What is so wrong about communism?

I don't see why people dislike the idea of sharing wealth, and work.
Why should the strong not help the poor?
Why not help each other to better living standards?

Communism is the after-effect of marxist socialism. It means that everything seized by the government in the socialist phrase, will be handed out to the people who work. It means that if you work, you can earn back what the government has stolen from you. the problem is that the marxist socialist government is full of jewish individuals, who not only seize the people's goods, but will keep them for their own. and there will never be anything like communism, because the mighty Juden will never give anything to the lower class, instead they will torture them to work more, so they can get more goods afer they finished working. but when they finish their work, they are already dead, so it doesn't matter, since the Juden have what it wanted.

Is this a joke?

You expect the utopian system to work in our society, nope, it won't happen. You see, corruption is part of our human mentality, see the communism in USSR and you'll see by it failed. Stalin was living like a pharaoh there and people were living in same conditions. In communism you don't have such freedom to succeed as in Libero-capitalistic system you live in right now.

To redistribute the wealth you have to create nearly omnipotent government
They redistribute all the wealth to themselves and send you to GULAG

thats it.

Communism in its basic beauty is beautiful. The problem is that it is really easy for corruption to live healthy within communism..

B, but Russians abandoned true commie

Communism is very good at killing communists. The only problem is that it doesn't kill all the communists.

Why should anyone help the poor, who decided that from now on, I am going to be responsible for the bad luck and bad choices of others?

Not my problem. But if I see someone who is in immediate danger, like in a car crash, would I get my fire extinguisher and put out any flames? Yeah. Would I call 911? Of course. Would I give up my first aid to help if he is bleeding or not? Sure thing, not a big deal. In fact I would say that it's okay to make it a requirement to aid those in immediate distress. Being attacked or robbed, in a car crash. You should be held accountable if you don't at least call 911.

But if you can't pay for you broken femur, you are not going to put your debt to the hospitals in my name.

In any spices if the hungry aren't able to find food, they die off to lessen the load on the rest. If the resources are too little for all of us. Then there are to choices, forced labor (anti-freedom) or the individuals that can't get what they need die off.

If we go full capitalist the majority of Indians and Chinese will die off. Over population is solved.

>it's impossible to plan everything
socialism works better, because you don't take over production, you only increase rights and promise help and a certain standard of living

Because it is not viable under the current technological implications and shit quality of people populating the planet?

Killing more than a hundred millikn people in the twentieth century springs to mind

as does the most cynical and cruel oppresion of citizens ever invented

communism, like Christianity, is the product of Jewish lies and fairy tales

Well go on comrade, we're listening!

It's not a market economy.

It's an enormous tilt at windmills using a laughably inefficient system of "regulations" in a vain, and presumptuous attempt to impose blocky, one size fits all (or else) man-made inefficiencies on an already beautiful and elegant system known as the free market economy.


>mfw the vodkanigger that posted this thinks Jamal and Cletus would work together ever

Because when you take money from ppl that work hard and give it to the poor, they'll stop working hard and everyone ends up poor.

Don't worry his legacy was picked up by the Israel-First neocons

muh 6 million gualag

There is no identity politics in true communism, which is why Sup Forums and Tumblr hate it.

Well said, Pastry bacon farmer
From each according to ability. To each according to need.

They did in Russia.
We had white russians fighting commies alongside Siberian natives, and eastern asians broing out with islamic churkas and commie whites on the red side

So yes, when its class war the race and culture doesnt matter

I wish the Parasites of Saud and all the twatty salafist scum would fucking die out, I'll tell you that.


Fascists are in denial about how similar they are to communists, National Socialism encompasses a Marxist post-industrialism critique of capitalism

>Why should the strong not help the poor?

Because we don't need the weak. They need us.

>There is no identity politics in true communism, which is why Sup Forums and Tumblr hate it.
There are class identity politics
>Hobos, farmers and blue collar are opressed
>White collars, intellectuals, and office cubicle dwellers are privileged opressors

Communism makes the average person into a super poor slave with now way to advance their fortune unless they become a corrupt lackey of the oppressors.

For example in Cuba you need to be connected to the government and uphold corruption to get money.
The average person can never own their own property, so there is no incentive to improve it. All improvements belong to the government.

>stealing money by force

What is so wrong with rape? Why don't women like sharing?

Alpha Flight bro needs to believe less propaganda. Cuba is a nice place for everyone who isn't trying to overturn the revolution and is brilliantly humanitarian. Even in the face of the unjustifiable Yankee blockade, they've done marvellously. A more capitalist society under the same strain would have collapsed years ago, senpai.

Why should anyone work, if he'll get everything for free?
Why should the strong help the poor?
Why should the poor strive to be better?

Once you understand "there's no reason" in communism, you'll understand why the ideology is so fucking shit.

