>South London
>South London
Based "Asians"
"Asian" mostly means paki or poo in loo in the UK tho
Based Achmeds
Based chinese
God, that child is so ugly. Women are fucking retarded. Enjoy being a single mother for fucking up the human race.
on her fb profile there arent any pics of the father LOL nigger ran away
Britain is a slave of mudslim pajeets, their mudslim masters also wish Brits to hate Jews.
nah, "asian" in london/europe means paki or mudslime. actual asians aren't usually that violent
wtf i love muslims now
It's "burn the coal, pay the toll" and "farm the rice, pay the price"
Why do you think British women are such mudsharks? God's punishment for what they did to the Irish? Post-colonial guilt? Chemicals in the water?
This is what happens when men stop being men. Bestiality freak children. I almost can't believe how hideous it is compared to like...an ugly white baby.
>God's punishment for what they did to the Irish
lol no, Irish aren't white so they deserved to die
Asian over here includes indian/Pakistani/middle easterner
Fuck the chinese too tho
They say asian so its not "islamophobia" fucking brit police dont even arrest muslim child sex ring leaders but call them asians instead. What the fuck. Brings dishonour to us.
Like its fine to hate on chinks that work for almost no pay to give you guys cheap shit but its not ok to offend the guys that want to sell your children into sex slavery and behead you. Really britain.
You had one job OP.
Its toll you dumb nigger.
Asians seem woke as fuck lately
>uk girls are so bad that even pakis are becoming white nationalists now
wtf I love kebab now
no, its a "price" of driving with Uber
Why does she have black facial features?
I wonder if the people promoting unchecked immigration understand that most of he people they bring in are racist towards each other.
Good eyes. I'm guessing she's octaroon myself.
Too little swelling for such a big bruise.
The only one man enough to lay her out in the UK was a Paki. Oh the ironing.
Looks Polish to me.
or CZ? Anastaszia?
Shes what in Australia we call a "mong"
Women should be allowed to make mistakes just like men...
When are they going to do something right?
that must be the only good """"""asian"""""""" driver there
How come taxi'ing attracts the biggest scumbags?
jesus christ, her kid looks nothing like her.
Fun fact: women can't really detect beauty, nature removed their ability to detect beauty which is why women need to rely on 'fashion trends' to discern it.
If women could detect beauty they would abandon their ugly children, so nature had a good reason to remove that judgement from them.
Which is also what makes them act like a hive-mind, because instinctively they know they can't rely on their own judgement so they have to defer to the next authority.
Why are the chinks in the UK always so violent?
They are, they just know how to behave in their host countries most of the time.
But yeah this "Asian" was a sandnigger.
Wow, she got an asian to punch her? Paki or poo in the loo? That or she is the most epically bitchy bitch in the world to get an asian to clock her. Like screaming she's going to call the police and say the cabbie raped her if she has to pay kinda crazy. (Looks a baby) yeah, probably craziest bitch in the world.
>White people and black people can never breed
Holy shit this board has been drinking their own kool-aid for far too long.
((((Mistakes)))) like repeatedly getting knocked up by niggers??
t. Rothschild
T.Mong child.
How's it feel to look nothing like your mom and have no idea what your dad looks like?
>They say asian so its not "islamophobia"
No we dont you fucking tool. We've always referred to anyone from india onwards as asian
I'm pretty sure they ment the normal "asian"
aka chinks, gooks etc.
Ahmeds and poos will never make fun of a child of mixed race because they know its existence weakens the genes of the white man/woman and it will allow them to conquer the country more easily
Did they just imply that there are different human races?
If people really want to get under the skin of a coal burner, ask if the child is adopted and remark on how the child looks nothing like them.
Punching them and insulting the dad just makes them get more defensive about it, but you have to link a woman's penchant for her own vanity with the child's own ugliness, though don't say that the child is ugly, just says that she doesn't look like she owns it, and that question will burrow under her defenses.
she's now going to have a lot of (((useful idiots))) supporting her habit now. Coal-burners need to be shamed with undetected slights before society can shame them outright for the time being, and undetected slights are more devastating in the long run.
