What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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CIA/Soros funded separatist groups. Now EU have 6 new vassal states.
Soros goes back that far?
People got sick of Serb commies being dicks
>1 post by this ID
Tito died
See that big red star? That is everything that was wrong.
In the end yugoslavia was more capitalist then all other european nations tho
Easier for jews to control 6 small states with no relevance than 1 big with some relevance.
Map does not reflect proper borders.
Soros goes back as far as World War 2 my man.
Tito died
it was not, Yugoslavia was the only European country that managed to achieve socialism
inbread Croatia acted like savages
Ironically, while national identity was encouraged and important in yugoslavia, every fuckhead here wants to be a fucking westerner.
you mean every sloven want to be an austrian
Fucking commie get out
yes and i dont know why theyre so ashamed of their heritage.
Communists wanted to stay dirty commies and ruined it for everyone else
Actually Albos fucked it up, here is a quick rundown:
>Tito dies
>Albos get cocky and start oppressing serbs in Kosovo
>Serbs get triggered and start raising nationalism and want Yugoslavia to be centered around them
>Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia didn't like that so they decided to leave
>Serbs again got super triggered and tried to steal the lands where "they" were a majority
And that's how the shit went down
>Ironically, while national identity was encouraged and important in yugoslavia
Wtf am I reading, Yugoslavia was BASED - especially under Tito - on repressing any and all nationalistic sentiment.
That's some great revisionism you got yourself there kolega
Hey guys let's have a real socialist state!
Also lets export our products to other capitalist markets and accept foreign aid from the US!
Truly the purest of socialisms!
it was created
It really wasn't, it was state controlled market capitalism
the workers largely had democratic control over their workplaces, perhaps if you consider production for use to be an essential aspect of socialism it was not, but it was closer than all of the nations in which state bureaucrats took on the role of the bourgeoisie
Tito died. He was the only one who could keep it together
I mean, are failed African states that barely survive on IMF loans achieving socialism?
Because then yes, absolutely, Yuga was literally socialism.
If it wouldn't be for yugoslavia we would have missed a lot of fancy electric music tho.
Was it that bad under Tito?
>Yugo was peace and prosper
>serbs lost football match from based Croats
>chimp out hard
>Yugo Wars: Electric Jenoside
>NATO bomb Belgrad
German fascists destroyed Yugoslavia. They spawned 6 states, took control of 2 (slovenia,croatia). Now we are stuck with fyrom which wont accept their slavic heritage, Serbia and Montenegro are fine but they still dont get along. Ohh dont forget that degeneracy called bosnia & hercegovina... Yugoslavia and Greece could make balkans great again but now its shit
Says the degenerate who is about to go bankrupt
burkina faso was on the road to socialism (or at the very least benevolent state capitalism) but unfortunately sankara was assassinated, rip sankara
Germany couldn't just accept a war on the austrian border tho.
The reunited germany had to show that it can defend germans/austrians, otherwise it would haven't gained any legitimacy in the new eastern states
Tito died
There were periods of good living, and there were periods of not-so-good living.
That is, if you lived in Slovenia.
I would imagine for someone down south, place was a living hell in terms of economic possibilities.
What I'm saying is, it was not financially sustainable on its own, and that showed once Tito, the west's sweethear died.
Was the West portrayed as an enemy or a friend in Yugoslavia? There was a Serb on here that said Toto changed his mind all the time.
I cant say much about it but my parents, their friends, litteraly everybody loved Tito. He was like a god.
Currently both Slovenia and Croatia depend on a very large scale from the german economy as does most of Europe. What im trying to say is that a coalition of Greece and Yugoslavia could protect balkan interests betther than any foreign state.
Have to agree with that we need a new Yugoslavian Confederation and be an ally to the greeks.
Dude you cant even maintain an army.
What people were told they must think of the western sphere depended on who Tito was friends with at the time,
so yes, your friend is very much correct.
Actually, his place can maintain two or three
Dont want to open a name dispute debate, but do you consider your people a direct descendant of the ancient macedonians or the slavic people?