>Why should anyone work, if he'll get everything for free?
Because of a lack of self-serving degeneracy.
>Why should the strong help the poor?
Because of a lack of self-serving degeneracy.
>Why should the poor strive to be better?
Because of a lack of self-serving degeneracy.

I'm not going to be enslaved purely because it's humanitarian to be a slave. Fuck off.

Cuba is so nice that people brave shark infested waters on boats made of plastic bottles to escape communism.

Self-serving degenerates who thing a Gaggia espresso machine will enrich their lives. Good riddance.

Not enslavement. A noble desire to help the less fortunate. To the gulag with you and good riddance.

There is no nobility in anything that is done by enslaving others, EVER.

Good on paper, bad in practice.
Among other things, corruption is inevitable. When your top politicians are being paid the same as the factory workers, they can't afford all the nice and shiny stuff that they want. So they make it so money begins to go missing, and it magically ends up in their pockets.

I need trendies give me tendies


fuck off, you disingenuous cunt

It's not realistic. Altruism doesn't work.

Why not help each other ? Why communism is ok on paper because the human part is never considered ?
>moral and ethical differences

or just

>People that want the right to the fruits of their own work.



Because scumbag communists like you seemed to think helping the poor means importing the most disgusting, criminal, terroristic, people on earth

this is why we can't have nice things

people in western countries that push communism are weak willed, faggot virgin neets who get a hard on for the idea of shared resources because they can never achieve anything on their own including landing a date with a woman. prove me wrong faggot. if you believed anything you claim to you would give your computer to someone in the community who is without, instead you live off your parents while denigrating the very system that has allowed them to finance your faggotry all these years.

Degeneracy. Work should be done for the sake of society as a whole.

>Get born. Lucky enough to be clever, strong and come from good family. Spit on those less fortunate than myself. Think I'm a good guy.

Because fuck you and fuck your bills, faggot.

I agree, muh dude

Islam is cancer and Al Saud are tyrants who are anti capitalism.

Mfw when reading this realise I have my own business that rewards everyone fairly - from the cleaning lady to myself - and works in the community to help those less fortunate. KYS plz

There is virtually no fortune in work. The people who are rich end up rich by saving money, reading books, etc.

Bollocks. The rich in our society are luckier, nothing more. There are millions who work tirelessly in absolutely necessary jobs that will never be rich.

Das rite! Gibs me welfare!

>Workers should own the means of production!
>"Well you could just like, get together with other people, and start your own business, and work at it, and then you would own the means of production..."
>No I mean like, other people should create the means of production, and then we steal it :)

Communism is a hateful ideology. Bunch of bigots.

Because they don't want to put in the effort of educating themselves or being in a different job or being more efficient at that job or etc. You don't see me working 70 hours a week aiming to become the CEO of Barclays.

How convenient you have this stunning background as a rebuttle. Really makes one think.

You have to have complete, unwavering trust in the government. You're giving them everything and expecting to get a fair share. But of course, do you think the lazy Mexican or negro will pitch in like you do? Or will they just be a burden on the state like they are now, except the only difference is that you'll live their lifestyle but work 100% harder.

I work hard so i can succeed. If you want to take that away from me, I'll fight over it. Plenty of non commie countries who want my skill set.

>There can be only one

>mfw I'm ok but not great a school but ok. Work hard and get decent results that please my poor family. Work to train as an auxiliary nurse. After many years working as an auxiliary and paying exorbitant rent to a leech landlord, gain enough experience to qualify as a registered nurse. After hard working, blameless life, I'm still trapped in poverty.

It's all true, Chad.

Communism in its final form is the only way to achieve a (almost) completly free society.
Teach the people how to get along with eachother and you dont need laws.

Its highly utopian tho, for now at least.

>mfw I realise the means of production is based on lots of people's hard work, not just the robber baron who came up with the cash (also gained through exploitation) in the first place.

It's also globalist so you guys are well on your way to making your dystopia a reality.

Thinking that germany is anything close to communism is borderline retarded.
Capitalism (+our banking / interest system) is not a perfect system. You need regulations & redistribution otherwise the it will creash every few decades. On a national scale germany does that pretty well compared to most other countries.

>be robber baron at table with 50 poorfag employees. Have a gazillion cakes. Give 45 employees 2 cakes each and 1cake each to the other 5.
>"look out, chad, those even poorer fags are after your cakes."

Fuck off Destiny

Lefty-pol shills are at it again. Why don't you go in a ditch and die, you nu-male faggots. You make Arabs (or muslims in general) look almost human.

Do it again, based Robin of Locksley.

Not an argument, Adolf. Plz kys

Because it always ends up with few working and lazy assses living off of them. Communism is antinatural, fullstop.

