Why is Pedophilia seen as a bad thing?

Can anyone please explain why is it bad? no trolls please.

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Why don't you explain to us why its "good"

given the shit thats considered "normal" today i dont know
this is what happens when the slippery slope becomes real

It doesn't mean that it is not bad that it means it would be good.


Are you asking why sex with prepubescent children is bad?


it's normal right? I like 13 year old girls btw.

>Can't bump your own threads.
>Take your Plebbit fantasies back to Plebbit.

im 15 btw



Thats not pedophilia, thats Hebephilia

How about you explain why you think it isn't bad.

old hags are afraid that they can't compete with a cute loli. (they literally can't compete)

Enjoy your ban

Its ethically wrong. Because children arent fully developed.
But from biological stand point Ephebophilia is OK.
In fact when girl starts to bleed she is ready to have children.
But you know, murder isnt biologically wrong as well.


Pedophilia itself is not "wrong" or "bad" like wanting to kill someone isn't "wrong" or "bad" but actually doing it it is. Actually raping children is wrong.

Fundamentally there is no "wrong"

kill yourself you fucking piece of shit

They don't know enough about the world to make decisions about anything, and adults know more by experience alone. Hence an inherently manipulative relationship. If you don't get this in your head, the new fash regime will kill you on the spot.

Why do rightwingers believe that pedophilia is going to be the next leftist social movement, when rightwingers are the only ones pushing for its acceptance?