Porn star Bree Olson hits the wall, cries that nobody respects her or wants her anymore

> "I wish people would treat me like they would treat a married registered nurse with 2.5 kids in Indiana. That's how I wish people would treat me," she said, wiping away tears.

> "People say, change your hair color, move to another state. Ha! People know me by voice alone. I can't run. I can't hide. I have to face this. Anonymity is something I'll never know. Even with all the surgeries, relocating, years of school, all it takes is one person to blow everything," she said. "The only way to have power at this point is to own it. Yeah, I did porn, and thanks to this society that's all I can say I've done."

> "I send a very strong message to young girls: Don't do porn," she said. "You're just going to have a life of crap in front of you in dealing with people, companies," she said, describing how employers can turn you down based on past experience or "morality clauses." "These are things that teenage girls don't think (about)," she said. "There's nothing wrong with porn, but how people treat you for the rest of your life, it's not worth it."

Typical woman, she has no accountability. She made the adult decision to be a public whore for cash and attention and is now upset that people are treating her liked a washed-up whore. She turned 29 and has been replaced by younger, hotter pussy. She now wants to be treated like a pure woman who didn't waste her best years being fucked by hundreds of men for money.

but all people are garbage

>with 2.5 kids
Is one of them a vegetable or something?

God she was great when she was active.

I don't even know who the fuck this is. And I watch A LOT of porn.

I wonder what Gianna's life is like.

In short
> Wahhh it's society's fault for not accepting me for sleeping with over 100 of men for money
> I want to marry but nobody wants me its society's fault. They should be more accepting.

Me, me, me and all about me,

kys slut

>why do people treat me in function of my actions?

I understand that her point is that it sucks that people consider her porn career relevant, but there's something delusional about the idea that they wouldn't.

>Yeah, I did porn. And thanks to society, that's all I can say I've done.
>thanks to society, that's all I can say I've done
Bitch, "society" didn't make you do porn

Oh you know her life is awesome

Looks like nobody told her that by doing porn she is mainly selling her repautation and not just her body.

Its a saying meaning 2 teenagers and an infant, a very common family in the US, hence it's shown in television a lot

thats a soros funded channel that seeks out narratives of people to tell their story.

>all it takes is one person to blow everything

I have no sympathy. At least she's attempting to pass on the lesson.

> Gianna as in Gianna michaels

Pic related is such a dirty slut even I'm sickened watching her. She will ANYTHING! and that's insane!

Alternatively: do porn, but don't do IR.


Nice job on the pic. It really makes me respect your input.

Has she been blacked? Needs to earn respect imo, has to show she can handle DAH BBC

She was on MFC last month.

no it's an average.

Sorry? Here it is.

aw fuck I miss her

>all it takes is one person to blow everything

Means a kid on the way, ie the woman is pregnant.


>I wish people would treat me like they would treat a married registered nurse with 2.5 kids in Indiana. That's how I wish people would treat me
That nurse didn't take a shortcut to easy money. She made the hard choice to consistently delay gratification to build something for herself in the future.


Her only crime is being a famous porn star.

There are tens of thousands of girls that do porn every year, many to help pay for college, and they never had to face consequences over it.

Also, Bree Olsen isn't that good. She screams too much.

like dicks?

Why would you ever date a woman with dozens of videos online of her getting wrecked by other men?

She really should have thought things through. I'm glad she's at least telling girls not to do porn though. Pornography is, quite literally, a Jewish enterprise.

It's not like she has that many other options at this point.

No she's referring to being an "average" woman.

It's a bit of a meme.

That must've fucked her hard huh

Not true, nigger brain

Worst part is she didn't learn her lesson. She says don't do porn because people will treat you like a degenerate yet she doesn't realize why it is degenerate.

She had an expectation that people would act toward her in a certain way. They didn't. It can't be her expectation that was wrong, all of society is wrong. Solution "we must change society."

Is she /ourgal/ if we can redpill her and get her to redpill others?

>taking cocks for money should be as respected as being a nurse with a family

"I wish people would treat me like they would treat a married registered nurse with 2.5 kids in Indiana. That's how I wish people would treat me," she said, tucking her prolapse back in.

>thanks to this society
Yeah, "society" is why you take cocks in every hole on camera for money.

>There's nothing wrong with porn
Your story and the stigma you receive from normal people says otherwise.

>Receive luxury pay for a minimum wage job that only requires holes.
>Expect positive outcome.

To throw a monkey wrench in the works, can people be redeemed?

Do sinners make the best saints or is that garbage?

what do those little round scars mean. i have seen a few girls with those same round looking scars on their foreheads and always wonder what it is

fucking amerisharts

I imagine people with 2.5 kids would be treated to a lengthy prison sentence and intense questioning over where he hid the other half.

2 normal kids and 1 Brazilian

It's an average. They kept a decimal. You are retarded.

holy fuck she's a bad actress, no wonder she ended up in porn

>I just rob banks, it's in my past now. why won't some one hire me as a cashier ?
I bet she is trying to get a customer service job, where she will represent a company. I bet any manufacturing job will hire her...