Why would i spend 3 years in my dads basement creating a game and then have half the money i make from it taken away and given to the people. Thats not fair.

Only because your corruption levels are low desu. Compared to most Western countries I mean.

Nonsense, Manuel. It's most natural.

>Be hunter gatherer. Kill mammoth while out with my bros. Share it with tribe.

Economic control and central planning reduces productivity and median income. This has several knock-on effects such as lowering life expectancy, reducing environmental stability and crippling the ability for economic growth to rise in tandem with population growth (and vice-versa) leading to shortages, poverty and dependence.

Sharing is when you willingly give to others.
Stealing is when you take others wealth and give it to the others.

communism requires post-scarcity to work, socialism however can be implemented in the shorter term

nonsense, the USSR was transformed from a backwater medieval feudal state into a world superpower in under half a decade, the only country that had a higher level of economic growth in that period was Japan, and Japan was also basically a command economy at the time

>Use programming tools, postal service, roads, schools, internet infrastructure provided by society
Why should I give anything back? It's not fair! Whaaaaaa!

Based Shinji

Finally- someone who understands

Robin Hood took back from the INSTITUTIONS (Church and Oppressive Nobility) the "Taxes" that has been unfairly waged on the people to return it to them.

He wasn't a socialist. He was a believer in benevolent monarchy and fair taxation.


They're shit out of luck then. Who cares. I help people of my own volition, and when I want to. I don't want some government jew to tell me that.

Read your own comments, fag. You sound like an angry kid who was just taught the world is unfair.

You're right. Communism and socialism do wonders in the first 2 decades of their reign, because they have stolen all the money from the upper class and most of the middle class. When that money runs out, everything goes to shit.

you are wrong and your chart is shit

The world is unfair and advancement happens through altruism. Like when the bongs and burger bros decided to put your shit for brains nation back on its feet instead of selling you all into slavery for your heinous crimes.

Krautbros are the worst when they don't realise this. Shit tier cognition.

Sup Forums is opposed to the alienating and displacing tendencies of global capitalism, but earnestly believes that the solution is muh wall. You're afraid of mass immigration and a declining white population? Well, if you had actually read any leftwing shit, it's all more or less predicted, whether its the pragmatist Richard Rorty or the Marxist Walter Benjamin.

.. kom bare lige forbi for at sige hej kammerat, godt arbejde, proletariatets sejr vil komme!

Based Pastry bacon farmer

Not german. I hail from a country that actually experienced communism, and my family suffered from it, only for the crime of being middle class citizens. It did not matter that they were generous as fuck (my greatgrandfather's last words were literally "give money to the poor"), they still got persecuted by filthy commies.

Altruism is good, when it is done for people who share you value system, or at least a large part of it. But altruism towards, say, arabs or blacks is stupidity. They do not share the same value system. To them, politeness, respect, friendliness are synonyms for cuckery and submission. Help them, and they will consider you weak and suck you dry.

I'm a big supporter of private property. I want to have a space that I can order as I see fit, and I want to be able to be in charge of the means to do so. Why should I want the government to take my stuff away from me?

>Pastry bacon
that could actually work, you know. Good idea for export to America.

because it doesn't work in reality

everything is wrong with communism, including your question.
did you skipped history class or something?

It's only bad in its totalitarian form.

Excellent retort. Might I remind you that my chart is based on raw data gathered from all countries for which records exist (so naturally the workers' paradises of Cuba, North Korea and the Former USSR are not included) and is thus not subject to your opinions.

The numbers are on my side even for your point - every other country that has introduced wealth redistribution has either stagnated, collapsed, like the USSR, or liberalized and improved in the metrics which I mentioned (of which raw GDP was not one) to the degree in which liberalization occurred. China, Sweden, the entire former Soviet Bloc, Chile, East Germany, Denmark, Canada, Ireland, South Korea etc. the list goes on.

It's only possible in its totalitarian form. Price controls necessitate totalitarianism.

Stalin actually lived modestly despite having a lot of power. People who worked for him or knew him said that he worked long hours and didn't use much of his house in Kuntsevo.

Half of this board consists of lazy NEETs idiot.

In communism you actually would have to work hard for little pay. If you simply stayed in your room fapping to Japanese cartoons like you usually do, the local miners would simply come to your house and drag you out of bed, after they punched you in the face.

NEETs would profit the least from communism. You parasites are basically Lv1 capitalists.

Alright, so maybe not EXTREME communism.
Just raise taxes a lot, and use that money for better, and more services for citizens

>source: World Bank guardians of the globalist capitalist project

Move along. Nothing to see here. My report is fair and balanced.

This. Western cucks will never understand what it's like to live in a dictatorship or even worse under communism.

Why do people say communism is beautiful? Have you not read the theories?

If it's absolutely horrible in practice, it's also absolutely horrible in theory.