What happens if pic related were to take place today?


Hasn't this thread happened 1836361778 times at least?

Would be a great day for Western society

do it, just get me out of here before hand.

the news would blame it on Trump.

Boeing stocks would drop

Oh we found mh370

sage for JIDF

Only one way to find out op

Jet fuel melts meteors

Sweden and Germany would avenge them.

Whatever country did it would be painted as terrorists...because that's literally what this would be.

Play the SJW game all day. Like Trudeau said ''If your enemy have gay buttsex with eachother, you win''

I want all muslims to be filled with a massive 8 inchs of pure manly love. Love is the end goal

dirty bomb would be best. that way they cant come back to rebuild.

Muslims all around will finally understand the meme and move on to something else.


Some of them probably do it anyway.

is that reall picture?


>MH370 resurfaces after years and crashes into the Kaaba

I think reality as we know it would collapse

A mother fucking crusade by Muslims on America ( you made the post so assuming you want trump to do it )
UN would force America to leave and ww3 would start

It would be blamed on ISIS and then we'd have to actually fight them with troops on the ground.

a damn fine Thursday?

a sweet sweet moment of harmony and peace

>dear diary : today, nothing important happened

in all seriousness, how come that catbox is still up?

Because if anyone actually did try their ass would get fucked by the UN

if every muslim except for one would die,
so one surviving muslim in the world:

what would he do?
would he follow his instincts and suicide bomb?
or would he realize that's retarded?

Why don't the transformers just go get the cube already if everyone knows where it is?

we'd see which black box is better

every girl in germany and france would suck his dick because "muh poor muslim" and he would be like a new prophet making sure that islam come back stronger than ever

fuck this shit

All jokes aside, they would just rebuild it and replace the rock inside with another rock.


It was called the auto spark if I remember

It would be extremely painful.

...and nothing of value was lost.

The world would be a better place

Be sure to rape as many Muslims as you can during the great RaHoWa - even the men. That way they can spend the last few minutes of their lives knowing they'll go to hell.

Nice try Ahmed. Not falling for your taqqiya.

The terrorists win

well leafed my friend, now go to the oven

Massive riots and terrorist attacks from Muslims all around the world.

You thought they were mad when a newspaper published a cartoon of Muhammed?



>Muslims chimp out en masse
>Uprisings throughout Europe
>Israelis under siege by the Mohammaden hordes
>in the face of rape and plunder, White man finds find his balls again
>Extermination of Muslims in Europe ensues
>once the Islamic Question has been solved in the West, the nuclear club (except Pakistan) blankets the Middle East in hellfire
>Israel may or may not be destroyed as collateral damage
>America, the only country with a remotely tame Muslim population, suddenly becomes the last Muslim population on Earth
>Dearborn, Michigan becomes an open air human zoo where people can see Muslims in their natural enviroment
>9/11 finally avenged, Islamic parasite finally purged from the face of the Earth

>implying MH370 isn't MH17

Fuck off disinfo faggot