Stab your friend to death 23 times

>stab your friend to death 23 times
>go to jail for 21 years
>move to france and marry autistic fan girl
>have 6 kids
>teach them norwegian so you don't have to learn french
>go on government benefits because your albums can't provide for such a large family
>live in a giant off-the-grid trailer without running water (they shit in an outhouse)
>roleplay as a viking in the woods for the rest of your life
how is he anything other than a white nigger?

Other urls found in this thread:

It was confirmed that Euronymous wanted to cuck him in the woods, stabbing him to death was the appropriate response.

there is literally no proof of that

>Sup Forums suddenly becomes completely against murder in varg threads

>kill the jews
>anglo genocide when?
>string em up!
>varg this one time at this one place did this one thing, that is wrong!

Sup Forums is retarded... Didn't you see all the threads supporting Wilders? The guy is a fucking zionist shill of the highest order.

A white nigger would be living on welfare unable to support a family by living off the grid. Nice bait, though.

¨You have to vote for the ones that have a chance to stop it though, even though you don't agree with everything.

Had Wilders gotten into power then eventually people would be splitting from his party because he is too cucked or too extreme and this is how you get some decent political parties.

It is already happening in Sweden, the cucked leadership in the Sweden Democrats kicked out the entire youth wing of the party and now they're creating their own party. Wilders was the right choice, but the dutch were even too cucked for him

>have 6 kids
See he's already done his bit with this alone. Yes anons can get all the fancy stem jobs you want but at the end of the day you're on here complaining about how Muslims are overtaking your populations till extinction. I don't agree with his shitty religious views or his nigger understanding of history but as far as traditional continuity is concerned this guy and the Amish know what's up

The worst that the left can do is open the borders for some niggers (creating outrage and right wing extremism in the process), Wilders on the other hand will close the borders but sell his country to zionist overlords to do as they please

>stab your friend to death 23 times
deserved it
>go to jail for 21 years
politically motivated harsh sentence, literally a political prisoner
>move to france and marry autistic fan girl
who wouldn't
>have 6 kids
literally the savior of the white race
>teach them norwegian so you don't have to learn french
they know both French and Norwegian
>go on government benefits because your albums can't provide for such a large family
perfectly in line with his political idealogy
>live in a giant off-the-grid trailer without running water (they shit in an outhouse)
living off the land and as cheap as possible is now a bad thing? lel also he does not live in a trailer
>roleplay as a viking in the woods for the rest of your life
tfw no outdoors father to play with along with your other siblings every day, never getting stuck behind a computer but instead using your imagination and exploring the french countryside

Sup Forumsacks think of themselves as rebels, and geniuses, who are organizing massive protests and revolutions, but the truth is Sup Forums has always been and will always be a comedy/
Sup Forums consists of:
1. physically weak men who are geographically distant
2. more than half the people here are obese, and acne-ridden
3. more than half of the people are jobless, and have a lot of free-time

no matter how much we discuss, hatred against jews and negroes nothing will ever come out of these discussions--these are basically office cooler conversations, rather than Les Miserables revolution meetings--

-after realizing this, i come on Sup Forums like once in 6 months, coz its such a collosal waste of time

its basically equivalent to having racially charged office cooler conversations for hours on end, with absolutely no effect to the real world,

This. I still cringe when someone here says 'we memed Trump into office'.

Is there a persistent trend in Norwegian culture that produced guys like Varg and Brevik, or are they just lone actors?

Literally the only Norwegian culture I know if is Knut Hamsun so pls give me the gestalt.

You are both shitskins and not human.

damn he killed his friend 23 times? sav af 2bh

>says the amerinigger with irish heritage

That reminds about what Churchill said about Pagans.

Who are you quoting, sheman?

>we memed trump into office

Sup Forums monthly traffic: hardly 1 mil (and not all are USanons)

US population: 300 mil

with this data in hand saying Sup Forums has any power always makes me laugh

>go on government benefits because your albums can't provide for such a large family
Whats wrong with that? Better he has these shekels than some mudslime apes. Even though he's a Dugin-tier schizo.

he kept coming back to life with his pegan ring of resurrection +23.

