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Wow, girls suck at math.
Haven't seen anything he's done since his "I'm with her" comic
The smaller your demographic, the more representative you are of them. Pretty simple social dynamics at work here.
left panel: what is said
right panel: what is heard
Women should not be allowed outside of the home.
Should have been fp because bp
I think the artist is a complete faggot.
Multiply the second panel by ten and change only the last one to say girls
She sucks at being a wife and mother more.
Math major at a top 10 liberal arts school. 4 girls in my 40 person senior seminar, all chinks. Girls don't suck at math they just don't try it.
Also anyone getting pi from integrating x^2 is guessing and sucks at math
The thing on the right happens a lot more than the thing on the left though, it's justified.
Haha fuck nerds, am I right? Those guys are the real sexists.
>math department bends over backwards to accomodate females, and they still are drastically outperformed by males
>hockey team gang rapes girls all the time, girls still throw themselves at them
Putting up with this shit only makes it worse.
this is an old comic. dude actually has some pretty okay stuff. its just he bought into the fear like everyone else
Yeah, I avoided him for a while. It was going downhill a bit anyway. I still like his random question thing, though iirc he shit talked Sup Forums needlessly in one, and lied about the contents of the thread (probably couldn't stomach it and made it worse in his head than reality). He should stay away from politics. He sucks at politics.
oh christ i didn't even know about that. rip in peace xkcd
>thinks mint is not godlike flavour
girls suck at math
It's not said after observing one girl sucks at math; it's usually said after observing all but one girl sucking at math.
I've been involved in the field of science a long time and without fail, women were always in the bottom portion of every class involving some form of math.
That's not to say that one particular woman with an aptitude in math equal to the men in those classes doesn't exist, just I have yet to encounter said person.
I encounter the stereotype of the girl that sucks at math everyday, though...and it's every female in the department.
i don't understand this? so butter popcorn tastes bad to him? and he doesn't like white chocolate?
and what the fuck is a blue raspberry? just put in fucking blueberry. what the fuck is wrong with this asshole? i wish he'd fucking died of that cancer he had.
Wesleyan isn't anywhere near top 10, don't you have an actuarial exam to study for? Or some tainted molly to take? Or some sports to lose at? Or a naked party to go to?
The shit tier consulting shops are still recruiting man, you don't have time to be on Sup Forums. Spend those 65 thousand wisely when you graduate, maybe you'll crack 150 before you start paying for your kids tuition at Wesleyan.
Women have a weak sense of self and identify primarily as part of a group instead of as individuals. Thus if you criticise a woman, she does not see it as a criticism of *her* but as a criticism of all women. Men are the opposite.
Thus, when you tell a man "You suck at maths", the man thinks "You have a problem with me". When you tell a woman, "You suck at maths", the woman thinks "You have a problem with all women and you have just said that all women are bad at maths".
Males and females have measurable psychological differences, according to Cambridge Professor Simon Baron-Cohen (pic related)
Male babies are producing twice as much testosterone in the womb (as adults, males produce 20x as much as females). This is mainly due to the presence of testicles.
Higher testosterone is associated with:
>A greater interest in understanding systems
>Lower empathy
>Taking longer to learn language
>Taking longer to learn social skills
This is why these traits are common to males, and less common to females. We know it's testosterone, because females with abnormally high testosterone levels show these more "masculine" patterns of thinking.
Watch here if you're interested (from 22:20 for about 3 minutes):
But they do suck at math.
They consistently score less on average and 90% of actual math majors (not meme statistics and education degrees) are male.
>Simon Baron-Cohen
I liked him best as Borat.
His wife was the cancery one.
That's Sacha Baron-Cohen, who is Simon's cousin.
No, you're thinking on Borcha.
has there ever been a more reddit post
I'm not even going to try...
Somebodys salty
>says a guy generalizing 5 billion people at once
Prove him wrong.
>Cotton candy and green apple, good
>Coffee and liquorice, bad
What a fucking peasant.
You just proved my point completely and utterly.
Also there aren't 5 billion women, so you suck at maths.
How do you get pie from integrating x^2 as an indefinite integral?
How do you get a defined constant from an undefined variable?
They do suck at math.
he saw plenty of male math geniuses and never saw any female math genius
>How do you get pie from integrating x^2 as an indefinite integral?
You don't. You get pie by baking that shit in an oven, motherfucker.
left: friends banter
right: guy flirting
Wtf? Is he trying to say fucking cotton candy is the best tasting food ever? and grape, orange, popcorn and caramel are bad?
I always liked this one.
Wow XKCD sucks at humor
The question doesn't even make any sense. int x square equals to nothing because you didn't specify the variable.
Why do artists suck at math?
how many STEM majors are female?
that's because the cuck redditor who makes these comics got absolutely BTFO
I've never met a guy with penmanship that looked like this.
it does equal pic related
>cotton candy = good
Fuck off, no.
>real snow Mexicans
No dx, mong
oh wait you mean there was no dx ah
Women are not in stem because men are mean to them!!
yeah I noticed too late
No it does not.
>K for constant
I'll fight you
You didn't define "K", retard.
"I fucking love science" starter pack
>Black Science Man
>Rick and Morty
>Bill Nye
What else do we need?
Hurr durr you didn't put a period at the end of a sentence so I must assume it goes on forever.
A grey Nasa T-shirt worn every fucking day :^)
Portal and Rick and Morty are good tho. Black science man should stick to education (i more or less agree with his stances on education) and bill Nye has outlived his usefulness. Fuck Bernie, that guy is all feels no reals.
a "clock"
Why did Texas lose its stripe?
he's a nasa scientist
he isn't saying they're bad just that the normies "Love" science because they've seen these things but haven't actually studied anything and don't know anything.
no he is right. If you don't define what you're integrating you can't do anything.
>Richard Dawkings
>Niel Degrasse Tysson
Someone send this to that guy. He's supposed be all statistics and numbers, right?
Fair enough. I'm layman as fuck when it comes to science and math, but I try to remain educated on concepts at least.
something atheism related
u dont have to be too smart.
girls are different to boys, the difference (sex) must be the reason for other differences (math).
if this was 2 girls, one would say "wow you suck at math"
then, in the 2nd picture the girl would say "wow guys suck at math"
has nothing to do with sexism, more to do with illogical bs
sexism isn't everywhere you retard. you're just a negative person.
>"oh you like science?"
>yeah senpai i love science ahaha have you seen rick and morty
>"yeah. so what do you think of the science regarding racial differences, specifically neurological capabilities?"
>wow did you just suggest that blacks aren't as smart as whites? that's fucking racist. humans are 99.5% the same genetically, there are literally no differences you fucking bigot.
Neil degrasse Tyson IS black science man, my Brazilian friend
>best tasting colours according to a 9-year-old
I'd say mythbusters but I don't think normies watch that show anymore.
Is deadliest warrior still a thing? It was so corny but amazingly entertaining at the same time.
Myth busters was a good show, all in all. Corny science shows always end up being the best.
Top kek!
xkcb got very cringy
>Also anyone getting pi from integrating x^2 is guessing and sucks at math
The integral is the area below the curve. So, it is possible for sx^2=PI.
Really made me think.