When people on this board talk about Denmark as if it is some safeheaven for whites. It is a fucking lie...

When people on this board talk about Denmark as if it is some safeheaven for whites. It is a fucking lie. Everywhere here is filled with brown an black people (mostly brown aka sandniggers). The danes who fail to see this, which is most danes, are weakminded consumer sheeps getting goy-farmed on maximum capacity. I swear, if you go to any place in Denmark that is more than a 10 house village, there is extreme amounts of sandniggers. And they do the same as in sweden with the "i am arabian or black but i am danish". Dont get fooled by the beta manlet student danes in here telling you the opposite, they CHOOSE to be blind because they are weak and programmed.

You don't have to tell us Denmark is shit, we knew that already

>we knew that already
99% of talk on pol about denmark from non swedes is fucking bullshit of how good denmark is in relation to sandniggers. WE HAVE SO MANY SANDNIGGERS HERE PLEASE KILL ME


this is not constructive at all though. sweden, norway and denmark need to reunite, not further divide. We need to make the north WHITE again.

Don't worry, I've always known you guys are cucks. Looks like you're slowly improving though.

as bad as any western country sure

the positive attitude is not because of your demographics but your political landscape

very funny, i could say loads of offensive things back at you, but i will not. what is norway doing to make the north white again if i may ask?

It is a fucking safehaven compared to Sweden and Germanistan. Don't be delusional.


no it isnt man, do you actually go outside? or do you live in a small village? when i was a kid we had 1-2 brown people at a max in each school class, and they was not behaving like monkeys in most cases. i cant even imagine what class rooms looks like now, must suck so bad to be a teacher now.


this is the issue i am talking about.

You are right,Denmark is pretty Liberal probably more then any country in Eastern Europe.

fucking kek, how do jews brainwash the socety so good. Fuck i hate americans for doing this shit.

Lived in Aarhus for 4 years, saw about 15 black people in total throughout my time there. Zealand is the shithole.


Sven pls, go back across the bridge where you came from

It wasn't us

Which city?
Silkeborg is fine, but seen surprisingly many mixed couples, but not many perkere in general

You are the kind of blind OP was talking about.

Clearly not when i was a bartender in Aarhus, got to meet all kinds of people, they were all white except one or two tourists in the summer. Saw maybe one or two burqas in the city Square, but take it from an outsider, Denmark is not what OP described it as. Try living in London

Muslims don't drink..

Did you walk through downtown before noon?

But London has more people then entire Denmark

I didn't see Muslims in a bar of course, but to say Denmark is even remotely cucked is just a lie. Only a couple seedy areas of Copenhagen are really like what OP is saying. Norrbro and such

>but to say Denmark is even remotely cucked is just a lie

They are very liberal society it's just matter of time before...



That's okay bro I'm still fucking your women ;)

Please make babies, I don't even care if it's going to be a brit.

I thought you were the racists of the north. A pity. How long until its destroyed? Grandpappy's family was from there and I'd like to see his land before its gone.

I'll do you proud lad don't you worry


Stop living in a shithole. Northern Jutland here, 0 sandniggers.

Ved du hvordan Thisted eller Skive er?

kek fuck off, we got the second largest ghetto of shitskins in Aarhus as well as one of Europe perhaps most infamous mosques responsible for hundreds of ISIS fighters.
>saw only 15 black people

Thisted er fyldt med psykopater, ved ikke noget om Skive.

Didn't see any of that shit. Only time i saw immigrants was near the train station/shopping centre. They all congregate there and i never knew why. Anyway, no, Aarhus is not a caliphate

I want to migrate to Denmark after university, you guys need help in making it great again?

Miss Denmark 2008 was Black?


Of course we do you fucking spastic, but we don't just roll over like Swedistan and here-you-go-rape-my-daughter Germany whenever the sub-humans do heinous shit, nor do we let them run roughshod through our country with cucked politicians trying hard not to look like racists.

Denmark is pretty fucking based, and I consider myself lucky as fuck to live here, despite our commie-level taxes.

Can we all agree Inger Stojberg is /ourgirl/ ?

>Denmark is pretty fucking based

Socially Liberal, economically left Socialist,former leader Feminist?

Please don't turn in to Third Reich!

We know.
Denmark was the "shitty Sweden" even before all this.

She has scary eyes

This. I fucking loved living in your country. And people aren't afraid to vote DF too.

Only in the main cities. In the small towns in jutland it's actually mainly whites, even in Randers, the nignogs stay in the northern part of town mainly

>we didint know this already

Obviously there are sandniggers.
But all sangniggers, a almost all of them, migrate to the big cities for some reason.

