Why would they do this?
Mcdonalds goes full anti Trump
They employ blacks and blacks have low impulse control.
Hope Mc will be banned for degenerating Americans.
mcdonalds confirmed bluepilled
wendy's and hardee's confirmed redpilled
what about burger king?
(((McDonald's))) is GMO garbage that only fat pieces of shit eat.
Inb4 McDonalds blames it on the Hamburglar
Burger King is black pilled. Have you been in the bathrooms?
Some lib social media manager did this and will get fired
Sage this bait.
Chick Fil A is the only red pilled fast-food restaurant.
It would seem that McDonalds just dropped their McTendies. Best part is normies got it trending on Twitter right now.
>one faggot (probably a woman, lets be honest) who works on the social media account thinks they represent the entire company and its workers
Many such cases
Trump likes McDonalds though. He said it's convenient and the same everywhere you go, he can send someone to get it anonymously so he knows no one spits in his food (these were his words on the campaign trail).
Because McDonald's is meant for GANGS, SINGLE MOTHERS, AND ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! They don't want white business! If you're white, you are not welcome inside a McDonald's so make sure your white trash ass only uses the drive thru.
It's not Ronald that sent that, I can tell you that much.
The Ronald is /ourguy/.
If you eat at McDonalds you are NOT white.
Sup Forums approved chains:
Chick Fil A
Feel free to add more
fuck off shill
the tweet is real
link it then monkey
people that actually eat from mcdonalds are disgusting
Trump is kill. He shouldn't of let T-Rex fuck with the shadow government. Now he'll face the consequences.
McDonald's knows this and is simply throwing some orange meet to appease the populous. Screen cap this.
McDonalds is cancer.
It was real, but they got hacked apparently:
McDonald'sVerified account @McDonaldsCorp 26m26 minutes ago
Twitter notified us that our account was compromised. We deleted the tweet, secured our account and are now investigating this.
Too lower our obesity. We keep winning, 67D chess
No one believes that shit
It's real, made the news here but the tweet was deleted obviously. Probably made by some butthurt feminist intern they hired
Apparently they're blaming it on haxxors:
Oh, so that's what they meant by "progressive burger company"
They should be. They've been selling us poisoned disguised as food for decades. McDonald's, Coca Cola they should all be razzed to the ground. Poisoning us for decades. I lost my best friend to diabetes when he was 30 years old. He got it from eating this shit as a kid.
I hate these companies with all my heart and soul.
>rogue employee
Twitter is so broke they rather take the "compromised" hit and security issue that comes with it cause McDonalds is going to pay them a hefty sum for it.
I hope Jack Dorsey KILLS HIMSELF soon.
At this time of year Culvers has walleye. Fucking walleye. Find me a nigger who eats walleye.
>idiot gets fired because they used the work twitter instead of personal
>They employ blacks
Not for long.
Oh well fuck them. I had enough of eating their cheap fucking garbage. I'm going to Masterace chick fil a
What about Culver's?
Just got one in town. Never heard of it before.
>my friend died from eating their shitty food
>their fault
Love me some Culver's
Burger King has a kike ceo.
hahaha blumpf btfo how will he ever recover
they were hacked by the Russian
Give it time.
Literally garbage food, McDonald's or not.
Fuckin NigDonalds at it again
He was a kid and his mom was feeding it to him. Don't act like they knew McDonald's was poison 25 fucking years ago.
>Big block of chicken meat surrounded by batter.
Go fuck yourself vegan.
Chick Fil A nuggets are great, stop eating at communist shitskin joints
Rubble rubble.
I'll believe it if they reverse stances. It wouldn't be the first time lefties did something like this to try and seem like they have more support than they do.
The last time I went to McDonalds I waited like 20 minutes for my food and all I ordered was a quarter pounder and some mozzarella sticks (which were shit). I've been eating at Taco Bell more lately.
Nuggets are disgusting because they're made with inferior meat product.
KFC popcorn chicken is where it's at. The chicken pulls apart as you bite it like chicken breast should. Any chicken nuggets by any brand or fast food are made with ground chicken, which gives it that processed/fake feel in your mouth. It's not appetizing.
If they make a formal apology they'll piss off their shitlib nigger customers.
>fast food joint robber
>not black
racists BTFO, Sup Forums is finished.
But seriously, we cant trust this site with the paper airplane designs.
>we got hacked
the grownup version of "my imaginary friend did it."
