Wife murdered by crazers in center of the city

>wife murdered by crazers in center of the city
>police promisses to investigate
>2 years after
>see murderer everyday in flamengo t-shirt mugging people
>police does nothing
>try to report it
>he dindu nuffing wrong cause he is a minor

When will nightmare end? My city is plagued with robbery, rape, thunder kidnapping and murder.

What dominos fall until a country doesn't even care about murder anymore? Our rates are 93% of murders archived with no investigation.

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Right, your people cannot into civilization.

This is the reason actual Americans are so concerned about you fucks taking over.

Sounds like the perfect atmosphere for vigilante justice

>>he dindu nuffing wrong cause he is a minor

Everything wrong with the justice system in one sentence.

If the murders always go unsolved why dont you kill him yourself?

Fucking retard

buy a batman costume. you'll know what to do after that

Kill him faggot

Are you fucking kidding me. This really happened to you?

This desu.

Take up arms and become the silent hero your country deserves. Children will make up songs about you and your name will go down history has that one madman who dared trying to clean the scum right out of the spawning pool.

>Right, your people cannot into civilization.
>This is the reason actual Americans are so concerned about you fucks taking over.

It was CIA Psyop that ruined Brazil as much as it has. Just saying. I doubt they would have been anything more than favela-tier shithole but I doubt they'd be nearly so violent and faggoty.

Also threadly reminder: Gender isn't real, look up David Reimer, you'll be pissed.

People in city once tied a crazer around a light post and lynched him.

The media gave massive backlash and they went to jail.

Honestly, with the amount of wars that america starts, I don't think you need to be more violent than you already are.

but wife did not do anything wrong. I see that piece of garbage clearly drugged oyut of his mind who does not even know who he is anymore everyday. he attacked her with broken glass bottle when she would not give him the phone.

Every breath he takes is an affront to your wife's memory

why havent you killed him yet pussy?

You live in fucking hueland. You can kill him yourself.

This is crime and I'll be banned if i do it.

but yes, i've wanted to kill him myself many times. I feel so destroyed when I see that little son of a whore

Go kill him faggot! You are such a pussy.

They work around in little hordes, you know. If I kill one, 4 or 5 will come down on me to kill with broken glass and i have no weapon to defend me.

I also have a job and a niece that I take care of so I can't go full justiceiro.

But if one day everything goes down and I have nothing in my life anymore, I may drink a cup of beer and go full moonman moonman

Give us the detail. We help you find him and you can murder him yourself.

Fucking face it man : your country does absolutely nothing to stop the bad people committing murders.

Someone has to do something about it. You are smart enough to see the bullshit. Do you want your children to live in such a shitty place? Dont you want to take back your country from the endless supply of scum?

why didn't you kill him you retarded monkeylet?

Bullshit. Minors are treated way worse than adults in the criminal justice system. I commit a crime as a minor and im still being affected by it,.

book a passage to poortugal
erase all your presence (both physical and digital)
kill him
run away

As I said, I have a life and niece to take care of and can't go around killing people because if I do kill one, their friends will attack me and someone might have a firearm.

Civilians cant have guns in general here.

t. actual man unlike most poisoners

I am also a pussy and I admit that I would not want to take a life. That is the police's job.

Get yourself a gun for fucks sake, I refuse to believe its that hard to obtain. Do you think taking a life is hard? What you dont think you would be able to live knowing you got revenge for your dead wife?

What you and the police are doing right now is shitting on her memory by doing absolutely fuck all. You know that the killer is most likely going to destroy another family, and you are letting it happen on the off chance that killing the fuck wont feel good.

You wouldn't be so confident if you were me in my situation.;

You have to become angry at the killer again. Sounds like you forgave him already for what he did.

If you spent as much time planning his death as you do crying about it on a Turkish sheep herding forum he'd be dead by now.

do you think we started the fire? He's been gone for a while now...

We can only hope

oh god brazil


and we thought our ghettos were bad :(

>I commit a crime as a minor and im still being affected by it,.

thunder kidnapping?

