So people hate blacks now, but isn't that hypocrisy considering what SJW do? The "White Privilege" concept? I'm black and I don't agree with it, but here comes the people to make derogotory comments on a race...
How you doing?
This is a whites only website
If blacks stopped being racist and moved back to Africa. I would hate them less.
Are you implying segregation?
Not all blacks are racist, man. Fundamentally the logic is based on ignorance. You may hate the blacks you seen do things you dislike and maybe the ones you met who treated you bad however thats not a great reason to hate an entire race.
Also those racist blacks can use the same logic and ask you to move back to Europe and check your "privilege".
I think color isn't the issue, but race tensions are high.
Attempting a serious discussion of race on Sup Forums
American niggers are the most whiny, entitled pieces of shit, I'd ever had the disgrace to meet.
You always complain, making retarded groups like BLM, crying out every dindu killed while committing a crime, intoxicating the pop culture, always for the divide culture, giving your kids sub-human names, etc.
Why can't you be like Euroniggers or Brazilian niggers?
There very insecure bro. For some reason the harbor a deep seated jealousy of us that makes them sick.
Agree, American Nigger are the worst
Go to save space now
Well this is contentious, but it's something I see more frequently. Many blacks are actually agreeing with issues and to see that trashed because ironically people resort to racism against racism.
Lol nigger
I actually don't do that at all. I actually tell people that blacks hurt blacks. I live in a neighborhood that literally is full of hispanics and blacks. I actually think life choices is why many blacks are suffering in America.
niggers have been nothing but weight on our shoulders since the beginning
you are dragging the entire planet down
please do something good for once and just kill yourself
I don't believe in safe spaces.
God Damn....that was harsh. Some blacks do good things. It's not the skin color.
Are you black guy or a nigger acting like civilized human being? If you care about other nigger then you should pack yourselves and go back to Africa before chinks buy it all
Sup Forums is just a retarted little proportion of human species .
Waiting for poo in the loo reply. -_-
How many times have you been called nu-black? What is your opinion on that concept?
Um...i'm not obligated to subject myself a worse environment just because people have the same skin color. I actually care about everyone, but I also care about myself as well.
Whats Nu-Black? Never got called that.
What I find odd is that people from other countries have so much commentary on black Americans. People they don't interact with on a regular basis if at all. They're understanding of black Americans comes from pol and mass media. Thinly veiled jealousy is the only explanation for that. I just wish I knew why?
You're actually woke then. Not ghetto meme but but she keep sucking lit so fire senpai ""woke"" but I'm saying you aren't ignorant as fuck. You are no nigger, my human brother. You my nigga
Google it and "new black" and you'll get an idea. It doesn't really have a prescribed definition yet as it's a recent term that's emerged from conversation. Basically it refers to a black person who thinks that race is irrelevant, and is typically used in a pejorative sense.
You confuse jealousy with disgust.
You know if you made money in the US you could buy yourself a giant property in Africa. Live like a kang.
greetings fellow caucasian
>Whites only website
I'm going to bed.
No you don't get it mass immigration means everyone now knows what blacks act like as blacks act the same everywhere. We even get specifically black americans travelling and causing trouble everywhere.
Your comment had my laughing. Thanks, man. Question what does "nigger" mean to some in here? Is it used seriously or is it used as a joke? Is it now a collaquism? Not all blacks do the stuff depicted in media. Many blacks actually disagree with things shown you'll be shocked by the number.
It's just in general more "protestors" are violent and shame you for not being apart of a collectivist mentality. I made a big topic about it where people praised it, but one person talked how "we're still oppressed and not represented by the law" even though it's contradicted by amendments and documents. Trying to say we're all still slaves even though we go to schools and can pursue a professional career.
>It's not the skin color
You're right, it's the brain size and affinity for diabetes and heart disease. Blacks (and spics) are the reason America's test scores are in freefall and the country can't afford single-payer healthcare.
