Can weaponized autism conquer the filth that is the NSA and CIA?
How do we destroy these vile institutions?
Their using algorithms to smother topic that expose them atm. One of the best suggestions iv heard on how to deal with this is to use titles that wont show on their radar. So for example if your making a youtube video on how they run the child abduction networks - call it ''x person wins the Oscar'[' or whatever is trending among the normies
Also. Shareblue has an army of shills using spam posts to push threads like this down 24/7. Lurkers need to post moar
Expose them for their pedo operations and thel implode. Its the key to taking down the deep state, this is why their making a play for total censorship of the net atm (they even have this place well covered). The gameplan needs to be expose the pedo ops and turn the lower law enforcement agencies against them. If civil war ensues then so be it, they wont win
Also#, we need to go IRL. They have too much control online.
We can create and format standard info leaflets and posters that expose them. Push for everyone to print and flypost this in their local areas. Set up facebook groups, add the entire redpilled community - push them to start printing leaflets and posters on a mass scale.
so Sup Forums turned leftier than /leftypol/
since when is outing a gov agency that provides liberal celebrities with kids for sex parties left wing ?
cia has gone full degenerate
It's not left, it's not right, it just is.
Death to them. Hammer to skull.
We are taking our nation back.
You need to destroy McCain and Graham first, all traitors in the GOP and their jewish handlers.
>Can weaponized autism conquer the filth that is the NSA and CIA?
>implying they won't hire all the autists and pay them in tendies since it's cheaper than shit like Prism
''The CIA are coming for your children''
Entrench the image of the CIA as connected to paedophilia in the public mind. Educate people about their role in child trafficking. This is the only way to force society into a confrontation with the deep state. The various agencies dont want such a conflict to happen because they value unprincipled peace. Theyd rather have social stability while an entire caste of child rapists feed off the blood of our nations children
We need to set the conditions for war. This caste need to wiped out.
Well it's not like the CIA is protecting that toddler fucking/torturing Jon Podestsa, right? I mean... RIGHT?! HE'S IN JAIL RIGHT?!
No, actually the cia / nsa goons are protecting him and he has a cushy job at the Wall Street Journal, while harming American citizens in their own twisted jovial fashion.
Remember, paedophilia is their Achilles heel, its the only thing with the power to unite and mobilize the people against them. If the association between them and pedophila can be made strong enough in the public mind it will create an absolute firestorm. Law enforcement will be under so much pressure it will just move in and wipe out the upper echolons. The military will stand guard. Remember tho, the ability of your gov to do anything depends on PUBLIC PRESSURE
you need to create the pressure tho. So keep posting about pedogate ect. Print posters. Make leaflets, organise facebook groups ect, Instruct everyone you know online and offline to print, share and poster the material
Stop buying their cocaine?
the trade is going to be there no matter who you take down wouldnt you rather have it under CIA control then someone else?
the worst part of these filtering/predictive algorithms is that companies like facebook and google use them in conjunction with quantum computers to predict your behavior and give you more of things you talk about/interact with. The effect is that we become one-dimensional people in the new social sphere. Incapable of evolution
How do we keep ourselves from being contained then?
we need more well made memes, posters and info leaflets aswel. like gamergate, not just stuff for lulz or injokes but stuff designed to appeal to broader layers and get them to act
we should do Pepe ww2 type posters. ''Did you know that the CIA xyz'' - ''we need YOU to xyz''
Even nuking USA won't help
Both are pretty decentralized and have their ways to keep budget
If NSA are at least as smart as I am they are already almost invincible
Ofc it's the russian who brings up nuking america
^^ Thats one method that will help. We need to branch out and push posters/info leaflets among our IRL contacts and facebook groups tho. Direct them back into the facebook groups then rinse and repeat. Build an army, constant recruitment and co-optation into the process
youd be surprised how many people (particularly woman with kids) will put massive energy and time into this once their redpilled re the gov pedophila
I was thinking more like dragging them out into the street and crushing their skulls in with a hammer. :^)
NSA is alright so long as they keep data private and actually focus on real threats.
Fuck the CIA though. They should be demolished.
fucking useful idiot
Your body swinging from a lamp post soon enough, friend. :^)
Great idea user, defeat the CIA like we defeated Clinton. With memes.
Only without a large, central government providing authority over us all is it possible to get rid of the CIA.
Haha, no, no. That time has past! It's time for hammers and axes to bone.
