>A Turkish minister has claimed "holy wars will soon begin" in Europe, in spite of the defeat of far-right leader Geert Wilders in the Netherlands elections.

>Mevlut Cavusoglu, Turkey’s foreign minister, did not welcome the victory for Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s centre-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD).



>holy wars will soon begin
We can hope, i want to kill all those muslims, kikes, orthodox and protestants on the street

The sooner these idiots forget that they are still the minority and shooter their stinking load early the better.

>Despite him losing



>>holy wars will soon begin
>We can hope
A shitload of European civilians will die man and seeing how weak and left your governments are, how slow do you think they will be deploying the military?

I honestly think that the west will spring back very hard if something like this happens

I seriously think that Erdogan's just trying to find an enemy to unite the people around and therefore make populist gains with. The Netherlands just happened to be a mediocre scapegoat after they blocked Erdogan from campaigning. Of course, anyone with half a brain knows that the Netherlands was perfectly right, but then again most roaches are 89iq.

It seems as if King Turk was seriously counting on a Geert win, and he's doing some serious damage control now.

Now that I think about it, in retrospect, he may have tried the same tactic with Israel after the Mavi Marmara incident, and it worked out pretty well. But then again, Israel is a much better scapegoat for a bunch of mudslimes than a couple Tulip farmers are.

>people are finally realising that Turks are warmongering scum


Indeed, and this is exactly what we need to give the power back to religious leaders.

We dont need european nations with governments, we only need christianity

>Turkey Jihads, gets rekt and pro ataturk Turks take over
Yes please.

>we only need christianity

That's your call and good luck with it. Regarding these race wars, get them started soon. I don't want this to crop up in the middle of us driving our commies into the sea.

>Implying anyone never knew this

The only reason people ever put up with the Turks was because you could store a nuclear arsenal in the Middle East there with only a small chance of it going DURKA DURKA JIHAD on you. People are just beginning to remember that Turks are mudslimes now, that's all.

The fuck is that image?


>percent of turks in europe in the year 2020:

>percent of muslims in europe in the year 2020:

>percent of butthurt in the middle east:

We all wish, but I doubt it.

Hope you're ready to kiss some nigger feet after that

>Everyone forgot what happen in Cyprus

you and your kind will be the first to die shlomo.

Chill man it's not a ffa

The first butthurt muzzie appears

Take back your half of the Island Cyprus, drive the roaches into the sea and let them swim back to Turkey.

get lost you drunk mongol, I am white and catholic, if you cannot see that the jews are sending whites at war to definitely kill all of us once and for all there's nothing left for you. I am all in for eradicating muslims but jews will come first.

that means bye Turkish invaders
hello free Europe

>I am white and catholic
That's what all """"""french"""""" say on the internet tho so fuck off Ahmed

Pic related. AKP government gives more opportunities to current EU governments to stand up for their countries, there for painting them in a more nationalistic light and taking votes away from real nationalists.

dan't rspond to that Russian shill, they are allied with Turks, they are using them to destroy Europe

>another algerian

Coal and gas price is skyrocketing, buy now before it's too late

Pre-heat the ovens

my little finger tells me that north africans hate Turks more than they hate Jews
When the Turkish uprising will beggin they will face hell, from all sides
Stop supporting Russia, shill


We actually NEED a crusade is what i think noone likes those raping middle easterns anyway

Let the Turks ruin themselves first. We can't do shit when they have an army stationed here.

The Turks not only occupied Cyprus, but they brought migrants with them from Turkey and called them Cypriots. They even tried doing something similar in Syria as well. They never stopped being expansionists and they'll try the same in Europe.

>in spite of the defeat of far-right leader Geert Wilders
Should be "because of the defeat of far-right leader Geert Wilders"

And we know you fucking kikes orchestrated the entire fucking thing.

I support Crusade, on the condition that secular Ashkenazim are allowed to survive.

This country needs more European Christianity.

>secular Ashkenazim are allowed to survive.
Then we'll need another crusade later when they bring back all the shitskins you damn kike.

Yes. Read Albert Pikes letter on the world wars. The third one will be centered around the Middle East. He was right about the first two and it's looking like he will be right about the third

>tfw angry cockroaches all over facebook
>literal teenagers calling them cockroaches and telling them to fuck off back to turkey
>Gen Z laughing at them for being sdd blasted


They will beg Geert to save them, but the people had their chance.
EU is done.



Why are moslem countries such babies? Recently here in Australia, Indonesia cut of all military cooperation because some special forces guy had a free papua poster on his wall.

Think about that, one poster from one random guy made Indonesia cut off all ties.

Now Turkey is mad because the bacon loving, weed smoking, prostitute banging Dutch didn't want them meddling with their elections.

Babies throwing a tantrum.

Kikes are at it again.

He meant holy wars BETWEEN Europeans, due the close election results.

Not Muslims vs Christians, though that is a higher probability due to immigrants IMO.

we might we well give them a reason to throw a tantrum and kill them all

why would we fight a holy war between each other?
i wouldn't mind getting rid of fedoras though

>A shitload of European civilians will die man

all the crap ones. the non-cuck europeans will survive. we will boil off the weak from our race.

This could be one of the greatest Trojan horses of all times folks

>he doesn't know about Yugoslavia

You have a "rich" history of such wars so he is just shitting on you to distract the populace, as always.

well, we're not killing each other over catholicism and protestantism anymore

They'll be kicked to Judea

Gratias tibi ago, sed non. Sine muslimanis, sine iudaeis, sed omnes Christiani familia nostra sunt.

(Sine goes with ablative, not accusative you uneducated shithead)

This is great to show to the leftist cuckolds who think that they will be honored because they cucked.

The Roach-envoy said that the social democrats are just as bad as the supposedly fascist PVV.

Fuck Leftists

>>percent of turks in europe in the year 2020:
>>percent of muslims in europe in the year 2020:
>>percent of muslims in the middle east:

You are no better than those mudslimes.