Would Sup Forums exist if we all had girl friends?
Would Sup Forums exist if we all had girl friends?
Not only would it exist, it would vastly improve.
I have a gf and we hate minorities together
I am married and I still hate jews and niggers. So does my wife..
If I didn't have a gf I would be out trying to get one, not wasting time on Sup Forums.
Good point and noted
Not everyone is a loser faggot like you OP. Most of us live normal lives.
The reason I started browsing here regularly again was because I broke up
This. Same
this is actually a good point.
when i had a gf for years i rarely spent time on pol
now that im happily single i spend lots of time on pol
I'm married and I shit post from my phone all day everyday
I would reckon many here are married with children; especially during/after the Trump movement.
I'm married and have a white slut on the side.
same, and she actually is kind of a minority
of course not. Much of Sup Forums's hatred, racism, xenophobia have their origins in personal failure, and one of those personal failures is with women.
Good lad
It would exist, but it would be magically impotent.
>have plenty of friends
>still browse Sup Forums
What's your point again?
I'm a Leaf fag with a handsome Finnish husband. I'm visiting him right now.
>she actually is kind of a minority
Yeah. Not many people are willing to have sex with you.
>equating friends to having a girlfriend/be in a relationship
That's your problem, not OP's.
I go here because you can't hear these opinions anywhere else.
I've got bad news mexico, what you think is white is actually super brown and considered 100% non-white by all accepted standards. I think your brain is so clogged up with puss from eating so much flour tortillas and it's affecting the way you think......... I'm not even messing with you either it's a real thing look it up, mexicans are literally turning themselves retarded with their culturally traditional diet of food with way too much flour and as a result your brains have more than twice as much puss than people eating non-mexican food.