/awcg/ American War Crimes General

Periodic reminder that the United States is committing war crimes daily in at least 6 countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Yemen and Syria.

The Syrian conflict was started by the Obama administration... they, along with the Bushes and Clintons before them, are to be held responsible for the 500k deaths there, as well as hundreds of thousands in the other war zones. Literal millions within the last 30 years.

Both shareblue and the alt-right are and will continue to be triggered as fuck by this. Their "REEE-ing" will fall on deaf ears.

Pic fucking related.

Other urls found in this thread:


>war crimes
>according to some document written a while back by a bunch of people most folks will never learn of in "history" class.

It's almost like no one gives a shit, eh? Geneva Conventions are never enforced unless it benefits a political movement that is in bed with the bankers somewhere.

It's funny how the muh iraq liberals from a few years ago now fully support some of the most devestating wars ever to take place in the region

Why do you care about sandniggers an actual niggers?

I knew those Arabs had no brains

People would give a shit if they actually knew. How much reporting have you seen on Yemen, or hell, even Syria, save for the moments when they've tried to accuse Assad / Russia of something?

Geneva Conventions apply to conflicts between two or more sovereign states.

we're not in yemen bro


will she be alright?

>post pictures of dead people
>no americans to be found
this is why propaganda is so useful. you can take a picture of a dead child and associate america with it with zero proof. sorry, not buying it.

Is she okay?



lol? no they wouldn't give a shit. everyone knows about drowned beach babby and dust boy and nobody really cares

There is no such thing as a 'war crime'. 'War crimes' are just an excuse for the victors in any war to execute all the people they want with absolute impunity. See: The Nurnberg trials. The corollary to this is that war crimes are meaningless because there need be an enforcing agency. If there was such thing it's true that pretty much every American president from decades and decades ago would have been hanged just like Hussein was.

War in itself is the crime.

I'll put it this way, every time there was a terrorist attack on American soil, which is way more often than people think, there would be some shit hole desert country somewhere that would resemble the Fortress of Solitude.

"W"'s words:

Then we proceed to do nothing about it in all actuality. "...and every government that supports them" was something we forgot about as we invaded Iraq and muddled around with other countries in the region while doing absolutely nothing about the real problem: Eliminating an ideology that is contrarian to a modern world and the nations that inhabit it.

gay thread

Serves weak globalist narrative which barely makes sense. People see that and think "Putin bad".

When you see this, you should think "that's muh freedumz right thurr". Because that particular casualty was caused by a US made cluster bomb (which almost no one else is allowed to use anymore).

How am I triggered for pointing out the truth? People have been paid literally millions to make anti-US propaganda. Why would this be any different? I'll take being called triggered over being a naive and ignorant individual. The truth rules the day, facts are often not in plain sight, friend. That's a truth you'll learn as you grow up.

Do they know that those were staged as well?


what US action is happening in yemen

is Sup Forums the leading anti-war movement in the world?

>Being this desperate for this to be false.

Started as "support" for SA's incompetent military (which we supply almost 100%), now we've taken over actual airstrikes b/c apparently the Saudis can't even wipe their own asses, much less run a modern AF.

Obama just didn't want flag-draped coffins in the papers, famiglia.

Was he, dare i say it, /thegoodguy/?

Not an argument.

so read through the replies.

What really kills me is that Sup Forums would try to make a big deal out of this only if they thought someone was having sex with the kids first.

I miss when this was a Ron Paul board and not a pro-war Trump circlejerk

It isn't a big deal, kids die all the time. Prove Americans did this and then we will talk kiddo. These days we use facts and proof, not imagery for emotional appeal.


what are you talking about, everyone uses cluster bombs and white phosphorus, among other "banned" shit


Good. As long as they are doing it to people I cannot relate to, you have my blessing burgers

Oh look, another stupid /general/ to shit up the board

Hey OP, you don't have to make a sublebbit every time you want to talk about something. You can just make a normal thread without calling it a general. This isnt lebbit. That's not how chans work dumb fuck.

Also good, fuck sandniggers.

>war crimes daily in at least 6 countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Yemen and Syria.

I care why?

>war crimes
Ain't no one gonna do nothing


You must not understand what war is.

Bump, because I am ashamed that I have not done more to save the innocent.
I used to call an write my reps during the first attempts to invade Syria because of the FSA BS.
Planet X is here now, most of us will die in the next several years anyway.
My daughter is 13 today, Jesus be with all of the sweet peas in the world.

>ashamed that I have not done more to save the innocent.

The US needs to just carpet bomb ISIS

>the propaganda is working


I hadn't heard of this. Thanks for contributing.








>All related to Syria and all done by Obama, except the last one.

war crimes exist.
the fact that edgy autists like you think all is allowed in war does not make them any less real.

>Planet X is here now
Finally? People have been saying that for as long as I've been alive.

t. leftie-pol refugee.

I have a pic like that OP

You fucking child.

War in itself is already a crime against humanity. When you're waging war you're already beyond the point of any rules or laws. War has no rules. When it comes down to either surviving or perishing, no one is going to care who is the bigger gentleman. You use all means available for you to ensure the survival of you and your people.

Go play chess if you want to follow rules.

>war is a warcrime now

This post is bait from leftists who do not understand international law governing conflicts.

>1. Countries who did not ratify the documents pertaining to war criminality, including us and the countries not in signage of the Geneva conventions, do not get protection under those documents: ie the 3 day Iraq war

>second and most importantly, these provisions only cover declared wars against standing military forces, and do not offer any protection whatsoever to "enemy combatants" which fall under neither of the former parts, making civilian casualty avoidance both impossible from a military standpoint, and completely irrelevant from a legal standpoint

War is hell, but COIN gives the devil nightmares.

We'll keep hosing down buildings with Raufoss rounds, because in the end, pic related is the only answer you get.

why is he upset?, his kid gained 10 IQ points.

>says the country who took the Falklands and cried about war crimes because the brits sank your cruiser

Argies have no understanding of war, nor the legality of our actions. Only the most ignorant would use treaties we haven't ratified and place a responsibility for us to follow them when they don't cover the enemy in the first place.

The only thing that stops us from using WP and Napalm all over Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, is our own decision not to. Read the treaties you cite before talking about them.