Will Burgers be stronk enough to boycott Burgerland?
>Chicken nuggets are generally regarded as a fatty, unhealthy food. Nutritionists agree that the dish is one of the prime reasons that obesity and health problems are such a big problem in countries like the United States, especially in children.[6]
>A study published in the American Journal of Medicine analyzed the composition of chicken nuggets from 2 different American fast food chains. The study found that less than half of the material was skeletal muscle, with fat occurring in equal or greater quantities. Other components included epithelial tissue, bone, nervous tissue, and connective tissue. The authors concluded that "Chicken nuggets are mostly fat, and their name is a misnomer."[7]
Funny. Now some Trump supporters will boycott and Trump won't ever have them in a photo with him again. Instead, Trump will eat Wendy's or Burger King, which his supporters will also do. McDonald's stock will take a hit and it's competitors will gain.
Boycotting McDonalds is a true test for Trump supporters, Things like Macy's and Starbucks have been easily boycotted because most Trump supporters don't care about them, Whereas fast food is the lifeblood Trump's autistic internet army
McDonald's customer base is mostly niggers anyway.
Is it because your fatass favorite restaurant is involved?
It's just heavily processed. It's not inferior. I suppose if you don't want to eat the whole chicken but rather just the breast then it might seem a lower grade food.
Meanwhile in reality Usain Bolt ate a box of chicken nuggets before breaking the world sprint record.
It's natural that a whole chicken can be found in McNuggets because they pluck and process.
To make people off of retarded twithead who will inevitably go "YAAAAAASSSSS MCDONAL QUEEN SLAY GONNA GO GRAB NUGGETS BECAUSE OF THIS!!"
They already deleted it.
stupid spic believing in the MUH DNA boogieman
sacre bleu my baguette as been stolen by a somalian and shoved up ma daughters ass, I must now eat ze English chicken meat
eBaum's World still exists?
fucking Russian hackers again?
racist biggots will have to start diversifying their meals
Diversity is strength.
they get hacked and thats all they do?
hard to believe
Don't bully tacos, schlomo.
Most mom and pop stores are better than chains. Papa Johns is pretty based but their pizza is shit compared to a real italian place.
>Dem Cheese curds
Who else?
What do they call a quarter pounder in France?
Shut up, you ignorant bong! People who eat McD's have no respect for themselves, real burgers, or America.
A true Scottsm- I mean American would eat at a good quality family grill, or cook his own burgers.
Bullshit. I bet it was a social marketing manager that wanted to quit. Digital Advertising burns you out quick.
Protip: Most Trump supporters only rarely eat fast food because they live in rural areas that usually have 1 supermarket that everyone goes to or a large amount of food is produced and sold locally.
Hans go diversify your kebab diet with some Arab semen how about that
I'm Lovin' It!™
We should meme liberals into consuming only McDonald's in solidarity against Trump.
Un Royal Cheese.
Funny how all the fat liberals on twitter are calling republicans fatass poor people thatll eat at mcdonalds anyway. Werent republicans played as the 1% last week?
Where are the feathers?
Fake news!
>feminists and colored people get fat, unhealthy, die! Heart attack! Many such cases, sad!
This is literally another shoah
I thought you beheaded your royals. Is this some kind of joke?
I they were hacked them, now they should release a new tweet celebrating and complimenting Trump.
If they don't, McDonalds believes this shit.
Trump supporters showing their pride.
Now a Trump supporter should hack Burger Kings twitter and write a pro-Trump tweet
>Meanwhile in reality Usain Bolt ate a box of chicken nuggets before breaking the world sprint record.
>It's natural that a whole chicken can be found in McNuggets because they pluck and process.
You deserve to get shot for making idiotic statements like this. You don't need to be wrong to completely miss the point.
>Implying a tweet solely dictates direction of markets/stocks
Arby's is okay right? Pls
>shouldn't of
It was pretty obvious if you just looked at your eating habits and wondered how you got fat. Sucks his mom couldn't cook though. Fast food is much more expensive than just cooking simple and healthy meals most of the time
>It was real, but they got hacked apparently:
First they do the tweet and now they are going to lie about it?
>Boycott McDonalds
>Everyone suddenly thinner
>America fittest/thinnest country on earth
>Trump gets 4 terms
>Some intern makes a post on the official twitter
>It gets taken down immediately
I get the feeling that the guys running the show like him, but since their main customer base doesnt they have to be quiet about it.