Acne scars.

That's the average children per family in America, or it was back in the 80s & 90s.

idgaf about her or her feelings but I respect her for her work in pic related because it was great.

>people aren't allowed to make mistakes and regret them.

I'm not whiteknighting, but nothing she said was upsetting. Also, a lot of these girls were abused, taken advantage of when they were still young but "legal," and in bad living situations since very young, so I'm sympathetic to their situations.

I really liked her porn, but I'm not sure why she speaks?

>She will ANYTHING!
>will she even though?


Wasn't she fucking Charlie Sheen while he had AIDS or something? Of Course nobody wants you now, not even the porn biz.

Funny how she picks an RN as her example too. RNs are viewed as either one of the most respected or valued jobs in society too. What an entitled whore.

It's a statistical average ,Jesus fucking Christ

Bree has really nice feet.

Per her interview with Howard Stern, yes without a condom.

>I'll be loyal, haha

>Taking multiple cocks on camera should have no consequences


I'll still marry you Bree. Were you creampied on film? Maybe our children will retain some of that DNA.

I get her not wanting to get called names, but there's no way in fucking hell I'm going to put some dumb hoe who gets paid 60k a month for getting cornholed by niggers on the same footing as a mother who actively works to save lives in a hospital.

She wasn't even good when she was getting fucked 24/7. All her scenes were way overracted with tons of screaming oh I'm cumming I'm cumming every 5 seconds.


Live with those sweet consequences whore

Didn't she date charlie sheen? (who has aids)

Don't know if everyone who responded to you is just pretending to be retarded or what, but she was trying to say that she wishes she was a completely average person. 2.5 kids is an average assuming most people have 2 or 3 kids.

So if I'm a wife beater can I just go back to a normal life later if I decide to quit one day?

So you're saying people don't like whores?

Porn is actually a great avenue for girls strapped of cash and morals to pursue.
Nowadays the cam and clip industry is large enough to make bank on. And unlike the mainstream industry, it's much easier to stay anonymous. It doesn't even require sex if you pander to fetish shit.


stress relief medicine


>Yeah, I did porn, and thanks to this society that's all I can say I've done.
Well, no fucking shit.

Doesn't Siri work at an Apple Store in LA now?

You realize most those girls don't even last 6 months, Bree has been doing this shit for years, that's how you become famous.

I want people to treat me like a brain surgeon despite being a NEET.

Yeah, but she won't cook, clean, or raise kids.
>The loyalty part is also a lie.

>whore detected.

I actually feel sorrow for her. You ought to as well. Most people have no compassion or empathy. This is a mistake. I think we can all agree that no one condones what she has done; however, no one should relish or delight in her misfortune. These words will be wasted, but they should be written anyway. I think everyone has done something or things of which they are not particularly proud. Everyone always has a strong sense of justice on the Internet, but where is mercy?


>can people be redeemed?

Yes, but she still has long way to go, because it seems that she doesn't understand her mistakes and is only regretful because of the consequences that befell her. Next comes regret and than atonement.

>tfw my Mother is an RN with 3 kids
>tfw greatest mother ever and kind to everyone
>tfw this slut that got paid for years being cornholed wanted to be on the same level as my mother

Is rage the correct emotion here?

>"...Yeah, I did porn, and thanks to this society that's all I can say I've done."

wow what a piece of shit retard


No, you dumb fuck. It's an outdated average from when white people still had enough kids to sustain their population. The actual average today is something like 1.7.

>degenerate harlot
Checks out.

Haha they are so pathetic.

Rage is always the correct emotion when women are involved.

maybe she should do missionary work for a church ? but no she won't do that, she wants to have stuff given to her, like she allways has

I dont get it. she did porn. so what? what exactly stops her to acquire some other skill like coding and work independently.
I bet there are even men out there who would marry her.

> "I wish people would treat me like they would treat a married registered nurse with 2.5 kids in Indiana. That's how I wish people would treat me," she said, wiping away tears.

Holy shit i thought you were paraphrasing when you wrote that.

mfw she actually says that

you are a stupid whore and have just learnt the lesson that actions have consequences

she should become a nun and repent for her sins. That's the only thing she can do now to become respectable.

>Yeah, I did porn, and thanks to this society that's all I can say I've done."

Typical female, blames society that she decided to be a whore on camera for the last decade and sad that people now treat her like a whore.

>There's nothing wrong with porn, but how people treat you for the rest of your life, it's not worth it
Dumb bitch, blaming other people for her bad situation and her shitty choice.

So she has almost 100% got the aids, right?

I see your point, but i'm guessing that only happens for more obscure "actresses". I doubt this is the case for, according to the anons above, an industry renowned actress whose entire career (and not a spur-of-the-moment mistake, or being coerced into) revolves around being the village bycicle.