Everyone knows Steve king stories have shitty endings. This one ended with Trump getting elected and making the country great

Is this the faggot Steve King who writes terrible books based on Stanley Kubrick movies or is this the awesome Steve King who wants to secure an existence of our people and a future for white children?

I actually liked the ending of Misery.

They're not sending their best, folks

I used to like this guy's books when I was 13. I don't take advice from alcoholics though.

The end of It was like an ancient Greek myth or Norse saga. It was epic.


Pretty lame attempt at bantz. New Zealand tier.

What's with this election making all the people come out of the woodwork with their emotional opinions

His writing quality seriously deteriorated after he sobered up. He fried too many brain cells and then stopped doing the thing that allowed him to be creative. Maybe he just needs to write yet another book about a killer car or just retire again.

I hate Stephen King. Can't pick up a book without his opinion quoted on the back.

"Buy this book."
— Stephen King.

I get that he's a famous author and everything, but why does he have to have an opinion on literally everything? Reminds me of JK Rowling.

I saw Stephen King at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

KEK, he got so buttmad after the election I thought he was gonna quit his career

I've seen shitposting here that has better writting than half of his books. Anyway, just another liberal celebrit being butthurt

He should stick to writing fiction. Non-Fiction is far more horrific.

Wait, what?

Nice false counter-signal, kraut-cuck.

What the fucks wrong with his face?

Is he even white 2bh?

I honestly don't even know who was in the original version of this but it's still fun no matter who it is.

>Duuuude DRUMPF is a bad guy and this is bad time now! And fuck drumpf voters!
>*thunderous applause*

Stephen King sucks now. His sequel to The Shining, Doctor Sleep, was one of the worst books I've ever read. And his political opinions are as irrelevant as his writing has become

I forgot about this copypasta. topkek mate

Imagine if this whole time Steven King's books were actually written as comedies.

Nobody's fucking laughing Steven.

That old cunt King is well past it. My ex was a big fan, I picked up a collection of short stories by him, read one which was about everything that happened in ONE STREET in Maine ("Here is the house where Kujo the devil dog lived, here is the garage where the car Christine was kept, etc etc"). It read like Buffy, which was at least aware it was satire, having all the evils in the world concentrated in none town.
King is similar to Lovecraft, who never really left the house much and his writings were mainly based in local places - yet this hikikomori autist was able to imagine and create much more than King, as he used broader brushstrokes.

Stephen King is Lovecraft for retards.

Stephen King is a pedophile

Witnessed... I forgot about the photos of him on ol' Jeffrey Epstein's pedo island.

Dude Stephen King is by far my favorite writer and I can tell you his ideology on politics is shit.
Add in the factor he is old as shit and you just ignore him.

He actually use to be pretty cool on some aspects, he fought against Hillary on censorship and ratings. Clearly stating it was not the governments job to enforce what we can or can't view or listen to entertainment wise.
However it doesn't change the fact, a Democrat will always talk shit about a Republican. Even if said Democrat has nothing in common with the current political leadership.

Fuck I hate left leaners.

Reminder that Stephen King assassinated John Lennon

wtf i hate trump now

This user copy pastas this shit about every famous person

He wrote a story where a bunch of kids runa train on the only girl in the group.

Stephan king is a jk rowling tier hack who has set back the popular consumption of good literature by 500 years

He probably had stop to whack off when writing that section. They will be remaking "IT" soon, and in all probability Hollywood 2017 will put that dismal scene in.

Motherfucker lost his edge in the 80s. "Desperation" smears more shit on paper than I ever thought possible.

Funniest thing about this tweet is that in this horror story his protagonist is a writer, just like every other single fucking thing he writes.

Can we start SJW outrage over Steven King rape scenes? Let him be purged in the fire of SJW anger!

Liberals fell for the "there will never be another Republican president again" meme hard. They are struggling to deal with the reality of American politics being a pendulum just like back in 2000 with Bush.

That is clearly not steven king tweeting, he did not use the word nigger or anything.

Or the chapter in It where all the kids start fucking

>Everyone knows Steve king stories have shitty endings
Yeah, it's not even arguable. I mean his best book is The Stand, and it's a great novel but the fucking ending..

>who writes terrible books based on Stanley Kubrick movies

Triggered. And I don't even like King


Goddamn celebrities are fucking RETARDS!

But that story doesn't include
>bad childhood
>detailed child sex

Kings losing his craft.

>tired old crypto-jew trying to stay relevant by griping about trump

Good thing it's not an author anyone actually cares about, King was a meme in his prime, he's a whiny kike in the present. Also, all his books have undertones of pedophilia. "It" has an entire chapter where the prepubescent group of friends run a train on the one girl in the group. "Hearts in Atlanta" has the mysterious other dimension neighbor guy cutting the shirt off the prepubescent girl to "massage her" and "save her life." "Bag of Bones" has the negro woman who is raped and her naked niggle child.

I'm sure he's got some more pedo fantasies in his other books, shit's just typical kike media hype though. I've seen original Twilight Zone episodes scarier than the dribble this block-headed weirdo writes.

>King was born September 21, 1947, in Portland, Maine. His father, Donald Edwin King, was born circa 1913 in Peru, Indiana, and was a merchant seaman. When Donald was born, his surname was Pollock, but as an adult, he used the surname King

>Many modern Jewish surnames are derived from place names. There are general names like Deutsch, Frank, Franco, Frankel, and more localized ones from almost every European country.

>From Poland have come names such as Polano, Pollock, Polack, Polak, Pollak, Poole, Pool, and Polk

as a father i dont take advice from people who openly admit to spending their children's formative years coked out

Junji > King

his books follow the same narrative as swedens political agenda. Sad.

literally who?
oh right the rich white guy who lives 98% of his time locked up inside his home behind a huge wall and fence

HE actually hasn't written a book for twenty years. Publishers use the name to sell books but some intern authors are pushing out shitty horror book year after year.

someone reply to this dipshit: HEY KING, WHERE'S YOUR NOBEL?
he is nothing but a pop culture shit tier "writer". he belongs in the same bag as paulo cohelo and the harry potter whore and twilight books.

I'm so tired of liberals, I don't want to share a country with them anymore.

Let's get this fucking civil war over with and decide who gets to have this country once and for all.

this so much

>hated during his time
>created a whole universe of gods and reinvented the new Gothic horror

>cock being sucked constantly by 15 year old communists

he can build characters ill give him that, but storywise he sucks and his endings are shit in general

Oh yeah i remember him. His novelization of that one Kubrick movie was garbage.

After pouring my caustic scorn upon the old git, I do have 2 positive things to say:
1) He doesn't wear his legendary pedophile spectacles any more (children of NE slept easy after this).
2) "The Mist" was a decent movie, assuming it was even him who wrote it.

>write your main magnum opus

literally a deus ex machina

>He wrote The Mist
>But the movie was adapted from the Mist, and the ending was changed by the screenwriters.
>Stephen King liked the ending in the movie better.

Basically he can't write endings for shit.

>"The Mist" was a decent movie
An uplifting, inspirational climax, gotta love a happy ending.

Kekt. Also, the end of The Mist pissed me off. I really enjoyed the movie version and then the end ruined it for me. Just a total fuck you to the audience imo.

everyoen knows his stories have good endings.

Great, it's already better than any other book he's written.