PVV 2nd, why are we mad about this?

>be Netherlands
>considered part of Western Europe, which is pretty fucking liberal
>have a political party with PM who straight up says 'Ban Islam' completely
>party comes in 2nd place and gains 5 seats while 1st place party loses 8 seats
>Anti-Islamic, socially conservative Party now second most powerful in Netherlands

Feel like that's a big win desu

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Not a bad point user. Not bad at all.

Because they only have 19 seats, which is only about 13% of voters, and can't really collaborate with other parties (which is essential is our system)

>only have 19 seats

last time i checked they had 20

also it woldn't really matter if they would be first, noone would have cooprated with them anyway.

This is not a bad situation, now they have to make a coalition with even more parties which tend to be even more unstable than 2 party coalitions.
I say you vote in at max 2 years again.

Wilders polled at 40% a year ago but lost all his support because he didn't campaign, skipped debates, didn't hold rallies, and was over all a shitty candidate. Why settle for 2nd place? We can't save Europe with only 13% of the population

Because he will never be prime minister so it doesn't matter anymore

Also wilders prolly won't be in government coalition and doesn't have enough seats to be a meaningful opposition party

Geert won
stop relying fake news from the MSM
Geert will be PM

FvD will slowly grow stronger. The PVV will slowly fade while FvD takes its place.

Final results aren't in yet, last results I saw yesterday were VVD (31) PVV D66 CDA (19), which (at least roughly) is a shared second place.

To add to that, they also lost about 20% compared to 2010. They're losing comparatively, no one is saying they're a small party.

And in terms of a reliable coalition being formed, our country is build on this poldermodel (which revolves around compromises and consensus between parties), so wouldn't confidently say they don't have more than 2 years. Mind you these parties know that if their coalition fails, PVV will get bigger (which they don't want), so my guess is moreso than forming a coalition will be a longer process than normal.

Maybe he's exactly where he wants to be. On the weak opposition bench yelling "See?! SEE?!" without actually having to do anything at all except be all superior and smug. Never underestimate a politician's drive for self-serving interests.

>Wilders polled at 40% a year ago

>things that never happened

PVV peaked at ~23% in 2015

The social landscape of the Netherlands is a total mess though, just like every North Western Yuro country:

>rampant feminism
>sodomite rights
>trannie rights
>muh weed
>disintegration of the nuclear family

It's a mess. How can we ever fix that?

Traditional conservatives are are very small minority in countries like the UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden

Eh, I really doubt it. I think we should start thinking about switching to FvD, I doubt wilders can even look smug without fucking up

Just think. We could have been the most uncucked country in the world decades ago.

If only..

I don't know what sites you checked but PVV got 20 and VVD got 32, other 2 are correct though.

>rampant feminism
Hardly. No one gives a shit around here.
Only in Amsterdam.
>trannie rights
>muh weed
So fucking what, if alcohol is legal weed should be too.

Our country has been fine the past years. We've had low crime rates, no terrorist attacks. You're way more fucked than we are.

13% was FN score in the 80's

Not true, look at the wiki page for opinion polls. In Nov 2015 they were polling at upper 30s

I think the Netherlands are right at the point we were ten years ago. Vlaams Belang slipped away after some internal struggles but also because they kept hammering on the same old points (islam and crime). They scored with those points in the ninties and early 2000s. But then N-VA emerged a nationalist conservative party with a smart leader (Bart De Wever). N-VA was much more reasonable than VB so they took more than half of their votes

VB is now gaining momentum again because N-VA isn't keeping it's electoral promises. Irrc N-VA are now at 28%, VB at 13

Peilingen just after 9pm, then went to a bar and woke up hungover. Point still stands though, trying to push a 'we won' narrative while the most reliable party to vote for in 4 years is FvD

Or actually correct that it's 33 for VVD

I wish all Trumpists in the Netherlands good luck, post-election!
Let's take back our countries from the evil globalists.

Son, there is a haven called Poland for folks like you and I

Just wanted to correct you on the seats , I don't really disagree with your points.

Because he polled higher some time ago?

His stance was good but the PVV really isn't a proper party. They don't even have any members. He's the only one and he assigns positions for the parliament. Also it's little more than a narrowly defined field his politics cover.
I'm pretty interested what the FvD will do. I might read a bit into their positions. They seem worth a look.

simply because people hoped he would be first. We kept winning in 2016 so it felt like a bummer. It's objectively good tbqh


>centrist parties forced to move right, at least during election
>FVD takes 2 seats, which is better run than PVV, which could get more support in the future

Not a total loss, but obviously a failure to seriously capitalize on public sentiment shift, which seems to be largely PVV's own fault.