>balkan interests
what are these interests
A band of angry radical muslims armed with sickles. Sure thing!
The name can be easily solved we change our name to Republic of North Macedonia (thus not claiming all of the macedonian region as ours)
Also we are slavs
Satanism, USA loves satan and serbs are people of G-d.
LOL, u sure they arent just aggressive drunks?
>What went wrong?
Genesis 9:21
New International Version
"When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent."
The most famous prophet was a drunk. It is a way to leave the physical world to enter spirituall one.
Most alcoholics dont like this world and want to go back to G-d.
Just take a look at the immigration crisis. It is clear that the EU wont take any more rapists. They are trapped between our borders, and we cant do anything about this. If Merkel (sieg heil) hadnt called for the muslim wave of immigrants because "europe need working force" we could have protected ourselves much better. Also we could kick the turkroaches out of anatolia.
Fuck smelly Serbs glory to Ibrahim Rugova, Hashim Thaci, Adem Jashari, Gjergj Kastrioti, Ramush Haradinaj, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush etc. fuck smelly Serbs always will be raped by Allah's will for all of eternity while your wives suck our big dicks courtesy of Allah
American retard.
dont you dare to touch little cousin ajvar !
he can call himself whatever he likes
>Gjergj Kastrioti
>soldier of Allah
hes right tho
>inb4 a ukrainian knows more about the balkan war than anyone here
A forced union not meant to last after Tito's death
ukrainians are pretty smart people. i never heared anything invented by catholic serbs.
He's right, hehe chetnik more like chetsuckadik
ughhh... communism?
>fyrom which wont accept their slavic heritage
we do tho
wtf are "balkan interests"
>but do you consider your people a direct descendant of the ancient macedonians or the slavic people
do you even logic
you're a cuck
such proud albanian always lives somewhere else scared of serb with a knife.
that's a funny way to spell shitskin serbian nationalism
communism and serb nationalism = the plague.
it is very entertaining tho
You are a retarded VMRO nationalist
>t. butthurt albozerg
go make me a burek, shitposting ain't for your peanut brain
Soros founded separatist groups? Are you fucking serious? Bro, we wanted out cuz of the inflation, poverty and mainly the cancer that is socialism. Also the Serbs were acting a bit like assholes and we had enough
go make me another country
sure thing
if tesla was born in serbia
he would have eaten dirt and never achieved anything
also tesla is a croat
we have more nobel prize winners than serbs
they have literally 0
>inb4 Ivo Andric
dude was born by croatian parents in a croatian village and got brainwashed after his 20's
right now 2 of the top 10 people with highest iq's are croats
please tell me again how serbs are smart
pathetic diaspora cuck
those legs aren't brown enough to be ours, photoshop for sure
what makes you say that
>tesla is a croat
this is the best croat meme so far
C'mon guys, not this shit again...
>Ivo Andric is a serbian nobel prize winner
Alexander the Great lived in Macedonia 300 B.C We the Slavs moved here long after that yes we have a few of the old genes but they have mostly died out killed by the Turks and such.
Also if the name Macedonia is an issue to making our country great then yes we could change it to North Macedonia life will be far better then the gypsy magic we have now
And Кpиминaлцитe вo Зaтвop
Alexander was Albanian, everybody knows that
it's mandatory
shut up
>muh intellectuals
also ivo andric was a croat but considered himself to be yugoslav
What is retarded about VMRO? You want to speak Albanian?
i was just trying to start some beef with the german cuck up there
both of you have a nice day
going out for a jog
fukc pol
also checked, nice one
It's not that hard, even these men can do it youtube.com
lepe stevilke
Np, Ante. Have a nice day
I have no problem with VMRO itself but their leaders are corrupt criminals who constantly rob the country for their own benefits they go by the motto "If you are not with us you are aginst us"
Their leaders need to be jailed and a new better non corrupt leader needs to take it's place
Pezde, a u Cucknadi zivis? Also tnx
sevede, povsod smo!