do you truly believe that he could've won in '08 by such a huge margin without the help of these so-called racists?

You're pretty naive there, homie.

Because shilling to the minorities is working out so well...

Who wants to be rich?

>Trump had nothing to do with the plant and STOLE the national debt. He didn't save as many jobs as he promised! I wished they'd all gone to Mexico!

You know state sponsored propaganda can only go so far, right sweetie?

Then the story kinda faded really fast... odd.

actually Obama won because of huge black turnout which helped a lot. Hicks and rednecks have hated blacks forever, because in many cases blacks have achieved more successful lives than them and they are jealous. They think because they are white they deserve special priviliges.


>ee says as he lives paycheck to paycheck working as Starbucks barista

Fuckin cuck shitskin, shut your fuckin' mouth.

I used to like NYT, but after this I'm not supporting them anymore.

Seriously though, we can't let them hit the newsstands

>that clickbait title
>direct link and nothing else
Shills are real

mfw the CiA and most of intel agencies in the US don't even think sharing informations with the new POTUS
A child is in the White House, and that child is irate, capricious and untenable
Countdown till impeachment?

One thing I've learned from Trump is you just gotta let the 4D chess play itself out.

>Huge Black Turnout
You mean the same one that Hillary g- Ohhhh that's right...


Countdown to French caliphate will be long done by the time that might happen.



> I really have no clue what Drump is doing but I refuse to say my vote was wasted on an idiot man_child


What will come first?
The French Caliphate or the British Caliphate?
I'd bet on the British Caliphate
BTW I'm totally in favor of a Caliphate
Europe will be Muslim

Your messiah


>kids who aren't defending themselves
I.E. Sup Forums actually goes outside. that was the entire point of the webbum retard

Just curious, Sup Forums: if evidence of Trump doing illegal shit ever came up, how illegal would that shit have to be for you to turn on him?

French much sooner.

British probably won't happen.

A much lower proportion of their immigrants are muslim and they are less antagonistic to Britain.

You realise a majority of white maales with college degrees voted for him right?

The Caliphate will be
You cannot stop the Caliphate

the same it will take for you lot to be sore losers.

* stop being

Kek, you're on a roll


Typical modern French surrender

You're a disgrace to Charles Martel

Didn't Obama learn about the Hillary emails from the new like everyone else.

As a person who didn't vote and is merely watching the president be the president, I honestly would like to know what would be considered doing 'a bad job' now that trump has the job.


fucking kill yourself

If that Sadiq Khan geezer does pursue national politics then we might end up a caliphate before France. I doubt he will though so we might end up being caliphates roundabout the same time.

Personally I don't want a caliphate anywhere yet the faggotry and liberalism of the western world needs to be purged. The only way this is going to happen is with sheer(Shia?) brute force as our western populace have become too lazy to do anything about it and they themselves think it's a great idea.
>a great idea until all the fags, trannies and ducks are all executed in various ways

What fucking Jew makes your faggot pictures.

I fucking hate my iFad

It depends. There's always the alternative to consider. Which in this case, was the Clinton Cabal.

Trump was the first candidate who wasn't bankrolled by the Jews. You faggots just don't get it.

your ID says it all

Except, of course, the New York Times didn't print any such article.

Brietbart, on the other hand ....

> he is EXACTLY as pathetic as we thought


As bad as I thought he would be during the campaign, he's turned out to be even more of a twitty babby than I ever imagined.

He redefines the word "disgrace." In part, because we lack a stronger word in the English language for this particular quality.

He said he had heard he'd been wire tapped. That's it. And that's exactly what he did hear. He made no accusation, he just repeated what someone else had said about him.

so this whole thing was a plan to expose the new york times as fake news?
holy shit, trump is a mastermind

He accused Obama you fucking retard.