People will be at my throat, but it's fairly obvious that r/The_Donald was the one who significantly impacted the election results. Sup Forums's influence is barely noticeable.


Poo in loo my friend
Then you can be a superpower by 2060

Why hasn't Sup Forums found the location of his stead yet and raided it with a fleet of drones?

Try 69 million pages views a month. 2 million per day

Even though I'm brown, I love his vids


>be a dumbass
>naturally have dumbass friends
>They crack under pressure by intense words

Oh well, a commie killer deserves mo programs fo dem keeds


It explains all the mysongic posts. Explains alot when you realize most people on pol are sexually frustrated and have social issues - also explains the whole 'hiding your powerlevel' shit, folks here can't help but sperg out.

>how is he anything other than a white nigger?
he knows how to farm, OP

It's wellknown where he lives.

I just think you overestimate the influence your boys over at /leftypol/ have

The guy he killed was a commie who was telling people he planned to capture Varg and torture him to death.

hoy, i dont fit in any of these

and i dont agree with your assortments.
because it is about Counter-Culture.
And u will hardly find higher concentration of people that are aware of their surroundings and whats going on in them, then u find on Sup Forums

Socially "rejected" in most cases actualy means that u are critical of society.

I actualy agree with rejection of Wilders, just because i have strict policy of never trusting a Jew. Unless he earns it by his action and critique of his own.

Sup Forums Is riding on a way of anti-globalism that is at the forefront of today's western world. that is no small thing.

why are you calling me /leftypol/?

you're statistically more likely to be a resident than me, given your flag and all...

can't be assed with more banter though sorry

>mysongic posts

had to download a 2nd laughing pepe

All of that sounds like a pretty comfy life to me desu.

That is how we like it

yea apparently that is the word now on Sup Forums

Hoy mr. into the oven with you

>hoy, i dont fit in any of these

fair enough, considering that i have never heard of your country in my life

Y'all mofos don't know how popular we are.

How does our population vanish just because Muzzies breed? Why is it important how many of a people are on this world? Answer these questions and you will know what's really going on.


> t. living the dream
> Master Race Edition

he killed his friend 23 times? whoa.

arent u educated one, oh boy, i bow to your genius

You really got me with that, yea
No one ever heard of Bosnia

Fuck... this hits hard. Especially when I realize 99% of my waking time is spent on this board.

I must do something else. But I don't know what.

>Especially when I realize 99% of my waking time is spent on this board.

get the fuck off, right now. Literally laying in bed and doing nothing is better for you. I sometimes lay in bed doing nothing for a couple hours.

How did he stab him to death 23 times? Did he die every time?

White people don't have the adaptations to survive as a minority like Jews do. Coupled with that we are actively being deracinated and encouraged to mix.
If we were to re-brand Jewish adaptations and say this is what we should do: we would be called evil, lose our jobs, maybe in some circumstances go to jail.
Meanwhile one of Sup Forums's shittiest memes "how can x even compete" actually rings true, to a point.
They've engineered a situation where our women are shit-tier compared to average towelheads, azns etc.
This is actually way more of an issue than white women fucking outside their race.

I have this gif about Bosnia, no idea where it's from

wow the POO IL LOO memes really made you salty pajeet

Go read all of Plato's works then come back a more enlighted man

I already had my suicide ideation bed pondering time today tbhfamakam

Neither do i to be honest.
I dont buy the culture that is being selled here, its probably from some music video.

Don't you get sick of that and start laying in bed thinking of nothing but silly thoughts?

Do I get em on books, or read them as .pdfs?

The latter tends to annoy me senpai

This is what you get

If you can't beat them, join them.

>>stab your friend to death 23 times
never was his friend, and varg had a reasonable suspicion that euronymous was going to kill him
>>go to jail for 21 years
... so?
>>move to france and marry autistic fan girl
she's cute
>>have 6 kids
nothing wrong with that
>>teach them norwegian so you don't have to learn french
wrong, he speaks french
>>go on government benefits because your albums can't provide for such a large family
he's not on welfare, stop parroting this shitty meme
in france you pay less taxes if you have more kids, which is a completely different thing
>>live in a giant off-the-grid trailer without running water (they shit in an outhouse)
... so?
>>roleplay as a viking in the woods for the rest of your life
it's fun

