The White Christian Male must dominate

Racial heirarchy is ordained by God. The job of the White Christian Male is to dominate, subduing the other races and bringing them to Christ. The best thing for Africa was colonization by the White man. In these lands we decided to give up God in exchange for equality, in-turn destroying Rhodesia and soon Zuid Afrika. American slavery was a blessing for the blacks who were brought over the Atlantic: they got Saved.

Africa is now being colonized by the atheist chink hordes and the blacks are regretting that decision bigly.

>White woman

>The best thing for Africa was colonization by the White man

Yes, but its not whats best for the white man. Just look at how France is swarmed by algerians and the UK by pooinloos.

I would a Turk

>Christian Male
Yeah if you love globalism, internationalism, no distinction between jew and gentile, the meek inheriting the world, the kingdom of god not being on earth, and giving the other cheek.
Muscular Christianity was a proxy for paganism. Just like Alexander the Great spread hellenism, the European man needs a strong religion. Christianity, at its core, is a slave religion.

>Christianity, at its core, is a slave religion.

I'm not interested in how cucks interpret Christianity. Show me how Christianity is a slave religion.

a "turk"

read: crypto-greek


I want a white wife too
What do ?

what a qt

The look towards the afterlife, the jews look at life here on earth. That is why they create for themselves structures here on earth, and that's why modern christians care not for the state of the earth, their people. Paul stated "We are made equal in Christ Jesus", Christ leads a cult of paranoid fanatics, "You will be persecuted for my cause", "You must give up your family and follow me", "Remember if the world hates you, they hated me first". It teaches you to not be worldly, so why care for worldly things like race?
You can't, racial hierarchy exists in the old testament (jews) not in the New (christians). Guess who always has the upper hand?


I want to fuck a roach

No one implied otherwise

Only in the end times will christian be persecuted severely. I'm trying to prevent that.

And I'm saying Christianity is not the whole truth.
Paganism would build a better world. Rooted in evident truths, philosophy, deontics, etc

Sure-sure, go get some arcane knowledge.

You got an erection writing that bullshit, I'm 100% sure.


Is this lingerie in the OP pic?

>linking statements made by a jew with no archaeological evidence to norse pagan texts supporting homosexuality
>making the logical fallacy that one example describes all of them
come on, you can do better

>dominate, subduing the other races and bringing them to Christ.
"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean; and I will receive you." (2 Corinthians 6:17)

"I have come only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matthew 15:24)

i am fucking disgusted

> cherry picking liberal pagans
> argument