What does Sup Forums think of Croatia?
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literally who?
I went there in the summer, had a wonderful time. The sea was incredible.
most beautiful country
The (political) Sweden of SE Europe.
t. Croat from Herzegovina
Should be Serbian/10
the ûstase were pretty cool though, not gonna lie.
Chessboard Serb EU loving faggots
They call bread the wrong word just to prove they are different lmao
I know only few about Croatia.
Worth traveling?
Fucked by all, loved by none... Hated by many.
Pic for you ćifut.
Brotherly people, but we haven't had much interaction.
Border with Bulgaria when?
"Bela lepotica"
Or also know as the white beauty how Ljubljana (capital) residents like to call their wonderful mosque...
I think there's 99% chance this is a D&C thread
Just wait till someone stirs up shit
Still doing better with only 1 mosque, compared to 3 mosques in croatia.
When we conquer and civilize both of you savage tribes.
They are former Nazi collaboratos so Sup Forums probably loves them
Bros, but many time backstabbers, even we helped them against serb subhumans...nowadays their ultras call us gypos on football matches...
> wat think
Is that a something or whatever?
Explain, OP.
Started by ustase.... Your started literally by the muslim brotherhood in the midst of the rapefugee ordeal...
Mountain Jew.
There is a difference between Croatians and Croatian football mongoloids
Was there 2 years ago, you guys seem pretty chill.
What the Hell are you on about?
>football hooligans
Polish clay
where did you find 1931 census results?
>civilize Croatia
Serb media
>realty TV shows features ugly bimbos and thugs
>90s diesel revival and nigger tier gang worshiping
>women sluttish and ugly as fuck (no offense but is so)
>dull literature, arts and architecture
based, true kebab removers, rightful owners of bosnia
fuck serbs
Tnx Huebro
>criticizing anyone
Bit of a meme country tbqh.
Dođi, vi ćete biti direktor
Ivane jesi to ti sine.
best country in balkans. Not that any country in the balkans is good. It's like a polished turd. Shiny, but still a turd.
>>women sluttish and ugly as fuck (no offense but is so)
Hello memeland. Is the meme factory still in recession?
I want new Spurdos
i think u should come home and stop sucking western benis. that's what i think.
Not enough traps.
heh but they own u (us) trough banks, so yea to that.
awesome country. Had a friend who was half-croatian, guy was a beast and a bit crazy, but really alright guy.
definitely the best balkan country. wish you guys could have kept your ww2 borders. you derserve it.
sucks balls I have a vacation job in july, friends go hiking in Croatia for two weeks. wish I could be there.
>tfw nikad neces jebati Sandru Afriku
d-drži me prekodrinski brate
But FBiH and RS do way more benis sucking than any other European country except Kosovo and Albania I guess
Croatia would be developed like Slovenia if not for politicans who literaly only work for themself and their political dogs
Actualy they did nothing for Nazi cause, other than kill bunch of Gypsies and Serbs.
Even nazies were disgusted by them.
Based SS death camp guards
"owners" of Bosnia. U are delusional.
Shouting "gypsys" is usually directed to the referee.
They were awarded many medals especialy in Stalingrad and had active regiments even until 1950s
Croat men are hot especially if they are waterpolo players no homo
Pavelić did nothing wrong.
bosnia has literally no business being an independent nation
No we dont, we are stucked in perpetual disorder which actualy works for us, because we cant be controlled, and cant be directed in any direction. We are western protectorate that does not work. God bless.
And i meant u should stop hating fucking Serb brothers and go back to ur roots, to a Ljudevit Gaj roots.
What the fuck do you know. Bosnia was there long before Croatia was even mentioned anywhere. Go educate ur self, I aint gonna do it for ya
visited a few years ago. great coast (went to zadar, split, dubrovnik). people seem quite cool too, nationalistic and proud. hope your economy will pick up soon!
Any Croat that raised a hand against Serb raised a hand against Croatian soul. Remember that.
Yes you do, FBiH slobers over Erdogan's cock and Dodik carries around a putin shaped butt plug up his ass all day.
commie shithole!
Bosnia is a meme country, it should have been divided between Serbia and Croatia.
If you go to a touristy destination such as the party islands, the locals are pure scum. Gib me moni for dis parking, gib me moni i park you boat shitty for you, gib me moni for etc..
gypies all of them
But u dont understand, nothing is moving in any direction here. It literally has no meaning behind anyone's shilling for anyone else.
Look at it this way, entire Bosnia is some 10 billion Euros in foreign dept. Because we can not satisfy foreign requirements.
Croatia is now at what 150 billions ?
its an good side of an shity situation.