How do you read all that and not agree that he is incredibly cool? I wish I could be as awesome as Varg,

Europe is taking migrants primarily because of it's sub replacement birth rate, so is Japan in fact. If you allow such a decline you end up with a huge aging population that puts further pressure on the state, for instance in Japan soon diaper sales for the old will overtake baby diapers. If your FR is below 2.1 you will indeed 'vanish' eventually, that's a fact. The only logical solution to the idiots in government is allowing third worlds with high birth rates

Whats with the cognitive dissonance? Is the white race strongest or is it not? Shouldn't they be able to just uncuck themselves? Fucking rofl Sup Forums is a crazy place.


Technically most of us know Jews are wicked smaht which explains how they are able to fuck us over. Hitler sperging out and the Eternal Anglo made things harder

> Not neet
> Read pol

Pick one.

It only "puts pressure on the state" because of welfare and pensions. And by the way, how fucking farcical is it that fucking PENSIONS were the downfall of Western civilization? Anyway, the premise of taking in migrants is fundamentally flawed. People like Merkel have gotten high on their own stash and unironically believe that Syrians will become fungible production units in the German economy once they reach German soil. In reality they are just more dead weight.

I am pretty pro-murder, senpai and I consider that Kristian did over reactive, but right thing for stabbing that cunt to death. However I can't take him seriously for roleplaying in a fucking forest and paganism.

>stab your friend to death 23 times
they were not friends
>go to jail for 21 years
>teach them norwegian so you don't have to learn french
he learned french
>go on government benefits because your albums can't provide for such a large family
where did you get that? he said they don't make enough income so they don't pay taxes.
>live in a giant off-the-grid trailer without running water (they shit in an outhouse)
poop is good for the soil
>roleplay as a viking in the woods for the rest of your life
well, yeah

Sadly that's the best we can get over here, monkey. Now crawl back in the jungle, ape.

>poop is good for the soil
Yeah, horse poop you fucking banker doctor lawyer kike.

lol faggot. strengthen your mind you frail fool.

>Sup Forums is one person
Love this meme

Boohoo he killed a leftist faggot, who planned to kill him.

You know how a thief is good for catching thieves?

Well someone who plans murders wouldn't open the door at 3:00 am to a rival.

Norwegian Gen Z will root out cultural marxism. We're working tirelessly to educate and redpill our fellow brethren and sisters with good results so far. The liberal agenda will burn, our children will not be the slaves of the EU nor the mudslimes.


holy fuck you're retarded

>Well someone who plans murders wouldn't open the door at 3:00 am to a rival.

Drug abusing, psychotic, far-leftist murder planners are known for being rational individials, aren't they?

White nigger is our nigger.
You can't have a society of white collars and respectable. You need people like him

As Aaron Clarey says, Enjoy the Decline

>it was self defense
>he showed up to his house, broke in, and murdered him

>guy opens the door
>broke in

>he showed up to his house, broke in, and murdered him

Why are you lying?

>cuck him in the woods

Torture and stuff. Who knows maybe sexual shit too. Who knows, leftists are degenerate subhumans.


his "friend" planned to kidnap him, bring him into the woods and murder him in a snuff film

literally nigger tier countries. time to stop posting

He planned to kidnap him and make a snuff film in the woods

Why can't you Jews just let people live their lives?

>go to jail for 21 years
>serve punishment for crime but act as though he's still needs more punishment

What is your desire to continue to reprimand this person? Do you have a grudge? Are you inclined to see people unfairly punished?

he's my role model, i want to do all those things. except for maybe murder and jail.

>play around with swords & armor with your pure bred autistic son
>read norse folk stories to him and teach him to hate the government
>smash your hot autistic 3d wife every night.

Comfy as fuck

Unless the person is a known recidivist, this.

Varg speaks French lardass


so he stabbed someone else then?

>american education

been reading since you were 16 there bud?

>dodging my question
>thinking I know or care about a bearded Swedish guy who killed someone

Why are you so defensive? Do you not know either? It's ok if you don't know

It's what have made our societies the best societies that is also bringing upon our destruction. Trust, kindness, hospitality, collective thought etc.

Traits that sub-human people and inferior cultures pray upon.