Are you actually fucking blind? Aarhus is litreally one of the citys most people call a shithole.

No. She is pro-EU. She will continue to sell out of our sovereignty until the very thing she is campaigning against happens.

She split the vote on the right, and made DF less likely to grow. Venstre has always been a populist party that will say anything to get elected. You should vote for the party that have taken a stand against sandniggers for decades. Even if they are zionist cucks.

Ideally we would all vote for Danskernes Parti, we have to continue to reward increasingly strict policies or the politicians will sell us out to get the mainstream vote.

Inger Stojberg is a fucking populist shill, she does nothing more than mimick DF narrative and dress it up nice so they don't lose more votes after DF's last success.

She is a fucking shill, if you support her you are dumb as shit and should move to Sweden.

pic related, my actual face as i am not mad at all. not at all...

>Former leader
Exactly, dumb cunt didn't get re-elected. We got fed up with her.

lol no, Randers and Aalborg are the biggest shitholes

>Working at place muslims don't go to since their goat fucking religion says they can't.
>Didn't see any muslims.
Yea, no fucking shit mate. You won't find any ducks in the pig pen either.

I went to more places than just my work you autist. And i didn't see many.

approx 30% of the vote goes to Dansk Folkeparti which is hardcore anti-immigration and wants to send the migrants home. (not that they'll get shit done because noone else supports them in it)
We seem to be less censored in general (there is the case about the guy burning the quran, but no verdict has fallen) and on facebook you see people saying what they think.

It's not so bad. Won't matter in the long run though, it's all the same.

safeheaven for sandniggers for sure

Its not though, shitskins already cause the majority of the crimes here, but its getting covered up mostly because the police has completely stopped responding to crimes like burglary, home robbery, people stealing shit out of stores, death threats towards store clerks who catch them stealing, all drug related crime is a free pass at the moment unless the police stumbles into you with a large amount on you

I could fucking go on, and on naming things, they basicly only respond to crimes that doesnt require them to actually leave their cars or if a politician gets death threats on facebook.

Only whiskey-belt faggots dont know this for a fact

Not gonna vote for DF, they'll just pass the reigns again. They are worse than the redscum, because DF is just LARPing being pro-border/anti-mitigration for the votes.

How can i say this?
The first thing they did when they got all the goddamn votes was passing power to the jewish cabal.

DNSB needs your vote son.

more like shitemark

>Taiya Ann Milne
Not even the white girl is swedish

Denmark is bad on that regard but it's still a million times better than Sweden. In Denmark you can actually have an discussion about the problems without people just brushing it under the carpet.

T. Half Danish that visit Denmark often.

And tell me one western country that don't have these problems? I'll wait.

Same here in Norway, everywhere I go I see many Browns and Blacks and I am not even living in Oslo.

Is this your excuse swede? You are waiting for your own death

Where? I'm in Ålesund.

When does the next general election take place?


It's not a excuse it's the truth. People like to point fingers here but every western european country has this problem.

not here in Aalborg though there is a number but it's an overwhelming minority and they don't bother anyone. But I have to agree that Danes are consumer zombies just go to Bilka at the weekend, I am amazed that there actually this amount of people living here, wtf are they buying. And last Denmark is Communism because you really will be taxed down if you work hard.


Even white Danes are fucking shit. Degenerates who do nothing but drink and slaughter whales. Fuck Denmark.

Nice falseflag.
[spoiler]Double meaning on Sup Forums[/spoiler]

White people don't want to come to Denmark because its expensive as shit, while black and brown people get free shit.

no they don't, we kill the whales, the danes are whale cucks

>trying to spoiler on Sup Forums
Hi newfriend

t. retard

>a fucking leaf

Yea mang. Per capita Norway has had the highest immigration in the recent years of most western countries. Much higher than denmark

>a fucking burger

hogging up all the oil in our shared waters

Looked up Odense Banegård (station) images -


Damn 4 whole niggers? And in a group? WOW!

I could carve out a church out of all this salt lmao. What you going to do about it? Cut welfare? Educate people? Create more jobs? Build new housing?

No you just going to sit and bitch. Easy way out. All this low energy, du godeste.

we have 14% sandniggers brother, it's horrible.

Horsens is a pretty red-pilled town. People generally don't like sandniggers here, probably because it's dominated by the working class, and there aren't a lot of them compared to other towns nearby (fx Vejle, sandnigger-ridden shitstain).

Danskernes Parti