Well I didn't say we're less fucked did I? Belgium has a bigger islam problem than the NL, that's for sure. But the Netherlands are one of the most liberal, progressive countries in the world. Take a good look around you and you will see that everything I listed is destroying the social cohesion of a country...

Islam is one thing, but the lack of faith and morality and patriarchal values in the West is the biggest issue we face. It's internally destroying us.

what the fuck happened to pvda ?

They died.

Lol the migrant crisis happened. That is a silver lining, although their voters just went to SP and green left

Because the PVV isn't the biggest they have no say in the coalition and I can guarantee you VVD won't form a coalition with the PVV. Also where VVD and labour party lost seats the other leftist globalist parties gained them.

And even if PVV was the biggest it's not like the US where the winner takes all, they would still have to form a coalition and if all the big parties said no he would still be fucked.

If all the corruption scandals, straight up lies and bullshit the VVD has done couldn't convince people to majorly not vote VVD then nothing will. The Dutch people are a bunch of retards and they deserve everything they got coming to them.

They were in a coalition with VVD last 4 years, but gave away all of their values to them. Their voters felt betrayed and even internally there was a lot struggle. Most of their voters went to GL, SP and D66.

>Belgium has a bigger islam problem than the NL
I've only seen Brussels, and I would say BLACK AFRICA is a bigger problem there than Muslims. Like HUEG LIEK XBAWKS huge.

Spoken like a true American. That's not how the Dutch system works friendo. For better or for worse (spoilers: for worse) the system is built to prevent rapid change. Everything goes slowly, gradually. In such a system, slow gains are better than exploding and peetering out (prime example: PvdA. From 38 seats to 9 seats, from one of the established major parties to meme party. How will they even recover?). The PVV has shown growth, and the established VVD has shown shrinkage.

And let's not forget cabinet formation: the left wing parties don't like Rutte, so Rutte has shot himself in the foot with excluding Wilders. If he really wants to form a right wing cabinet, he might have to reconsider excluding Wilders as a government party. He most likely won't and we'll get yet another "purple" cabinet that does absolutely fucking nothing, but who knows...

>yfw this isn't shopped

Molenbeek, Anderlecht and Schaarbeek are jihad central; Elsene is Congo

Will he and CDA save us?


Wishful thinking :(

Thank you finally fuck

Also to everyone reading shit like 'THE NETHERLANDS VOTED AGAINST POPULISM'; no, there are more seats going to EU scepticism

Also saying we voted against populism just because Greet didn't win (he became fucking second) is a populist arguement which is factually not correct

The left was decimated, PVDA lost 29 seats, 5 of those seats DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER VOTING, 4 of those seats went to PVV and VVD

In total, the net amount of seats going to left parties have dropped by roughly 10-15 seats

FvD is meme tier

FvD is a way better party than the PVV. If you don't think that you're a moron.

Geert "I'm an agnostic Jew" Wilders

You're meme tier

>the Netherlands are one of the most liberal, progressive countries in the world
As well as one of the happiest and most successful. That liberalism was central to our republic. Feels good.

I don't trust the CDA. They started acting very nationalist in the weeks before the elections but before that not so much. I think they just wanted to hop on the populism train and steal a couple of votes from the PVV.

I feel that Ruttes response to Turkey made at least a decent number of voters stay with him in the last second instead of going Wilders.
Also i think Wilders got hurt by not attending that one debate near the end. This is not the US, where skipping a debate is seen as fighting establishment. Here it is seen as someone afraid of defending their position from scrutiny.

FvD is the more academic equivalent of PVV. The problem is that they're new and Wilders has been around for over 10 years.

Good news: FvD is in parliament. They will be meaningless, but they will be there to say something, maybe break a tie or two, and most importantly they'll be in the public image. They're roughly as equivalent as the butchered PvdA right now so they can get more popular the next elections if they play their cards right. They have a foot in the door AND PVV has grown slightly. That's a double whammy in my eyes.

[spoiler]LOL, bij de debatten zei Samson toch dat hij niet heeft gefaald?[/spoiler]

its the same shit they are always doing there. the right is gaijin for over 10 years now and the major parties basically loosing all elections but still remain "first".