If you see a CIA or NSA employee kill them right there and then, they are traitors to our nation. I will act the same way.
society needs to know their child rapists first. their entire gameplan hinges on containing the info online. so we need to go around them
Don't speak of them like this, their task is very important to keep the US safe. Every country should want organizations like these to have eyes on the enemy.
Only with a knife to their gut at the super market are they allowed to continue, meaning, not.
Hammer to skull.
We all know, and they will not do justice, so we must. I agree. Hammer to skull.
Can we get some kind of hammer to skull graphic? I'm sick of these assholes reigning terror down on humanity.
We should aim to be undetectable and untraceable, rather than hoping the CIA will go away thanks to a generous government.
It's impossible the nsa/cia (same bag of shit) has a net on the whole world's communications.
All we can do is, if your next door neighbor works for the CIA or NSA, go into your garage, grab the pick axe, and do the world a favor. These scum have had their playtime long enough!
>be undetectable and untraceable
Then we have to fight or we have to die. I am ready. I have a hatchet next to me. Are you ready? I am ready to die for my country to overthrow the evil that is the NSA and CIA. We must kill them.
Ya know, GLRjr, can defeat the CIA. Ya know, I really like to be paid to walk backwards, just like in the CIA.
delicious delicates on youtube.
let me know what you think on this 4 chan message board. we need a message board, so post on 4 chan for now. someone put a message board on my website.
this guy looks like GLR air?
Actually, yes. I'd rather some boring publicly traded megacorp had the business. They'd pay taxes for roads and infrastructure.
The money wouldn't go to faggotry like MKULTRA and god know what else they've been doing.
Can we at least defeat their meme warfare division?
Torturing US citizens with magnetic technologies you wouldn't believe, just for their own kicks. These people are sick and we should kill them immediately.
But they say they are car salesmen.
Can someone make a Hammer to Skull graphic? (No Nazi shit, this is new gen.) We need an image.
Dox the pedophiles in their organization.
If they attempt to arrest us, hold the data ransom. Meaning if channers are being hit or arrested we release their family's addresses to rival agencies. Which means they hit them.
If that fails, email their personal information to families who've been victims of sadistic pedophiles.
In the meantime keep linking the deep state with sadistic pedophiles. Basically keep telling the truth. Eventually this will cause a revolution and demand for Trump to kill/arrest them all.
Whoa, take it easy. Say too many threats, and all the Americans ITT will get shot before being thrown off a plane.
how about... just spying on them back?
I say skip the long drawn out process, grab your hammer, and beat the filth about the skull until the body is lacking of life pulse.
I tend to agree with this sentiment.
Godspeed my fellow american comrade. We need to make america as weak as possible.
I've always thought of the CIA like i think of Sup Forums only that the CIA has billions of dollars to fuck with and they actually work closely together as opposed to ourselves.
I just think of them as mediocre slave faggots sitting in cubicles.
Weak would be continuing.. allowing these people to spy on Americans, torture Americans, at their whim, other disgusting acts that we've all turned a blind eye towards for too long.
No. The time has come for Hammer to Skull. They must die.
But that is why they can't counter us. We are a distributed network of anons selflessly pushing our own memes. Yet they still regularly form a tide, and every so often, a huge storm surge.
First you need to identify which of them are the bad guys though.
Obviously not everyone in the cia is a pedophile sadist.
vault 7
call out the 7th floor cabal
name themmmmmm
Hammer to Skull, Brother!
>Pretty sure Vault7 takes care of that
Im not as against the NSA as I am the CIA after what i've learned (Not cool with human trafficking, massive drug dealing, and creating false wars). Although I understand that NSA got A LOT more power because of the actions of the CIA and Globalist agenda. Unfortunately what the NSA does right now is necessary...granted through manipulated conflicts. Were not too far behind here. We just don't do it the illegal way. And have kinda proven that we don't need great "Spy Potential" to find shit out. Or OSINT is S!cK here! I mean were really really fucking smart when were allowed to work together here, and that was just proven yet again last week. I think the NSA can be salvaged or fixed. But CIA appears to be satan him fucking self.
>Maybe they should just replace them with us?
Redpill me on this cryptoanons.
Real? Not? Larp?
>I am ready to die for my country
Which country would that be, Russia?
You can not. We are them and they are us. The more they come here, forever, the more of us there are. Thanks officer, but I'll pass on this one, I'm already winning.
The "Meme Warefare Division"...baka
>Can weaponized autism conquer the filth that is the NSA and CIA?