"New Black" I find that ironic. I just think I'm a person with a darker complexion. I don't want to put a label on it or anything. No one in America talks about that. Usually we just say humanist or egalitarian.
i'm mixed with 1/4 african american and can trace it to the days of being a slave.
frankly, i fucking niggers/blacks after this election. all sjw are about killing white people and white men becuase white men dominated the world and are better. i learned all races are equal and shit but doubted it cause i always thought africans and south americans were savage subhumans just looking at their history and continent. anyway, i wasn't really racist until after this election. now i just want all the 3rd world subhuman to fuck off. especially all the blacks who blame whites for everything.
go back to fucking africa you dumb motherfucker. make africa great again instead of blaming whites for everything you dumb nigger trash. fuck. china went from third world country to new superpower in my lifetime while africa went from subhumans genociding whites and each other. oh you're a tutsi? i'm a hutu! let me murder you! blacks fucking don't do shit but leech and commit crime 99% of the time. africa is proof that blacks are inferior
LOL, why are you here? Sup Forums is a shithole, it's the other side of the coin. It's cancer. It's a safe space for cucks who get triggered by Gamergate. Morons who think Kek memetics are authentic occultism. Styx and Koetting Bullshit.
It's crazy.
I think Sup Forums sees the black race as doomed and as a threat to their way of life. The stereotype is that they are lazy and violent, they glorify thugs, violence, drugs and ignorance through rap music and this degeneracy is being pushed to the minds of young kids, black and whites. The black community doesn't do enough to criticize and condemn this culture, in the same way that "moderate Muslims" don't really stand up against the fundamentalist ideas in Islam.
Sure people give you a little bit of respect for standing up against SJW but the hate against black gangster culture and the fact that your own people don't do enough to counter it is much stronger.
Nope. Take mosquitos for example, I genuinely hate them, but because that hate is authentic and not rooted in jealousy, I do not talk about them or really even think about them unless they're in my presence or I'm planning a bbq or some shit. Now take my boss for example, I will take any irrelevant opportunity out of the blue to talk shit about him, because that "hatred" is rooted, at least in part, on jealousy, even if I loath to accept or admit it. Are you able to recognize the difference?
Where did I blame White People? Thats the irony i'm talking about. Don't judge me off skin color thats what being racial predjuice is.
Still doesn't justify the racism. I can't control what other people do. I think the best people can do here is react better instead of doing it ironically serious.
Well this board was actually created as a containment board. Even Sup Forums was getting sick of the level of autism, so Sup Forums came about in response. Assume that most use the word unironically racist, as literal racists and people on the spectrum for autism do indeed swarm here.
Personally, to me, it's a frame of behavior which any individual could assume to act within. Rioting and destroying random property, stealing things, and having the mindset that that stuff + violence is okay against peaceful people = you're a nigger. But thats just me. Obviously it's a super sensitive word and I don't say it around just anyone.
>react better
with violence? like you guys do? 82% of violent crime across race lines in America is black-on-white.
I'm Indian and even I can't stand niggers. stop naming your kids retarded shit. also stop having kids.
>le Sup Forums is one person meme
The issue stems from people saying facts are racist, blacks commit more crime even rich blacks commit more crime then poor whites.
>white privilege
See, you're not framing the topic properly. The problem is and always was niggers, what you're describing isn't the SJW's hatred of whites but actually the shift of the blame for black America's obvious failures onto whites. Right wing whites on the other hand hold blacks responsible for their actions.
Why should anyone like blacks and the black community? Every black section of every city has become a crime ridden ghetto, blacks rely heavily on welfare, those who don't rely often on affirmative action. The current contributions of the black community has been "entertainers" and athletes, both which are absolutely worthless to America.
the thing is you don't go into a hood at 11:00pm and not judge all the gangbangers cause maybe this gangbanger who looks like he's gonna rob you isn't what the book cover is.
the fact of matter is judging people IS good. people don't want you to judge cause that's politically incorrect and if you're making critical judgments based on reality then the whole liberal equality bullshit falls apart
blacks exist as a slave/tool for liberals to bash people over the head with calling everybody racist while blacks get gibs from the government and blame whity for everything wrong in their life.