The media always spins it as "we defeated the right" without realizing basically nothing changed and the next elections the right will get even more votes.

Shut up Achmed
Jews > Muslims

>FVD gain 2 seats


>no, there are more seats going to EU scepticism
Nig, the height of the refugee crisis has passed and they still aren't in power. Why do people think this is a one-way trend?

If you say so Henk


>A Belgian lecturing anyone on social cohesion

m8 one of his security personel (the ones that are with him 24/7) leaked information about his wereabouts to a morrocan gang

He didn't go to debates because his security had been compromised, he was wearing a fucking bullet proof vest on the debates he did show up too

His security team is built up by the ministry of justice so there was like a mini riot about that too

Why do you have to take a side at all? Jews want to rule the world, muslims want to rule the world, we want to be left alone (for now). As far as I am concerned, we have our own side.

So, why did Geert lose, and how do we avoid it in the future? Here's a basic gestalt, spread it.

Geert lost because of Geert. He was an awful campaigner; he refused to even go to the first two debates (under the guise of "personal safety"), and when he did attend the debates, his performance wasn't good enough to make up for his absence. But that's just the beginning.

Geert's platform was pathetic. While he correctly identified the issue of Islamism in the West his ENTIRE PLATFORM WAS FOCUS ON ONLY THAT. He released a policy plan which was incredibly lacking in detail; one page long, yes ONE PAGE. Watching the election I started to doubt if he even wanted to win at all. Not only was his entire manifesto laughably short half of it was devoted to blanket statements about the threat of Islam. All well and good, but where are the SOLUTIONS, Geert? FvD could do it! They offered a platform, similar to Geert, with solutions! So why not Geert?

There's more too. He completely ignored the issues which could have broadened his voter base. Issues of trade, and even the fucking EU, Geert avoided talking about almost completely. It was all Islam. Islam, Islam, Islam. And he's right, and people voted him because of that, but that's not why Trump won. Trump couldn't have run if he ran on an entirely anti-immigrant platform. He won because of his sensible trade policy, his good economic policies (Geert's an economic leftist btw) etc. Geert missed an enormous opportunity to siphon some votes from the Labour Party and the Socialist Party (which both got BTFO this election) with pro worker policies; and instead, these votes went to the fucking Greens.

It's not our fault, it's the not the fault of Kek. Geert lost because of Geert, and to be honest, looking at what was perhaps the worst campaign I have ever witnessed, I don't think he even wanted to win. Wilders MUST step up his game to remain viable, or his votes will transfer to the FvD I described earlier.

I'm not sure what you're arguing here. I acknowledged that this result seemed positive on the whole.

You have to admit that something went wrong though when your results dropped around 40% from peak polling from within the year.

>Sweden is burning
>Turkey is threatening to break the migrant deal and flood the gates
>"Refugee crisis has passed"
I refer you to this reaction image cause I can only post it once

Just think. The guy who killed Based Pim is already free and shitting on our justice system.

>he became fucking second
claimed to be overwhelming first, had all the circumstances in his favour, became very distant SHARED second with two other parties. He did not win.

tl;dr dutch are cucks

Their website literally uses Sup Forums's captcha service.

It's a multi party system, if we're going to look at who won it would be green left because they gained the most seats but they're like what, 5th place?

VVD won because they're the biggest! but they lost 8 fucking seats.

You have no winners in a multiparty system, only shifts in power. Stop pretending we're americans


>considered part of Western Europe, which is pretty fucking liberal
but user, haven't you heard? The USA is the ultra liberal one that is completely responsible for degenerating all of western society.

You mean the same captcha service, or do you really think Sup Forums wrote it's own captcha software?

What else is new? People aren't as impressed anymore when someone warns about the same thing for years but it never happens.

He's argueing that you shouldn't judge dutch politics as if they were american politics

Maurice de Hond (the most popular pollster) has always been rediculously wrong, at best he polls with what parties most people agree with but when actually voting most dutch like sticking to familiar grounds unless they feel like they've been wronged by their party

Are you following the news? It's literally happening in every country neighbouring to ours and Turkey's minister already declared a soon to come holy war in Europe.