No, and I will tell you why: Agencies are a symptom of a problem. That problem is any mixture of greed, hate, or murderous intent that can come from any direction and even from within. Federal Agencies wouldn't exist if interstate and extrastate threats were not so commonplace.
They're beautiful in their construction though. I admire their structure, if not their method. Agencies like the FBI are simple enough: They're Federal Police. The NSA and CIA, on the other hand, are essentially the only logical response to the vast criminal conspiracies that threaten the Republic on a daily basis: A vast criminal conspiracy that answers to the Republic. The problem with this is that holding Agencies accountable for their actions is extremely difficult due to the clandestine nature of their modus operandi.
So, can weaponized autism conquer them? Only if it can conquer the threats they exist to counter. The Catch-22 here is that we are potentially one of those threats, if only of the "Fuck shit up for shits and giggles" variety. Whistleblowers and spies concern them much more than we do.
>muh Russia
Why doesn't the cia understand that everyone hates them more than Russia?
This whole treason Russian hacker meme is weak and you faggots know it.
It's not working, even retarded normies know it';s propaganda.
The real America, not this "New United States" they are calling it. I'm calling everyone to grab arms and kill all NSA and CIA employees immediately. I know that it probably won't happen, but I have to try.
The CIA destroyed my marriage, business and life, for their own "morals" or some shit. They just blocked the google capthca to Sup Forums to my house, I'm posting from Taco Bell now.
>Why doesn't the cia understand that everyone hates them more than Russia?
Well, that's the non-stop disinformation campaign the Kremlin is currently orchestrating, but most intelligent Americans are smart enough to know that the CIA and NSA are just ordinary American patriots protecting their fellow Americans from Russian attacks.
It's doesn't matter that a handful of fuckwitted Sup Forumstards are on their knees worshiping the Kremlin and sucking Putin's cock - they were always traitors anyway.
lel they got a truck circling me, I'm armed so w/e goes down, for the good of all that is good
>A vast criminal conspiracy that answers to the Republic
let me fix that for you
>A vast criminal conspiracy that answers to no one
My answer to this, and this comes from a place of hatred, due to abuse, I recommend killing them, all of them, now. Right now. This minute. I know it probably;y can't happen, but I must say it. These vile people have desecrated our nation long enough, in our name, causing so much pain and anguish throughout. Let us bring Hammer to Skull and kill all NSA and CIA employees.
Hahahahaha you think pol cares about Russia?
You do realize we're national socialists right?
Meaning we give 0 fucks about Russia. We have no allegiance to any country really.
We could give a fuck about the cia if they weren't raping and murdering kids. But you are, hence our resentment for you.
There is no "we" in pol really, pol b so on comes from all walks of life.
>Destroy your own government.
You're either a Russian proxy or a deluded retard.
See, shit like this.
This is an obvious cia proxy trying to link national socialism to Russia.
We all know the Kremlin are not pro nat soc.
Honestly you cia niggers have no respect for your enemies. You constantly underestimate our intelligence. And you think cheap bullshit like "w- we'll kill you goy!!!" is going to work? Lol kill us fags, we will torture you and your families in spirit form.
Libshit detected.
CIA did nothing wrong!
>just ordinary American patriots
You mean like Ed Snowden?
I'm an American who has been abused by the nsa / cia to the point that I attempted to kill one of them last week, and will continue to do so until I get my fucking passport that they keep blocking on purpose.
Kill all CIA and NSA employees, they are traitors to the United States.
You are going to this at the wrong angle.
You don't have to talk shit about the CIA in the internet.
You have to talk shit about them irl, they have no power there.
I can rant and rave from multiple IPs and encourage others to murder the disgusting filth that represents us.
>This is an obvious cia proxy trying to link national socialism to Russia.
Putin is fomenting nationalism via the Kremlin to boost his own cult of personality.
t. china proxy?
They are not only making 9/11s they also protect your govt, otherwise no one would need them. cia aren't good, but you need them if you need your country
starbucks, leet haxor proxy, they blocked my house, the fuckers
They are scum. My life, done for, and they keep making excuses about my passport, and keep harassing me. So I'll keep on attempting to murder them if I see them, and encourage others to kill the traitors.
We need people to spy on others, yeah, but not torture American citizens.
your cia niggers pushed nationalism in Ukraine as well. Now cia is an agent of nationalism?..
Welp, my little revolt is over now. I'm going home and going to bed, or drink a lot first, we'll see. It's been fun thus far! I guess.
>cites the guardian
Who wants to destroy them? Drugs, pussy, frog posting and black ops, yes please. I'm trying to get a job me CIA