Dad admits killing daughter, 3, after sexual abuse so violent she bled into nappy
Nicole MorleyNicole Morley for
Thursday 2 Mar 2017 11:00 am
>A father has pleaded guilty to manslaughter over the death of his daughter who suffered extreme sexual abuse.
>Kyhesha-Lee, three, died in 2013 after being subjected to prolonged sexual abuse so violent she bled into her nappy.
>The toddler complained about pain to her dad, Matthew Lee Williamson, who claims he ‘didn’t think anything of it’.
>Williamson has pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of his daughter, but denied fatally harming the child in Brisbane Supreme Court.
>Williamson admitted using a rope to keep Kyhesha locked up but denies accusations of horrific abuse, including using a large sex toy on the girl, punching her in the stomach, posing with her while naked and pulling her ear until it bled.
>In his testimony, Williamson said he did not take his daughter to a hospital despite her throwing up green vomit for days, visible bruising on her face and the blood in her nappy.
>Kyhesha suffered an internal injury which became infected, the court was told this would have been so painful it’s likely she would not have been able to eat, drink or even move in the 12 hours leading up to her death.
>She showed her father that she was bleeding from her genitals and said she ‘didn’t want any fingers up her bum anymore’.
>Williamson said he didn’t seek medical attention for his daughter because he was concerned doctors would alert the authorities.
>‘I was afraid I’d lose her to welfare… because of the state she was in,’ he said.
>Prosecutor Phil McCarthy claims Williamson is lying to hide that he sexually abused his daughter – an accusation he denies.
OLD NEWS: Faggots rape 3 year old to death
Other urls found in this thread:
>When she died, Kyhesha lived in a flat with her father, Williamson, and Christopher Kent. The two men would engage in ‘unorthodox sexual conduct’ together, a court heard.
>Kent, who pleaded guilty to manslaughter and received a two-year suspended sentence, told the court he witnessed Williamson abusing his daughter.
>While Williamson says Kent is responsible for the abuse.
>The father’s case has been unexpectedly adjourned after Williamson’s defence barrister Michael Copley requested an investigation into a ‘psychological abnormality’ could have contributed to his conduct towards his daughter after she warned his of the pain after abuse.
Oops, sorry. Forgot to post the link
>'psychological abnormality'
Yes I wonder what that could be. We just... don't... know...
What types of punishments do you think should be given to sick fucks that harm children, Sup Forums?
I think that the death penalty is letting them off too easy. Instead, they should be be exiled to a desert where they have no chance of rescue or left to die out at sea.
Implying that it was because they are gay makes you a bigot!! How could you do suck a thing!!??
Sexual deviants are despicable.
Death is enough, God will take over from there.
he shall receive the same pain he has lashed upon his daughter
And have another Australia? No thanks. Fuck that idea on the barby mate.
This is sickening
Death is adequate. We have to maintain our own morality. Sure you could flay them and then salt the exposed flesh but you would have to look yourself in the eye afterwards.
Death by molten plastic.
Forcing him to sew cucumbers up his ass, letting them pickle in his rot.
Allow med students to use him as a live cadaver.
Or just crucify him.
weirdest thing about this article is the repeated use of "nappy".
Rather off-putting.
100 Lashes.
Then death by firing squad.
He should be raped in the ass with a dildo until he suffers from "internal injuries" and dies slowly from it. Then maybe an acid enema and castration? Ffs this makes me sick..
can't think of anything off the top of my head but i suggest the longest most painfull death possible
And Sup Forums bitches about gay dads being bad...
Crucifixion sounds like a good idea
>No comfortable way to hang from a cross
>Extremly painful
>Takes hours , if not days to die
I like this one
I got to hangout with my 6 year old niece today :->
Sandpaper treadmill
what about impaling?
>Last year
>Find these stories disgusting but readable
>Daughter is born 3 months ago
>Can't even read these anymore
How a father could do ANYTHING but shower their child with love and joy is beyond me. I simply no longer understand child abuse, let alone parental child abuse.
anything else is pleb tier
It was mental illness. Nothing personnel, kid.
>psychological abnormality
So he'll walk free because he says hes retarded?There is no insanity or retardness here,only evil.
sounds good
naw, mentally ill people should be held responsible for their crimes if found guilty
Also pretty fucking good , it has pretty much the same effect as crucifixion
>Extremly painful , depending on how you do it
>Takes days to die
>Vlad the inpaler used it against turks so it must be good
This, although I keep suffering through the readings so I never become a complacent father. Evil is out there, best to at least attempt to prepare yourself to meet it.
>gay as in homosexual
>attracted to children of the opposite gender
Pick one. Are you actually this retarded?
I'm not even a father or anything like that and I still kind of teared up when I read some of this.
I thought I was jaded from years of the internet.
I was wrong.
It's a Brit thing
It didn't seem like attraction, was more like a case of misopedia.
This is a communitary work for saving the west from this shitty nigger names.
2 years is not long enough
Because people who aren't sexually attracted to little girls just sexually abuse them all the time. Gtfo
Faggots are sex obsessed it has nothing to do with gender preference and everything to do with men always being willing to fuck.
Fags would fuck women if they put out like fags. Fags will fuck children if they think they can get away with it
theres 2 types of pedo
sadastic and affectionate
these scum were type 2..
These faggots should get the exact same treatment as they did to that girl.
