Hey Sup Forums, I'm a real guy from Kazakhstan, ask me anything.
Kazakhstan thread
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How many goats have you fucked?
show a photo of your home
thats not even asking anything, thats asking to
Why didn't you post this on Sup Forums instead?
are manlets safe in Kazachstan?If I visit your country will I be mocked?
also, how famous is Golovkin there?
my autism I guess
Whats the meaning of life?
>Are you a real guy?
>Are you from Kazakhstan?
>Can i ask you anything?
Do you really have the cleanest prostitutes in the region?
you're fine as long as you don't act like a pussy
everybody knows him
i just want to say you guys have the most beautiful flag
How come every Kazakh I've ever met in real life looks Mongolian? In Borat y'all look like some type of Arab rape babies.
What does one do on holiday to Kazakhstan? It's Islamic, so I doubt I'd be looking for drinks or smokes.
idk man, I guess everyone should just decide for themselves
tf you want, my timestamped mantits or some shit?
Is your potassium as good as everyone thinks?
are you related to kangaskhan?
They do a lot of partying there actually, I was surprised at all the degeneracy. I was only in Almaty though
yeah, my sister is #1 in the whole country
Are you Kazakh or a Russian?
No, no, that's the name of Australia if we're overrun by central/south Asians.
So.. you went to a major city of a country recovering from communism and partied in some night clubs? Do you look like a really big dude?
how come the Americans I've seen don't fuck their cousins and don't look like fucking beached whales
are all other countries run by little girls?
Lot of degenerate Americans fuck their cousins.
only like 10% of the population is that religious, so it's just typical "get wasted on Friday night, and also Saturday, and oh well, Sunday too"
>taking borat seriously
It was filmed in romania, and 100% disinfo
Kazakh ppl are mostly east asian, with a hint of turk
Overall though, kazakhstan is as diverse as brazil is. You'll find everyone there from polacks, greeks, germs, chinese, korean...
And from what I hear only the muslim areas can be dangerous, which is consentrated in the west. The chinese border is relatively safe and peaceful
Is that Kryon?
Can I have qt Kazakh gf.
how big is tinshein swimming pool?
also fuck uzbekistan!!!!!11!
There are a lot of your women here. Why are they such qts?
here you go friend
jokes aside tho, it's really like playing a russian roulette, only 1 in about 15 girls are good looking
Hand over Sabina and no one gets hurt!
But seriously though, I don't know if it's because of such a small sample size or what but all of your women that I've seen are fucking top tier. Is that like real or just the best of the best?
I shared halls with a kazakh in uni. Big fat mongolian looking guy. He could have passed for an inuit easily, except he was super muslim.
He never left his room except for lectures and refused to socialise with us even when we weren't drinking.
When he left the cleaners found he'd written quotes from the koran all over the walls in permanent marker. Charged him a fuckload for it which he never paid.
Are all of you that weird or was he an exception.
prolly just hung out with the more higher class ones, if you came here you'd attract the "want a greencard" kind, if met them somewhere else, they must've been pretty wealthy as well.
also it depends a lot on their ancestry too (similar to India in a way) as more brownish ones usually were related to the working class, while the whiter ones are of a more "royal" relations
Can you explain the differences between kazakhs from the north and the south?
I'm Russian so no.
People like that are pretty rare to find in the bigger cities (one of which he came from I assume) except for Shymkent which is the retarded southern state of Kazakhtsan.
What's a kazakhs opinion on turkey, do you seem them as their turanic brothers like those roaches like to claim?
I just want a tall russian asian waifu. Nothing else really matters senpai.
Is Almaty a good place to go and spend my money?
Can I drink or are you guys bad/cool muslims?
If I vacation there, will I be captured and sold into any forms of slavery?
yes pls :3
I couldn't even if I tried. The tribes that they were before joining the Russian Empire were pretty different from each other, but as time passed and USSR came along a lot of it became irrelevant, so now only historians can tell you the distinct differences between them.
As of now, the only difference is that the guys in the north tend to be less Muslim and more white (more Russians there) and the opposite in the south.
do you have nice uzbek plov there?))
how is this politics you retarded cunt?
Are all other countries run by little girls?
are you pro-russia?
An Uzbek guy once taught me the phrase "otni qotagi." Does that mean the same thing in Kazakh?
How's life there? I heard that you guys have a Bazar big as a city, is this true?
What is the biggest past time in Kazachstan?
Lots of bars, clubs, restaurants, etc so you should be pretty well settled here.
In one of the earlier replies I mentioned that most people aren't that religious (even the ones that go to mosque tend to drink on the same day which I find pretty funny)
also as long as you don't have autistic scenes and don't call people uncultured imbiciles you will be okay
at least we can import whatever the fuck we want you cheeky cunt
They guy on the couch looks like he's gonna take it out.
>kazakhstan is as diverse as brazil is
so it is hell on earth
Thank you.
How are russians regarded? Are you the rich ruling class or poor immigrants
What's the political situation in Kazakhstan like?
How come you haven't fixed the fucking Aral lake?
Also nothing to do, very low wages and lot of young uneducated Islamic fundamentalists if you're outside of Almaty and Astana.
What's your general opinion on Russians, Ukrainians, and tge ongoing shit storm in Europe?
Uzbekistan is hoarding all the water, Kazakhstan half of the lake is actually recovering.
So it's true then Uzbeks are the cunts of Central Asia kek.
somewhere in between, in order to be in the government, you have to speak the state language which is Kazakh, and most city folk (even the ethnic Kazakhs) can't do it for shit. Generally tho everythings pretty chill as Kazakhstan is actually pretty diverse ethnically.
They lack as much oil and gas resources, so they depend on their cotton industry which requires a lot of water, considering it desert like land. Hope they like their salt dust storms.
how many jew do you throw down well?
not as bad as good ol Chechnya back in the day tho
honestly, if Russia does good, so do we and I really hope Trump will sort it out with Russia. Ukrainians are absolute retards and should be nuked for the clusterfuck of media wars and basically bringing back the cold war.
Europe should just uncuck itself and ship most of the refugees back where they belong.
be more precise.
in general, economy is pretty fucked as of now and very slowly showing signs of recovery, wages are indeed lower after the 2010 crysis, but people seem to be a lot better now than they were even 2 years ago.
>honestly, if Russia does good, so do we
First time I've heard of this really. Usually Kazakhs are pretty neutral towards Russian (though share a common hatred of the xoxol)
metis girls can be hot af my guy, good luck with finding one tho
He знaю пpи чeм тyт Чeчня, Бpo, я выpoc в Aктoбe.
Teбe кoнeчнo из Aлмaты или Acтaны виднee.
I meant more in the terms of is it a right wing country or left wing, and what kind of right/left is it?
I'd say it's more right wing than anything. We have pretty strict laws regarding religious and national hatred. We've had one president since 1991 even though each time he was legally re-elected, some people call him a dictator but he's more of a overly protective dad imo. I really don't know what else to add, it's pretty similar to Russia in many ways desu.
пpи чeм тyт вooбщe oткyдa я или ты? знaть тeкyщyю cитyaцию в cтpaнe нe знaчит быть из гopoдa или ayлa, дa, мoжeт зapплaты и низкиe, нo людям нa хлeб и интepнeт хвaтaeт.
>usual Tyron's interests
how's it going steppebro?
What does a Kazakh speaking english accent sound like?
it's all good brother, just chilling here in my yurt, drinking some kymyz
people speak Russian here so just look up Russian accent
send pics of Astana if you have them
are kazakhs still planning to anschluss us? First attempt was, unfortunately, a failure
Hello Pol Pot
thanks, but no