Not what I meant. Also never did what you accuse me.
This. All blacks are niggers until they are proved to be people
>black America
You know who loves black America? Bill Clinton.
>So people hate blacks now,
people don't hate blacks. We hate being replaced in our own countires.
If European countries were still colonizing Africa you know damn well that blacks would be pissed off. Same principle applies to Europeans
I know it's not what you meant but I'm telling you why it's right to hate niggers
>So people hate blacks now, but isn't that hypocrisy
You assume thats what I think. You mistake instincts for good judgement.
Yeah there is maybe a problem and that doesn't say you should ignore it or anything, but racism? No...thats ignorant fundamentally.
If someone asks a question "What is 2+2?" and I answer "4" while you answer "78", it is not hypocritical of me to call you fucking retarded, regardless of the fact that we both gave an answer.
An African migrant is more different from a black American as a Turk is to a Nordic. That's not to say blacks from America aren't criminally inclined, but the point is most non Americans on this site are speaking from second and third hand accounts, so essentially have no idea what they're talking about, on a subject that affects them in no way. If you don't like Africans than just say that, but African=/=American PoC.
these studies are racist.
black women are still hot.
hell, Europeans stopped colonizing Africa and the blacks STILL blame you guys for everything their new Chinese overlords are doing
30,000,000 Chinese men with no chance of getting women in China because of sex-selective abortions during 1 child policy, all going to Africa to take black wives and African resources. Africans are the only ones who get cucked by Chinese.
i have no problem with the black race just the refusal to take responsibility and all the finger pointing a lot of them do, without any sort of ideas to actually make things better
That literally is a forced argument ignoring context and details.
You literally don't know me, but judge off my skin.
It's easy to be racist. Not because it makes you smart, but because enough feel that it makes you smart enough. Kek. What a joke. Judge situations and behavior, not ""race"".
Sure but what else can they do? Also, there is a difference between hating a culture someone chooses to embrace and hating an entire race regardless of culture. You won't change the minds of everyone but you can change the minds of the majority. That change has to come from within though and it's not happening today. Every movement today is making excuses and blaming other people, which only fuels the hate. The means are there in first world countries, you can climb up from lower class to middle or even higher in just one generation. You just need the will and the environment (family) to do it. It's all in your hands, do something about it and leave that gangster shit behind you.
If you act more like a human and less like a chimpanzee, you're okay regardless of race.
I agree with you. People are fucking insane these days. My best friend growing up was black. Now he's full blm and we don't talk anymore. I just feel like I know he hates me.
To be honest he prolly says the same thing.
Fuck off coon
I am not against all blacks, just the blacks who live in the West but blame all their problems on the West and/or white people.
What is your point here? Also what sources are those statisics backed by? Do you know how they were calculated? Do you know where it's based from?
Please don't drop stats you aren't aware about.
I don't know why you drop it because it's irrelevant.
this is wrong. blacks are way more violent and criminal than whites. you'd rather live in a white neighbor than a black one and the proof is that blacks don't all move back to africa. blacks are 12% of the population but commit 52% of the crime. maybe it has something to do with black """""""""culture""""""""" being about selling drugs, being a gangster, and getting money for air jordans and bling? you know asian culture is about hard work and studying and they're not committing all sorts of crimes like blacks.
racism is just fine. if you don't like that shit then fuck off to africa. blacks commit way more crimes and are more likely to be violent so that's how people react. you need to prove yourself not be given free respect or any other PC bullshit.
>You mistake instincts for good judgement
you're just using circular logic and saying gibberish. the amount of intelligent blacks who are worthwhile is tiny compared to the amount who are worthless criminals who you should avoid.
guess what? if people don't want to be around blacks then that's their own business. racism isn't bad since all races aren't equal and don't produce equal quality.