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Korwin is so based but he's retarded sometimes
>retarded sometimes
EU democracy is summed as:
- you can have your opinion only if it is the same as our opinion
- if you have different opinion then you will be fined, suspended, ostracized, sanctioned and demonized
What is Piers on about in that video? Why ask how tall he is? Was he hoping he would be short so he could take the piss?
>r-right that's about 6ft
>it's extraordinary to have a guy so tall be so dim
>Why ask how tall he is?
His argument against women was that women are shorter
This guy is the most based man in politics.
Yep, we need another iron wall this time with the good guys on our side
Is it possible he got exactly what he wanted?
I think Morgan is pretty insufferable in this video.
Of course. His PR is based on scandals
Fuck off lewica.
You're a literal commie, I'm sure.
Not in the video he didn't, he said it right after he compared short and tall men in basketball.
I am right winger actually, I mean NatSoc. And everyone knows he is retarded old fart
There's your problem lad
>fake moral outrage so they can get rid of opposition
The politicians know the wage gap is bullshit. They just do this so they can "fix" the problem.
Kek. You're so ridiculous saying you're nat soc
The guy is retarded
It has nothing to do with it. Korwin-Mikke is pro-russian and its a death sentence for a politician in Poland
I am. I dont get whats your point. NatSoc!=nazi btw
This is exactly how a resentful oldcel that can't get laid looks like.
You know, as an American, I really am sorry we tried to stop the Russians from going as far west as they wanted.
You guys fucking love being destroyed, you crave it - your entire history is that of being dominated by despotic monarchs who keep you under their heel and send you to go die in their petty wars for them. And then, after we spent decades and billions of dollars to not only keep your economies afloat, but to provide you all with our unwavering military support and keep you from becoming a communist shithole like everyone east of Germany, all you do is complain about Americans being imperialists (because you guys definitely know all about that) and having "no culture and history" and go for socio-communist doctrines anyway that are tearing your countries apart is quickly eroding all of your so-called precious history and culture.
As much as it pains me to watch you guys go up in smoke, honestly, I almost can't get enough of it.
>right wing
Let me guess you're one of those idiots that would rather vote for Tusk then Duda
This is exactly how a woman argues on the internet.
Yes. We are living in the XIX century and right wing means libertarian
Read all my posts, bro.And I know that you know he is retarded
Socialism works in homogeneous racially aware societies. Look at germany or denmark or even your country before all three were forced to take in millions of migrants against their will. That wouldnt happen with a nationalist society though.
LOL NatSoc
Do you actually understand politics and economics ?
Poles are one of the most pro-liberalism countries in Europe. You chose this future.
>Hurr durr I'm a right wing socialist and there's nothing you can do about it.
Better than that old fuck
Dude is "old fuck" your only argument against him? Oh and "b-but he's pro Russia"
First of all he's not really pro Russia, he said he likes Russia but he wants to be as far away from that place as possible.
If you watch his interviews and read his articles you will find out that he is incredibly intelligent.
The ruling ideology in the EU will become more and more repressive. I can't understand, why a country like Poland can't just have sane, normal neighbours? My God, I pray that Chinks save us from that fucking madness that both the East and West are
He is prorussian and he is libertarian in a retarded, straight from the 90s way. He will never get to the parliament for a reason
Korwin is either a complete retard or an actual jewish plant.
He's been a liability for his party for years now and for as long as he's alive, political scene in Poland will not change at all. Notice how he always starts his autistic tantrums about women and Hitler right about when his party has an actual chance of getting into the parliament.
He's not based. He's the reason jewish parties continue to rule Poland - I've talked to many people dissatisfied with all "mainstream" parties, who would really vote for another option - but they won't vote for Korwin's party because of his needless, dumb remarks.
What he was trying to say in the video is that women (according to many real studies) have on average a lower iq, and because there is a correlation between pay and iq it only makes sense that they get paid less. He also said that taller people get paid more, which is true because a study was done and it was found that taller men were usually given higher positions. Morgan sat around going "LALALA CANT HEAR YOU BIGOT" and I wanted to neck him the whole time I was watching the video.
>saving anyone's arses
o i am laffin. Theyre all completely the same
I always see this picture and I think that it is bullshit what you say
Yes, Poles want integration with Europe, because we don't want war with Russia
We want EU where we still have our values, but EU day by day says 'fuck you' to us, because we are white Christians who in majority want to stay that way
Because of that we will swing very fast against EU if we get any allies who could guarantee our independence
USA doesn't care about us, NATO too
China only sees profit in our land
UE on the other hand gets friendly with Russia, because they still believe Russia are a good guy, but if Russia attacks us they would help defend us
>Theyre all completely the same
no, because Chinks have no ideology, and Westerners have an ideology. Russia has no ideology too, but it's too close
The best of Korwin
Korwin is retarded but he's also fun enough, that some people vote for him.
I love how he ended all his Parliament speeches with "the EU must be destroyed"
that's funny as hell if true
He says it all the time kek:
>Janusz Korwin Mikke Niggers of Europe (Europarlament)
Korwin could be more subtle.
Kaczynski doesn't openly talk about wanting to impose totalitarian rule, Petru doesn't openly talk about wanting to sell us to the Jews, Tusk didn't openly talk about his plans to sell us to the Germans.
Man's IQ is 168.