you did this Sup Forums
you did this Sup Forums
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Under budget and ahead of schedule
lmfao get the fuck outta muh country you free loadin spicks
>criminals stop doing crimes for fear or punishment
Wow Trump is the devil!
Why would immigrants be concerned about being deported?
Oh.... They mean illegal immigrants.
Good. No one should be above law. Only criminals fear deportation.
Well it's a start. (Still deporting them though)
I thought illegals didn't use welfare. What is there to cancel?
*pats himself on the back
there's nothing wrong with this
either juan, maria, and their seven children go back to their home country or they starve to death
They shouldn't be getting food stamps I the first place
yes yes YESSSSSS
The media has been trying to remove the separation between illegal and legal immigrants. I can imagine that even legal immigrants are getting freaked out as a result of this. Probably just got to this country and are starting to learn English and you have leftists swooning in saying Donald Trump wants to gas all immigrants so they're going to flip shit. Then media reports it and says it's Trump's fault.
*illegal immigrants
>Illegal Immigrants are now cancelling their food stamps for fear that Trump will deport them (Which is illegal btw)
How can an illegal immigrant be receiving welfare? Surely that means the government knows their details and address?
Can I apply for american welfare from over here? I mean, it must be a pretty fucking simple process.
you must be | | this brown to get free shit
If you're. A shit skin everything is easy you should know that
Cry moar
>Illegal immigrant households tapping into the federal food stamp program are receiving $1.4 billion to $2.1 billion a year despite their ineligibility
And CNN said Trump couldn't get the Mexicans to pay for the wall.
>tfw you're willing to fight for refugees but not your own people
And we'll give the extras to poor whites, right?
why would illegal immigrants be reliant on food stamps ? i thought they were supposed to be productive and ultimately a benefit to the united states...
Well, CNN can kiss my sharted ass
Wow... I guess Trump really is Hitler after all...
Grocery store worker here.
I fucking hate coupon and welfare spics and it was this job that made me racist.
Always on WIC and EBT, will buy up the entire shelf of soda, haircare and laundry detergent then say they don't want half their order when they fuck up reading shelf tags or trying to cheat us with coupons (which is made more annoying because they spend like hours milling about in the middle of the aisles trying to strategize which coupons to use).
But seriously how the fuck are illegal fucking criminal lawbreaking invasive piece of shit aliens able to get welfare? Stupidest thing I've ever heard.
>you did this Sup Forums
>Immigrants cancelling food stamps
>ignore the media fearmongering him during the elections saying he'd personally deport all of them
>implying less food stamps is a bad thing
I don't see your point.
This is another big issue. Not only are they here illegally, they buy foods that are terrible for their health, even by American standards.
And then the taxpayers have to subsidize their medical treatments and insulin.
I like how the left the word "illega" out of the title entirely.
Both the immigrants and the food stamps they were receiving are illegal, but nobody cares because muh feels.
Getting illegals off of welfare is probably one of the biggest wins in this whole thing. It's bigger than the wall, the demographic changes, or the crime issues.
Yeah, they are often hideous blob people.
>overnight shelf stocker at walmart
>we're in range of some rez's
>oh boy its stamp day
>the hordes descend upon the coffee isle
I ended up getting yelled at by management for just rolling a pallet into the middle of the isle and letting them pick off it but there seriously wasn't a point when there was a line waiting for me to put the 6 packs of folgers on the shelf.
Im almost tired of winning
Came here to post this
They get tendie bennies for their anchor babies.
thank you...
thank you....
This. Shouldn't be able to get a place to live, a place to work, nothing without papers in order.
Im getting tired of winning
I fuckin love coupons. My wife rapes the grocery store shelves weekly with them. $400-500 worth of shit for a Benjamin.
Initial response most exemplary
Yeah, when we do mega events it's usually a coupon caravan waiting for me to stock shelves, preventing me from filling them, yet still asking me when I'm going to fill it.
"You no more in back?"
"No ma'm we are out of stock, truck comes tomorrow."
>dumb fucking beaner look
"No more? Can joo check?"
You fucking pussy. Sack the fuck up because we aren't done yet
Anchor babies. Illegals who have children get welfare for those children. That's why spics border jump then shit out as many kids as they can, as fast as they can.
More spics born in the US = more gimdat
I had no idea it was to that proportion!
Fuck me, medicaid is barely for natives by this chart, correct?
That's why I work as a bartender at an all white country club. Not about to deal with that shit.
Even the Provinces are excited
lol my wife does, too. I call her a nigger every time she does it, but we literally save like 7k/year on shit. But it's still nigger-tier shit considering we have great jobs.
Good. More for me.
I feel you senpai, it's worse in places like South Florida. Job red pills you on how sheep-like, slow, and stupid these people can be. Demographic shift is real.
I really wish they would stop calling them that. All they mean is they aren't going to spend a dime on local police resources for something the feds should be doing anyway.
You mean five Tubman's, whiteboi
>is there some in the back
>I already know there isn't any
>but I have to check anyways to be polite
>90% chance they won't even be there when I get back
Hell yeah
Other than holding up the line a little coupons don't bother me.
Having half those coupons not work and being an asshole about it despite it being your fault because you're an illiterate spic or senile old cunt is what pisses me off.
EVER !!!!
>b b b b b but illegals can't receive benefits!
>immigrants voluntarily stopping their parasitism
In California if you have a Latino name, the caseworkers don't even blink before hitting approve for fear of being called racist. I know of many illegals buying houses for 600k or more near the beach, entirely using welfare to pay the mortgage. They get ten of them living in one house, all collecting benefits at one address while working for cash under the table.
More like they want a civil war so minorities kill whites
This^^ I think if we get rid of the gimme dats it will only take a few worthless brown children dying to give these parasites a reality check.
Big article on it here.
too bad..you are going to keep winning
When will the winning stop?
When brown people riot, cities burn. When whites riot - continents burn.
The United States is the worst country in the world to break into illegally and expect handouts from.
Does that mean they didn't actually need the support?
Fucking welfare abusers.
>They get ten of them living in one house
It's no joke, everywhere you go there are massive amounts of cars parked around 2 and 3 bedroom houses now.
Wait a sec we were giving criminal migrants food stamps?
What the fuck is wrong with us?
The media, while doing it's best to remove the "illegal" qualifier in front of "immigrant," has also done their best to attempt to take the word "white" and make it synonymous with "nationalist." Because nationalism is "racist."
Funny, isn't it?
Well, the goal is to keep them from being the burden of (white) Americans. If they pay taxes, not be like fucking niggers with their gibs-wanting, don't commit crimes, and don't breed, then maybe they'd be welcomed as some sort of pseudo-indentured servants. Then shipped back when they've outlived their usefulness.
Still, deportation is the ideal outcome to ensure they don't become a burden.
If you honestly believed that they weren't using our programs that require credentials when they were getting jobs that require credentials then boy have I got news for you.
have a rare Gadsden to raise the spirit
Welcome to the third world burger.
You did this to the rest of us, now the chickens are coming back home to roost.
>implying legal immigrants have the gall to wait until leaving their country to learn the language of the land they're going to be in.
Nah, that's illegals as well, that hop the border and expect everyone and everything to accommodate to them, without contributing anything.
These fucks that clamour for the sanctuary status are the same people who stay contained in their nice neighborhoods in Rittenhouse and ignore the homeless shitting in Suburban Station and sleeping in the terminal. Gotta get those good boy points though.
apparently its the best country with all the gimme dats... hopefully this will change... SHOON
They steal dead people's Social Security numbers.
If they were so good and high skilled as some liberals say, he would be able to feed himself.