Brexit will destroy Britain's econo-


Krauts and other Yuropoors BTFO

Isn't it weird that everyone inside already knows Brexit is a good idea and Britain will prosper from it and yet we have so many people in this world going on with the charade that it's bad and continue to pretend just so they don't seem racist?

>not a single Germ will reply to this thread

Based UKbros

I'm gonna trade in my BMW for a Jaguar

>tfw when agressively pumping money into ftse based index fund


Britbongs are based as fuck.
German saltiness on this board stems from jealousy and any Hans that disagrees does so from his cuckshed.

Frexit when?

Britain will stop being britain and will become the united kingdom of england and wales.


Sorry Jean, I can't see it happening. I don't trust Europeans after Austria and the Netherlands.

But that outcome is the future unfortunately.
Trump got in because there were 2 choices.
Brexit happened because there were 2 choices.
European political systems are built in a way to fracture the people's votes into smaller and smaller units that can be combined by the politicians to get the results that they want. The globalists know now that it won't be as easy as originally planned. Expect dirty tactics in the next decade of elections. Meme magic needs to be stonger than ever to overcome this liberal shitstorm

based germ. 10/10 sir



We need this but with Sturgeon in the gas chamber.

I thought Brexit didn't happen yet?


Royal assent was given today.

It's because liberals are dumb

Nice one lads

God save the Queen

The pro EU shills will try to play it off as a short term development that will totally reverse itself in the future.

I'm actually Germ, just currently in the US.
The EU is fucking over the average German just as much as everyone else, only a few selected are profiting from it. Mostly by bleeding all the German savings dry.
That was the main intention anyway
>Germans are prone to savings up lots of money
>can't get their greedy little hands on it since it's in long term investments
>introduce a system to bleed those funds dry passively through debt, fucked up interest rates, inflation and currency manipulation

I hope you fuck her raw during the negotiations.
Make sure to employ the Pole's saltiness over Tusk's re-election and have them veto everything that's not in your favor.


>US uncucking itself
>UK uncucking itself (outside of London and Sharia cucked areas)
>Canada is still run by globalist fucks and now the border problems have come to our own southern border and the government won't immediately deport them
Honestly if nothing changes by 2027 I'm leaving this shithole to rot, I'll try to start something but if it fails and Canada is unsaveable I'll either stop trying or go full Adolf

Assuming the trend of countries uncucking themselves continues, you will inevitably be forced into saving yourself, no matter if you yourself have the balls to do it or not.

Globalism only works as long as enough other countries play along. It doesn't work when you are limited to a national scale

so it will never stop being Britain

Has the prodigal son returned?

About time

I kinda want to see those two chicks make out


Buy Lloyds Bank stock whilebit is still cheap. I own 1500 of the US ADR's.