Why are people buying expensive beef when offal is so cheap? Meat is meat. Stop wasting money on expensive shit. Also, why is beef so expensive anyway? Shouldn't capitalism fix this? There is a large demand for beef. The supply is also large. Why high price?
Why are people buying expensive beef when offal is so cheap? Meat is meat. Stop wasting money on expensive shit. Also...
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Offal is awful!
Or you are just shit at cooking.
I dunno the quality of meat at my local grocery store isn't great so I don't really trust lesser cuts of meat.
>he dosen't butcher his own beef and eat it year-round
cause it's not sold anymore.
beef is overrated
pork and chicken are the best
>There is a large demand for beef. The supply is also large. Why high price?
Something is worth what people are willing to pay for it. People are clearly willing to pay for it as it is now. It's not their job to cater to poorfags.
are those anuses?
>capitalism fixing anything
For 1200 dollars, you can get enough beef to feed your family for a year. This is not considered expensive.
What the fuck is that shit? Dog food?
who let you use the computer woman? why are you outside of the kitchen?
>buying meat
>1200 dollars
>for blowfly ridden maggot beef from the US ranches or jungle beef with god knows what from the jungles of brazil
it's comfy living in Europe with the highest food standards in the world and a government that cares about organic local food.
>Why are people buying expensive beef when offal is so cheap?
The real question would rather be, why people get horrificly overpriced take-out, instant-meals and fastfood, when a weekly shopping trip and 3 cooking sessions, adding up to 2 hours in total, would feed them for less money, and quicker too.
Never really bothered with offal though. Cooking alone, is already enough of a money-saver.
Beef & pork at lowest prices in the last five years (in my state & city).
Me chest freezer is packed full, looking foreward to summer barbeques.
>tfw agricultural state of California
>high quality food is easily affordable
>but we get taxed 35% of our income
Slide thread.
dont reply, sage in all fields.
Picture so you read my post.
Chicken hearts? i fucking love chicken hearts.
>tfw my father raised me on venison but I just couldn't get into hunting
I don't even have anything against the hobby, I'm just too wound up to spend hours sitting in the woods. Love nature and hiking though.
Well, you've gotta have a nice steak once in awhile. For the most part, I agree with you. Throughout college I ate like a king: fish,small game, and deer. Occasionally I got some pork or beef from a local farmer I'd do work on the side for. Got free chickens when I'd help him butcher and clean them too.
I also make enough so i can freeze some for when i don't want to cook.
Chicken hearts
uhh. mad cow? horse flesh scandals? just go to bed
> meat is meat
What are you even doing on this board?
> Shouldn't capitalism fix this?
Chicken hearts are pretty tough and bad, livers & gizzards are great though. I worry about chemical shit in supermarket livers though.
Beef, expensive ? Eh
It's like 15€ / kilo or 7$ / pound here, pretty affordable
Here we go, again. That fucking autistic polack.
Post your pasta with a drop of spices and that precious stock cube water.
But I'll be honest, I really enjoy hearts.
I usually just eat whistle pig and my bullets do the gutting for me
Personally I love tough food, being forced to chew something thoroughly really helps bring out the flavor.
I just throw them in with bones for stock, the flavor isn't really BAD it's just not as rich as the other bits.
the entrails and internal organs of an animal used as food.
refuse or waste material.
decomposing animal flesh.
There, the equivalent of 70 us cents for this. I overpaid for them as I bought them in a plastic container.
Meat (roughly) loses 65% to 75% its mass when cooked properly. This is why it takes more meat to get the same protien found in say soy beans or eggs. And raw or overcooked meats are bad for you. so more preperation goes into getting meat just right for consumption.
This why it is so expensive and why there not always large supply.
Eat more veggies
>he eats cheap inferior cuts
What the fuck is offal?
Anyway, I always buy the cheapest meat I can get at the grocery store, usually chicken thighs. Tastes better than pork.
Have you asked your butcher?
Prepping is based af. Just get a big ol' pot, and do the work needed to feed yourself throughout the week.
On a similiar topic, I absolutely love my bread-baking machine. The pre-packaged bread-flour is... fine - but add some bread-spice and a handful of different corns n stuff, and you have better and healthier bread than any bakery is likely to sell, at a fraction of the price. Anyone into cooking, might also want to look into that.
in animal societies, offal is for the betas, the alphas get the best muscles to eat.
offal is only good in charcuterie
mister millionare speaking here. hehe xddddddddddddddddd
Pork neck bones also cheap as fuck. Can get some good meat out of that, mostly stews and stuff. Pennies.
I like hearts but I am too scared of eating the rest because of hue quality
Mohammad detected
>Why are people buying expensive offal when eating your shit is free?
Chicken heart is good if you can cook them right. They're not that great for your health, though. Pretty greasy.
Organ meat has next to year nutritional value and in some cases can be toxic (liver).
I used to buy pork all the time but when I realized chicken thighs were like 2/3rds the price of pork loin chops I switched over.
I still eat bacon though.
>70 us cents for this
Did that include the garbage can?