That's exactly what I meant when I was shaming faggots as being sexual deviants. Sexual deviants will be sexual deviants (more likely to do shit like this) regardless of if they are homosexual, bisexual, or even sometimes straight.
You're ignorant and you sound like white trash. Go be a pretend social justice warrior somewhere else you massive faggot
Why are gays allowed near children? Horrific.
you're the SJW
why would you reward their behavior tho
Pedo =/= homosexual
Or if you want to equate them, we could do the same thing with straight people and murder. It's a really retarded correlation and is irrelevant. Sexuality is fundamentally unique to every individual, and any number of past and/or ongoing factors play a role on ones preference of mind and planning.
I really hope God is real so that the Devil is too and he gets to torture these bastards for eternity
I'm not the one acting like a tough guy over the internet, belittling people with preferences I don't agree with, and being so insecure about it that i have to equate them to pedophiles to feel morally superior about myself. Kek
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
he was explaining something about how gay people are, you are the 'internet tough guy'.
or Burn him alive!... Slowly!
I was wondering why you were being such a fag.
Then this post made me realize you're actually a faggot.
Which type are you? Affectionate or sadistic?
I think the saying goes, if you're a homosexual you're not necessarily a pedophile, but if you're a pedophile, you're almost certainly a homosexual.
>no u
Wew lad
My uncle who works as a anaesthetist once told me a story of a baby who came in with a lung infection, upon further examination they found semen in her lungs.
There are such bad people in this world and always closer around us than we want to believe.
Millennial fathers thinking pizzagate is cool
mother fucker needs to be shot
makes my stomach turn
fuck, gross
fucking a teen vs this. im sorry one is pedophilia and so fucking wrong, the other is not.
This is fucking gross.
Oh boy the wannabe sjw tough guy who thinks he's doing God's work by bashing homosexuals. You sure showed me with your enlightened opinions
People like this deserve so much pain.
just put him in the worst venezuelan prison full of insane homo junglus negroidus motherfuckers and tell all the inmates what he did.
penis and balls cut off
damage to anal cavity like a bat with spikes up the ass
that untill they die
but only do all that after a long prison sentence
I like the way you think.
>psychological abnormality
Nothing that 240 grains of lead at 1400 feet per second can't cure.
That is a very scary picture.
Give them to me.
Im gay and i like fucking men.
Schwedentrunk (“The Swedish Drink”) was a form of torture... ...It involved forcibly making a person consume a mixture of human and animal excrement (often served up boiling hot) until they passed out.
Once a person could consume no more they’d often be kicked in the stomach or beaten to compound their suffering.
This thread makes me believe that acts of evil create ripples in the world, which touch some men's hearts and ping a lurking evil within them.
I believe in justice, not social justice. Torture in this guys case seems justified, but despite how I feel I don't think it really is justified at all. Why feed mana evil with more suffering and torture? Just kill him and be done with it.
Just shot them and leave them in a ditch, cheaper. They don't deserve an expensive death.
Yuck. Terrible and nasty. He's fucked in the head.
>pol acting like they care so much for kids's wellbeing
Fuck off.
take every right from this person. this means others can do to him what they want without police intervene. they lost the right of protection from the state.
place them in the middle of the town, feets in concrete, then place a sign in front of them that explains what this person did. wait what happens... the angry mob will solve the problem.
these sorts of people should be tortured to death slowly.
Seriously this shit is really makes me sad to be alive.
This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums. Of course people are going to care about a child being hurt
Of course nothing.
Anglos, the niggers of the white race...
>Muh odd or unfair punishments law
sever their spinal cord, optic nerves, tongue and eardrums and leave them on an iv drip until they die of old age
Why not all 4?
>whites being pedos and killing their own kids
Not surprised desu.
that's fucked bro
are we really any better if we do shit like that to people?
if anything this stuff shows how bad faggots are. and how fucked our society is that it allows them to exist and do this kind of stuff discretely and the system somewhat enables it, and will even apologise for them after the fact.
that's the true sickness.
What the fuck was that name
post the vid you fuckign fag, POST IT
Some people in this thread think that them raping a kid has nothing to do with them being faggots.Wake up idiots,faggots are the most wicked and vile beasts to walk the earth in modern times.They are inferior unevolved animals who follow only instinct since they claim its "natural".Rape of women and murder over territory of weaker things like kids is also natural.Doesn't mean you fucking do it.Nothing triggers me like the gays.
>it's another edgelords meme about killing pedos thread
I'm not a pedo apologist or anything but the density of autism you spergs put out is laughable. Devoting a paragraph to describing torture trying to sound like fucking Rorschach or something doesn't sound the same written as it does in your head
what fucking white parent names their white kid "Kyesha"? that's nignog tier shit.
eye for an eye.
project the lifespan she would have lived + the level of pain she experienced, that is the minimum level of suffering he should experience.
This is a thread that I copied from the other place and put here since I thought it needed more attention.
>since they claim its "natural".
Sup Forums's " justification" of every psychopathic view that have
>rape of women and murder over territory of weaker things
Again, Sup Forums's reasoning and justification to the T, (although they usually keep the rape and murder low key)
Hence why Sup Forums is faggots and niggers along with being literal faggots
So is "Ivanka" huh?
So nig-tier
white niggers.
Fucking faggots. How come the world changed to allow them to have fucking rights.
They are barely human.