Fucking bro tier. Croatia is my favorite country in Europe by FAR. za dom spremi or however you spell it
Hmm if we just remove ww2 , and 90's from the picture pretty bro tire
You know the politicians are actually a reflection of the people?
What is "De Administrando Imperio"?
Game of thrones, nothing to see there. Shit country
I agree its a shit country and im not trying to defend it in any way.
But i like how you're from Sweden and think you have a right to say anything other than "ايم الحصول على استغل من قبلالمهاجرين."
Originally I was """"redpilled"""" that Serbs were the best of the Balkans and that they did nothing wrong in the Yugoslav wars. For a while I listened to Serbian patriotic war songs and yelled KOSOVO JE SRBIJA at Youtube comments like a sperg even though I have no business with that shit being from Minnesota.
Then I met a Croatian woman at a Denny's and she redpilled me for real about the kike-like treachery of Serbs and how they act like jews reminding Croats of the 6 million killed at Jasenovac. And how Croats are basically the most based in the Balkans and better than Serbs in every way
Thanks based Croat woman for showing me the path
Go back to Edensor Park Marko.
>implying you weren't just thirsty as fuck to fuck a Slav girl and were willing to believe whatever she said
You're pathetic.
You're literally woman-tier, in the sense that just after one time having sex you change your opinion.
"we're at the good side of shitty things"
Lmao at 40% employment and one of the most corrupted governments in Europe?
I understand how you must feel living in such a complete hopeless meme of a country that you're doing mental gymnastics just to stay sane. When it comes to a country's debt what matters is that the country has money and growth enough to pay them off each year.
In the last few years our debt % and deficit has been shrinking so we're actually doing ok. Better than you, certainly (but even Albania is doing better than you now)
lol since when is "gettin some wet pussy" a red pill. top KeK mate
The fuck were you doing falling for Serb propaganda anyway, dont get me wrong I am Serb. But listening to stupid music an fanboying is idiotic.
Serbs did a lot for Europe by suffering for it, that is why we are fucked culturally.
You don't get it mate.
They could literaly fix our medical care in few years (meaning to drasticaly reduce the appointment waiting time, modernise the hospitals) but they don't want to beacuse the results would show in few years when this certain party would maybe not be in rule, there are also many more tweaks that our politicans ARE aware of but they aren't moving a finger about it (as a member of the medical community I'm literaly angry how retarded they made our healthcare and our working conditions)
Also after the war our autismo politicans started massively privateising government property for their own gain.
They didn't even save our farming industry which could literaly feed whole Europe.
Like we have this one party that almost always wins because they hold the media same as leftists in other countries. So if you want to call that a reflection of the people you could also say that for every other country that has problems like these but that's not true.
literally BRO tier
Nah dude she was like a 50 year old waitress with kids, there's a reason I said Croat woman and not girl
And Croatia has Growth? Cmon Ivan, listen to that young fella, in ur parliament, (forgot his name u know which one), he is million times more patriotic Croat than those Nazi loving false patriotic shills.
serbia stronk
You're just revolving two major political parties every 4 years, they could reap the rewards after 4 years because every party does a shit job anyway.
AhoY! Gib back the sea!
Other than that, mah.. a mixed bag of dicks, love Dalmacija, hate purgeri.
remov kebab
Pernar is a complete buffon. We need a 3rd option that isn't HDZ or SDP but Pernar is a literal autismo retard. You don't live in Zagreb you don't know how he was in high school he was bullied all the time for being an autismo.
We are out of recession officially mostly because the EU as a whole has been performing ok macroeconomically in the last 2 years.
Croats are the only civilised slavic people in that region. Bosnians are turkcroach cucks and serbs literally act like niggers.
moramo ukloniti kebab, drugovi
We became to liberal in the past 10 years or so, and Ivan Pernar is a fucking clown desu
And we should attack somebody in the near future or we'lleat ourselves alive.(if we still have army)
Oh yes and we should delegitimize abortion.
Would this kind of thing happend in a first world country?
not a real country
Literally as savage as Serbia. Ex-Yu bar Macedonia and Slovenia is completely shit tier, mountain dwelling savages acting in accordance to tribal differences traced back thousands of years.
>bark bark bark
Easy there, Ratko
Catholics are heretics
>I s-swear Croatians are white
>we wuz honorary aryans and shieeet
Hey there Frenchy, how was your daily terrorist attack this morning? "1st world" smdh...
It is the sweden of SE Europe. The people are not so cucked but the media is spreading cuck propaganda to "enlighten" the people.
I had a close friend who was a croat, he's cool, fairly based. Terrible hiegene
I only liberal elements in society aka young people and Zagreb citizens. The rest are vermin, commies or idiots. I believe in EU, not much hope for Croatia.