> All this autists from nice white suburb enclaves acting tough in a Mongolian bee-farming forum

become the punisher

This is you chance HueAnon, become the Brazilian Batman you were always meant to be.

Kill him. You deserve vengeance. And while your at it, take the cops out two. Doubt they will look into it.

kill the murderer, you already know the police don't care and will do nothing.

Then you all should have tied the reporters to a lightpoler and lynched them as well, then move onto the judge that sentenced the posse to jail.

avange her user

Did you actually poison your dad? Jesus.

Anyway, I live in a wealthy neighborhood and there's a bum who gets drunk every day and harasses women and local workers, and I know where his booze stash is. I fantasize about dropping some cyanide into his cheap booze and solving this problem once and for all.

Plan the killinh, dont go apeshit. Kill the bastardo without anyone noticing, study his daily life and once you gran him torture him. Cut off his dick and feed it to him while he is still alive.

Exactly. It is very easy to be brave behind a pc in a civilized country. they have no idea about how gruesome violence is

Thunder kidnapping is like kidnapping someone very fast and without a plan. Just pullin them in a car and taking them to hideout

Buy a hunting rifle from some rural jungle kin and pick him off from a distance, that is probably the safest way, or pay someone to give him a poisonous joint.

Avoid contact and don't go within 200 ft of him when he dies.

You should probably pray about it a few times and make sure you won't regret it. Ask a cool catholic priest maybe God will be cool with it if you are his instrument of retribution.

Don't do this

Murder is wrong. The justice of Jesus should prevail in the end. Even if not in life, he'll pay for his evil after death

But I confess this thread is making me angry again and certain that I could get revenge. But I am resisting and praying.

We invented the concept buddy, I think the correct translation would be "Flash-kidnapping."

I don't think I'll kill him. He's a good redpill to the wealthy protected people around the neighborhood. He sure is annoying, he keeps screaming and harassing people in the parking lot. He even set up his own TV by stealing electricity from a lightpost.

>ask a priest
>not going directly to Christ

The Byzantine "catholic church" must be destroyed

I don't know buddy, if a bum had killed my wife I don't think I'd resist. He doesn't deserve the life of a free man. Even if you don't want to do it, there must be action you can take to arrest or punish him.

Ask your friends and neighbors for some help. I know I would help if I were around.

bullshit, if your wife was murderered and you knew the person/their whereabouts and did nothing, you would have taken care of it yourself

It's very credible mate, I don't think you understand how defeated and lacking of fighting spirit the average Brazilian is.

kill him, why not? Thats what I would do.

>I see the guy everyday who killed my wife and I just stand there and take it
you might as kill ask him to kill you too you weak fag

>2 years and you still havent killed him
Does Brazil have draconian gun laws?

Apparently your police are incompetent.

Go kill the faggot and dump the body in the woods, it's not like the police will do anything about it.

*might as well ask him to kill you too

Really sad story. I feel for you user. It always makes my blood boil, if I hear about the lawless state in all those thrid world countries. This is a big part of, why I understand how horrbile to browning of our countries will end, even if there isn't a huge civil war, it will still be a constant lawless state similar to war.

>drugged oyut of his mind

What's his drug of choice? It'd be a real shame if someone bought some, poisoned it somehow, and gave it to him. That would just be tragic, especially since it'd be nearly impossible to catch whoever did it.

take your time, buy a rifle make a silencer out of an oil filter see youtube, post up and smoke him with one shot.

It's time,user
It's time to punish them
Punish them all

use Anti-Freeze. It is untraceable and it will look like he died of pneumonia. people have used to poison and get away with it

It's like 2000 Brazil bucks a year for a gun license there I think I read.

The system is deliberately designed to suppress civilian ownership.

No way you are for real

Brazil needs more second amendments

Whatever the societal problem is MORE FREEDOM will always take care of it over time

tbqh OP, if anyone murdered my wife and i saw them walking around and I knew 100% that they did it....they would never find the body.