Ah just remember that Sarapatel is offal so I eat from time to time
Chicken is cheaper AND not as easy to fuck up as pork, leaving it dry.
Ok good boy
Do you glaze your bacon with maple syrup?
>being poor like this Jarosław
kys, Jarosław
No, I only eat like a pound of beef a week since eating it every day would hurt my budget.
>There is a large demand for beef. The supply is also large. Why high price
You have just explained supply and demand in one sentence. What can't you understand?
I want to eat cheap meat for the next week to boost my hemoglobin level in blood and donate it in a blood bank in exchange for 10 chocolates, free coffe, some money I can write off my tax and a day off from work. I have a plan for everything.
Liver is great for you and only it's toxic if you eat YUGE amounts or buy HUE-quality-control ones.
What the fuck is offal
Here buying chicken legs has the same price as chicken hearts. 2euros/Kg
Cheapest meat is pork liver 1.3 euros/Kg
>it's comfy living in Europe with the highest food standards in the world and a government that cares about organic local food.
only the finest organic meats for those kebab vendors, eh?
Lucky you. Beef is expensive in the UK and apparently doubly so in Scotland.
>Why are people buying expensive beef when offal is so cheap?
Good quality beef tastes good. I don't want to eat offal, nor sheep for that matter.
>Shouldn't capitalism fix this? There is a large demand for beef. The supply is also large. Why high price?
Capitalism can't react immediately. Animals take time to grow, and the carrying capacity of the land depends on rainfall which can vary a lot.
Chickens closer to normal prices for me, they spiked when MN had the avian flu going through.
I can get thighs for ~79 cents a lb now.
That's why you should keep your liver in water or milk and change tge water 2-3 times before eating. It's "toxic" because it has vitamin A. Too much vitamin A is toxic. That's it. Don't act stupid. Liver has lots of iron.
3oz of any meat still has more and diverse proteins than 3oz of egg or soy beans. the very fact that recommend estrogen educing products such as soy leads me to believe that you are a woman or a beta numale fag. both of which make me disregard your opinion as mattering.
Innards. Ya know, the stuff that's not meat or bone marrow yet you can still eat.
>meat is meat
>beef shouldnt be so expensive
THEY EAT GRASS, NOT CORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not a good meat imho even if you have some cooking skills.
>t. Poland
Because quality beef tastes better and has more nutrients
What about washing a British toilet?
I don't mean to say it's great, and I certainly don't buy it, but if I'm at a barbecue and it's offered I'll eat it alright.
No offense polish bro, but it looks kinda gross. How does it taste? And to answer your question... it's because a lot of people have so much money floating around that they can just throw it away without even thinking twice.
For example, I take home (after taxes) between $1400 and 1800 per week, with about $1300 in total monthly expenses. Unfortunately, I waste most of it, and the cost of beef never even crosses my mind.
>There is a large demand for beef
That's why the price is high, and this is mostly due to China.
>The supply is also large.
But not rising as fast as demand. And some traditional beef producers (USA for example) have the same cattle count today as we did in the 1950s
So we at least have not increased supply.
Pig tails and cow tongues aren't cheaper?
>Also, why is beef so expensive anyway?
Anglo scum is addicted to it and we can't compete in buying power.
Hmm, should I yell "Shill" or some shit about how I "Found the vegan"?
hahaha, poor slav bastard
They eat corn if you give them, they even eat paper.
I never ruin a barbecue with that, I usually cook them in a sauce.
>when offal is so cheap
it's cheap because it tastes like shit
Bought a bunch of beef outside round the other day for less than 8 bucks a kilogram.
Feels good man.
Hehe goyim, why don't you just eat bugs? It'll save the earth. But of course we won't because it's not kosher, but don't worry we'll be able to survive on all the prime cuts you aren't eating hehehehe!
>Eating more insects could help fight world hunger, according to a new UN report.
>The report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization says that eating insects could help boost nutrition and reduce pollution.
>It notes than over 2 billion people worldwide already supplement their diet with insects.
>large demand
>large supply
>price high
Clearly supplying is not large enough
pig anus and rectum are the cheapest, bon appetit
>How does it taste?
Great. I used a spice for chicken meat and overall it tasted like harder mushrooms. Still, the meat wasn't hard. Only people who can't prepare offal make it hard.
Americans, send this good man some burgers!!
5$ here
TOFU STEAK is your new friend of life!
>he isn't even taxed 3 times my rate
Offal has more minerals than any muscle meat.
I can eat raw fish and guts but insects just taste like bitter shit
That's some kawaii asparagus-su
I did that but my farm got attacked by parasites. We don't have the right climate to farm bugs outside.
I bet you abuse the spice to kill the taste.
I'm not even against the numale phytoestrogen beans.... they just taste like shit. Like nothing I've ever tasted of soy managed to completely purge the flavor.
Too much estrogen
Rate my pleb food.
Americans prefer white meat, so they're practically giving away chicken hind leg quarters for as little as 60 cents a pound.
Its great.
So? Spices exist to make my food taste different every time.