>These non-existent assumptions
But let me guess, you
1. Have social anxiety
2. Have never had a girlfriend or significant relationship with a member of the opposite sex you weren't related to
3. Have zero prospects for the future
But hey, at least you look like your mother huehue. Shittiest board on Sup Forums
women detect "beauty" just fine, it's just not the be-all end-all for them as it is with men.
that's what you guys call Muslims right? Like an elevator is a lift, an apartment is a flat, and child rape is a cultural misunderstanding.
Russians are part of Asia too you fucking retard. Just admit what a bunch of fucking disingenuous morons you are
He's right you know.
Praise allah. Soon the kafir will know his wrath.
Another fake virtue signalling cunt looking for her 15 minutes.
Was probably knocked out by her nigger/slime boyfriend and blamed some poor cab driver because he asked her how it happened.
it's only 'racist' because the victim is white and the perpetrator non-white
You devious dog, i like it.
Why didn't the father of her child protect her?
Pay the toll*
I support the chemical idea
>nigger throws acid to face of a person
>country is shocked
Pic from her facebook.
pay the price. ahahahaah man i fucking love you OP
and where was the father to protect the wife and son?
thats right, they havent seen him in over a year
Don't lie, after you posted this you sat back, felt proud, thought you made a funny post.
But it's not.
Feel good? Feel like a big man?
It's a shame really because the mother is pretty good looking.
I mean beside the slutty clothes and fake eyebrows.
Yakuza strikes again
>God's punishment for what they did to the Irish
>God's punishment for what they did to the Middle East
>God's punishmeny for what they did to the Chinese
>God's punishment for what they did to the Nazis
>English women
That's mainly an American thing mate, considering interracial relationships are at an all time high over in USA.
She's minging.
Just trash, really.
>non-existent assumptions
All an assumption needs in order to exist is to be made, which is precisely what the Burgerbro you're failing to btfo did.
Sad state of affairs when a fucking colonial has to explain to you how your own language works. Your nigger genes have made you irredeemably stupid and your shit country is completely fucked, thanks in no small part to mutt cunts like you.
My first thought is that it was fake too. Not just that there's only one light bruise in a conveniently stereotypical "black eye" place without any other damage to her face or eye despite being hit "multiple times", but the whole story in general too perfectly fits a mediajew-endorsed "race-cucking is good and you should feel empathy for coalburners" narrative
What the fuck is this shit?
GTA San Andreas: The Early Years
black baby... kek
>Why do you think British women are such mudsharks?
They're immitating American women.
>he thinks we're disingenuous and not just lazy
we do it because its fucking easier than trying to figure out if they're indian/paki/bangladeshi/sri lankan etc
I spent a few years in England for school as a young man, spent a lot of time in a lot of pubs, and she looks like a stereotypical lower class slag to me. British white trash phenotype through and through.
Oldfags remember Emma
>While horrific attacks against women in Italy occur on a regular basis, surveys suggest that the country is no worse than many others in Europe for domestic violence
>Horrific attacks
>regular basis
Violence against women is just par for the course for spaghetti niggers
russia has more muslims than britain
>believing the hype
Not only that, but their country is 20% muslim.
Pyotr truly is a brainwashed, bull prepping cuckold.
the good Asians know the dangers of mixing
Funny thing is no one is dating black women, not even black men will fuck them. So when these coalburners make half black daughters, they grow up knowing they'll never be as desirable as their moms when not even their nigger dad dated black women. Kind of sad.
If by "chemicals" you mean "jews" then yes
Go prep your bull you low test dicklet.
The kind of people over here that race mix are so low on the totem pole that they'll actually be polluting the black gene pool.
>Coal-burners need to be shamed
I remember an ex girlfriend explaining to her younger sister how she shouldn't date a black guy because no other good white guy would ever want her again.
This was maybe 15 years ago...
Society has made it hip to fuck niggers and almost a social wrong if you don't. We need to be shaming these girls so they don't make this mistake. Women are cattle and follow trends, if its hip to fuck niggers they will, if not, they will be openly against it.