Trump and wealth

Rich lib here, just letting you know that Trump was a candidate for the rich. Can't wait to pay no taxes on the couple of million I've made in hollywood. Don't really feel bad for the poor conservatives who won't benefit from his policies.

>don't care about the poor

We know...

The reality is, neither do conservatives.

You either have money or you don't.

It will trickle down.

>it won't

rural retards continue to vote against their interests

>poor conservatives who won't benefit from his policies


>white people continue to vote against their """"interests""""

If the government doesn't steal my money and give it to the poor how else could I give my money to the poor?

>american denarius will be worth anything when the refugees march on romeington D.C.

>Can't wait to pay no taxes on the couple of million I've made in hollywood.

Enjoy your money

What the fuck is going on in this picture? Is that Tony Stark? Why is that doggo banging a woman doggy style?

I noticed this too, explain yourself op

At this point, the poor conservatives just need to be starved to death.

If not that, then get enslaved by debt and sent to prison.

I am glad Trump is playing his part in this. For too long have the idiots been holding down America. We need to cleanse our populace of the poor conservative scum.

Dead weight, intellectually and physically.

Can I LARP to op?

can someone crop the dog for a reaction photo

How about we just trade you our progressives for your conservatives?

What other position do you expect dogs to use?


Better things to spend it on.

Like a nice war with Iran or North Korea.

Progressives are able to adapt, which is what is needed for success ij the modern world.

Conservatives are dinosaurs, need to die off.


Damn that dog is going at it. Must have bottomed out on that thrust.

Trump was a candidate for Americans. You made the money, keep it. You want opportunity? You got it. No more being referred to as "insert unprivileged group here". No matter who you are, get off your ass and MAGA!


Warren Buffet clapped on stage next to hilltard when she boasted she was going to raise taxes on the middle class. Go fuck yourself nerd virgin

Is this the narrative bring pushed now?


>Progressives are able to adapt
Doesn't look like it. They're still stuck on stupid because Shillary lost.


When you nut but she keep sucking

Liberal and Conservative are meaningless terms in 21st century politics....there is only shit skin and human

Fuck off, food stamp boy.

Ok, enjoy your hard earned wealth.

No one should be taking it from you by force anyways.

You guys are killing me.

I assume you're < 30. "If you're not a Democrat when you're young, you don't have a heart. If you're not a Republican when your old, you don't have a brain". If you have any intelligence your political philosophy will change...

Yes, retarded Shareblue shit posters

When I pretend to be rich I just think about winning the lotto. The fact that you do it here makes you sadder than me.
>hahaha I'll pretend to be a rich liberal
>that'll ruse those dummies
Die in a fire kiddo.

trump needs to tell the (((1%))) to fuck off and make the GOP a workers party
i forgot, trump is a conman

poorfag here - now getting saleforce certified because a friend of a friend who is a CEO for a tech firm will now be expanding his company due to these tax reforms. I will be going from about 17k net to about 39k net with potential for growth.

That is huge for me. Not every rich person is a hollywood sleaze bag that spends all their money on cocaine and mansions. Some people actually do meaningful shit with their money

Grats. Onward and upward! Never settle down and never give up!


Have brain, money, 30+

The only people that whine about wealth and too much taxation are poorfag conservatives.

The rest of us just get shit sone, make bank, and buy property in majority liberal (read: wealthy, free of subhuman conservative scum) areas.

Though I shouldn't be really telling you this, lest you wake up. It's good for us to have an underclass.

This way we can point to you dumbasses when educating our children: "you wouldn't want to be a dumb conservative fuck like Billy over here, would you? He will forever live in poverty, be fat, uneducated, unhappy, and nobody will love him. Stay in school and get educated, son."

Really the only purpose of conservatives.

Is that dog 69ing a chick in the background!!??