Man, Use Anti-Freeze, dont use a gun or anything that can leave evidence. that'll work. You won't go to jail because Anti-Freeze is untraceable. He will die and it will look like Pneumonia or a bad sickness.

Heres an example of it working abcnews.go.com/US/mom-daughter-describe-killing-family-members-anti-freeze/story?id=38029438


this is the future you chose

dont listen to these people user.. if the police already know that he killed your wife they will be all over you like white on rice

"perfect" murders, if there is such a thing, usually are done by absolute strangers or even better yet.. done by police

Brazil is fucking beyond repair. I'm here for a month now in this shithole that is called Sao Paulo. Honestly, you have some decent people here but they are dragged down by the dirt that lives in the favelas.

He didn't choose to be born in a shitty country

>A N T I F R E E Z E
> U N T R A C E A B L E

Why would we have antifreeze in Brazil lol

Can't you just grab a gun and kill him then?

yes, by 2003 there was a gun ban and normal people had to turn in their guns or face prison if found with an unregistered gun, registered guns are REALLY hard to obtain since the lefty government doesn't want people to defend themselves.

meanwhile bandits have easy access to contraband weapons.

also the police does shit work.

Kidnap him and make him eat his own fingers, toes, penis and testicles, ears, lips and nose.

Then burry him alive

is that a SIG?

Oh. Yeah I forgot that. You may be able to order online. Or ask around for some. They have cold regions of Brazil Right? Antifreeze is used for cars. So they may have some in colder regions or you can just order

Go full Punisher, better to go in a blaze of glory than living with the insulting memory of those assholes still drawing breath while your wife is six feet under.

You know who murdered your wife?
You see him regularly?
How is he not dead? This is not machismo. If someone injures your family and you get no justice in the courts then you have an obligation to do something about it. I thought you had a masculine culture. Quit being a bitch and kill that fucker.

mete out justice. become a vigilante. the truly oppressed citizens will thank you. i'm not even kidding. become fucking batman with guns bro.

do you think OP is actually ready to be confronted by police?

they will take him in for questioning because of what happened.. if that guy ever gets killed OP is suspect numero uno

honestly, IM NOT CONDONING THIS BTW, but if OP wanted to get revenge he would be better of going vigilante on other murderers instead of this particular one..

also if OP does actually go vigg then make sure not to kill anyone that is a non violent criminal.. eye for and eye and death is only warranted to those who kill

that's way too unrealistic.

>killing people with legal guns

define SIG (sorry, newfag)

there is no such thing as a blaze of glory

shooting a couple homeless guys and then getting questioned by police and singing like a canary is nothing glorious

Might as well become dindus ourselves and purge the city of vermin.

For a second I thought it was a SIG, but then I realized. It was a FAMAS.

If its so easy to get away with, then why don't you avenge your wife yourself? If he is mugging other people nobody is going to give a shit. Are you a sackless cuck thats going to leave your wife's honor tarnished by some favela monkey?

You can hire like a favela gang member to kill him possibly. Or hire a Triad Gang Member or something from Sao Paulo Chinatown

>he dindu nuffing wrong cause he is a minor

Being a sociopath under age 14 is one of the most entertaining things in life.

Burn down whatever shitty shanty he lives in with him inside. You know you want to user, since you can't/wont get a gun it's the best way.

It's a gun manufacturer, newfag.

ikr just use a "paperweight"

but anyway forensic analysis is usually only a problem if the gun has been used in a crime before

although, if im not mistaken, there has been some efforts to try and create microstamping receivers


That's why I fled fucking Rio. I bet the nigger is a vascaĆ­no, though.

if you see him, you just kill him. what else do you have to live for?

>it has happened before
>nobody punished
>buy contraband gun who gives a shit?
>do it

worst case is you go out as an hero

If you don't want to kill him you could at least :

A) Beat the shit out of him, leave him paralyzed.

B) Hire some other bum to kill him.

If rates are 93% archived, you have pretty good odds for vigilante revenge.

Why not just start cleaning up the streets yourself? With no connection or afilliation with those scumbags it will make investigation extremely difficult.