Unless Erdo's referendum fails hardcore (I doubt it will because the voting will probably be done russian style) that is a serious reason to start taking this shit atleast a bit more serious

>but they're like what, 5th place?
Why would place matter? Seats matter. And 32 to 19 is an overwhelming victory against a rival while 19 to 16 is a meager advantage. Rutte DID win, as he will remain PM and his party will remain the largest. Wilders lost the popular vote, indeed there was no way for him to "win" but he could have made a big mark. Any ruling party will lose seats do to anti-establishment mentality and discontent but VVD lost relatively little and they know it.

same service. I realize that, but how often do you see it?

ISIS has vanished from the news and therefore minds, migrant numbers are less than expected atm, and no one supports Turkey.

Well our media is shit, and wrote that he didn't attend because he disliked the network hosting that particular debate.


Maybe a nice Dutch citizen can take care of that.

If Wilder's security poops their pants again or if Wilders has a bit too little funding for his security it's once again "whoops guys, can't campaign AGAIN this year." In the debate he also has few back up options. Wilders is ristricted by his own bullshit and has also proven he can't rule with other parties.
The PVV is a trap for the right wing.

Yeah you are onto something. Unlike Brexit and Trump winning this isn't a race with 2 sides so even if Wilder won 1st he would still not be PM due to the other parties temping up against him. I believe that this may be KEK''s greater plan to screw over the controlling party of the Netherlands soon and will help Le Pen win the French elections due to how cucked the Dutch have become.

>would still not be PM due to the other parties temping up against him
Not how it works, it would probably end up being Wilders sabotaging himself (as usual) by asking too much or not deviating from standpoints.

More important is that he pushed the VVD further to the right. Rutte would never have published his open letter in January if it wasn't for WIlders. And if he recants on that policy, next election Wilders is back on top.

Not gonna lie, former PVV supporter here, it's fucking hilarious watching Geert crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the keys to the windmills


>the height of the refugee crisis has passed
not with turkey chimping the fuck out at the moment

This. The peculiarities of the American system allowed Trump and other populists to take control of the Republican party. The role of these smaller parties in Europe is to shift the Overton Window (like UKIP did with Brexit).

Italy and Greece have already reported record numbers.

Exactly what happened to our Lib Dems.

This. OP's got a point.
We have to start early on the memes for Le Pen's election

I should be honestly worried about this, but I just don't care anymore, let them flood in, either the EU and it's members get their shit together and stop this or we turned into failed states because everyone is to cowardly to act decisive, in which case our nations deserve to fail and become history. In either case this awful stagnation will finally stop

Pretty fucking often, it's Google's and whoever wants to is free to use it on their websites.

It is a big win - don't let liberal media tell you otherwise. It's a huge win. Let's keep it up and move forward. We've only improved our position.

Italy and Greece are full of people - I'm talking like 80+% - who are against immigration.
What they aren't full of is people who are doing something.

But once they snap, they'll fucking snap hard.

The socialist/green parties made more gains overall.

Netherlands is just another cucked shithole. This was their last chance to save the country.

All of mainland europe will fall. Anglosphere is the last chance to save the white race and the world.

There's always next time, the cabinet that will be formed will be a disastrous coalition that will probably not even last 4 years.
Besides that, with some luck there will be one or more terrorist attacks to open some eyes.
Sadly, having them happen in other countries wasn't enough.

They all took votes from the PvdA though. In total the left/right balance didn't change much.

should have them burned alive. Jesus what is wrong with you people? This isn't freedom this is a sickness.

>In total the left/right balance didn't change much.

After 3 years straight of constant islamic invasion of mainland europe, constant terrorist attacks, constant muds committing crime and getting away with it. It "didn't change much".

It will never change for mainland europe. The EU communist propaganda division has brainwashed too much of the populace.

I was talking about the balance between left/right parties in the dutch parliament...

>The EU communist propaganda division has brainwashed too much of the populace
Sad, but true. After "Brexit" (put those quotation marks because it hasn't even really happened yet), the EU immediately started fearmongering about how bad of an impact it made on the UK.

In the reality, the EU is already falling apart. The UK was their 2nd biggest financial slave - and now it's gone.

Thank you for starting the fire. Hopefully, another country will throw the second and final punch in the face of the tyrannical EU.

Sweden has definitely invented their very own form of liberalism that has gone way too far

Yes and I'm saying after 3 years of a constant reminder to swing to the right, netherlands didn't.

France won't either.

The EU marxist propaganda has infected too many people in mainland europe.