2/3d of the Green-Left voters are female

>2/3d of the Green-Left voters are female
>When asked, they responsed that they voted for this man because he is "empathetic, charismatic and reminds them of Trudeau".

Universal voting rights were a mistake

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Do you have by any chance an english source on that? Also: take that bump.




How does a Indonesian-Moroccan dude who's been head of the green party for just two years takes the capital of your nation out of nowhere ?

Because Amsterdam is where all our jews and faggots are.

I can't find a direct indication that females voted for his party because he looks like the canadian prime minister but thank you anyway.

how about we study the election memes and perception warfare conducted by the left

amsterdam is a degenerate shithole

He has a very young demographic. He is loved by young white women, nu-males and shitskins alike.

There isnt a single person on this planet who voted for a green party that can make a coherent sentence regarding politics(no matter what country they are from).
Anyone who did vote for a green party should've their voting rights taken away.

the real capital is The Hague


Essentially this comes closest to it. But I base it mostly on dutch news and personal accounts.

Seems like he's just as good with the ladies too

The dutch political system favours multiple party coalitions which makes dominance of a single party almost impossible.

There proved you wrong


Klaver is much cooler

women are a joke

>2/3d of the PVV voters are male
>When asked, they responsed that they voted for this man because he "Called Muhammad a pedophile and they thought it was funny"

Universal voting rights were a mistake

Women can't into politics.
Le Pen is an exception that proves the rule.

>Called Muhammad a pedophile and they thought it was funny

Except it's also true you turk diaspora filth

Females should never be allowed to vote or be represented in politics.

>Looking at you Germany

t. woman

jesse 'vmbo' klaver
jesse 'indo-moroccan' klaver

Except that Mohammad was a pedophile and his teachings are abhorrent. So that's a valid reason to vote for somebody. Much more valid than "he's a hunk".

jesse 'kanker kut klaver'

I never heard anyone saying that they voted for a party because "they thought it was funny". Though I heard several women saying they voted for a candidate because he's charismatic.

The right wing needs to win the female side. It needs to focus more on enviromental issues. These two things are easy to correct and can attract a lot of people to the right wing side. In Sup Forums every time a femanon comes they are basically annoyed.

Identity politics is a real thing and the right wing parties are not paying attention to it. This is the reason they keep losing much more times than left winged parties.

It wasn't a mistake. Globalists wanted

>bans or strict regulation on anything workers actually enjoyed (tobacco, alcohol and affordable prostitutes)
>bans on gun ownership, in case of armed revolt
>no meaningful restrictions on shitskin immigration

The sisterhood wanted all the same things, and got them.

Yup. Amsterdam niggers btfo

Also anything below hollands spoor needs to be glassed

Canada is the root of the West's political cancer.


They are already getting the post-election haircuts.

Nope. Illiterates should still not be allowed into the parliament

I agree. It isn't as much as to take away voting rights from women as to shift the focus away from a purely male centered view to something women are more engaged in then our own survival....like animal rights for example...or the environment.