Why is that Europeans can only ever find Texas and California on American maps?

Why is that Europeans can only ever find Texas and California on American maps?

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literally this is the only reason foreigners can

Because why should people bother knowing any state besides Texas?

cali and texas are large and have distinct shapes. they probably know where NY is too but its so small and crowded by other small states you cant find it.

honesty its just like the rest of the world, there are only 3 or 4 european countries that anyone outside of the west pays attention to and there are only 2 or 3 asian countries that matter. why would you expect a foreigner to know about several different clusters of 10-12 state that have no importance.

Why is there no Alabama on that map?

Too many states are just squares.

Finding best place in America (texas)

Finding worse place in America (California)

Checks out

I'd assume the British should be able to identify the 13 colonies/states, every other state is valueless except California and Texas.

No Alabama? oh... We've been forgotten again.


Thank God no one knows about South Carolina

They're two of the largest and most populous states in the country.


Are they not the only two states in the US?

Because owning a ranch and having a Texas cowgirl for a wife is the American dream for me.

I hate it here. It is so cold and dark.

Could be worse, you could be SC. All anybody knows us for is that one guy who shot up that black church.

I can pinpoint ~25/50 US states and tell you the rough area where the rest are.


People know about Old Hickory after Trump a few days ago. And you faggots get to share him with us (NC) and Tennessee.

You could start a camel ranch

And Florida

It's okay, I love you Alabama. Just visited for the first time last year (Mobile) and had a jolly experience

You exist to make North Carolinians feel better about themselves.

Who? I haven't been paying attention to the news in weeks, what happened this time?

They can't find America's dick either?

A ranch with animals is a pain in the ass unless you have too much time.

I always have wanted to go and build a nice big house in the middle of nowhere. Just buy up all the surrounding land and build myself a little castle.

Bro. How do you not know about Old Hickory, i.e. Andrew Jackson? What do they teach you down there?

Mobile here. It's always exciting to see us mentioned anywhere. I'm sure you noticed our nogs, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Only two states that matter (literally), nevermind the majority of Mexicans living there legally and illegally and Spanish (Mexican/Spanglish) being the de facto second language (first in some places)


Kill yourself

South Ice here. I'm okay with this nickname.

Oh, THAT Old Hickory, yeah I know him, but admittedly not through our fine ""education"" """system"""

Though you were referring to someone more recent or something.

It's okay. I was informed they were mostly in West Mobile where we dared not venture. Spent some time across the bay in white flight land too (Daphne/Fairhope). Your downtown is great, walking around and drinking beer was welcome. Coming from a big city in Texas, wonderful contrast.

I'm from NC but apparently I talk like you people. I don't know what that means yet.

Ohhh no. I guess that just leaves us with our other two presidents. What ever shall we do?

Just kidding. Jackson is ours. We even have a statue of him in Raleigh. Suck on that.

>All anybody knows us for is that one guy who shot up that black church.
Wrong my child, your state is great, Ive been to myrtle beach for vacation. It was great. All states are great and worth living in, you just have to find the good areas.

Yeah but do you have pink police vehicles?

No problem. There were pics of Trump saluting something or other in reference to Jackson, and people flipped out on twitter. It was funny.

Or tell the Yankees to fuck off?

>you people

Well disregarding that, it means you are better than the rest of the country, therefore the world. You are apart of the most powerful race.

Or build one of the top three longest cable stayed bridges in the western hemisphere?

Did you kick out blacks?

Is your Governer McMaster?

How beautiful is your best city?

Does Trey Gowdy belong to your state?

Calm down muh negro. We just have 3 presidents, planes, first to declare independence from Britain (supposedly), Bojangles, Texas Pete, Krispy Kreme, Pepsi, Virginia Dare, muh lost colony, Panthers, Black Beard, and I guess Michael Jordan.

People call you a nigger if you say y'all on this site. I didn't want to invite the abuse.

Do you have Darius Rucker?


Tennessee should get more respect on that map since there may not have even been a Texas without Tennessee volunteers.

>Bojangles, Krispy Kreme,
You were on a roll until...
>Pepsi, Panthers,

Oh, one more.
Is your city blessed by Kek AND God at the same time?

I could name most Atlantic and Midwestern states.

Tried one of those online quizzes and I get to like 35 before I run out. Too many states are just squares.

Hardees, too. Andy Griffith, Cookout, which is amazing if you've never had it. Carolina BBQ is ours, btw.

Robert E. Lee, "God Bless those Tar Heel boys."

I agree about the Panthers, too. I hate Cam Newton so much, and so do most people I talk to, or at least dislike. We all think he's gone soon.

Normie Brits prolly couldn't but people on pol could I imagine.



t. Texas flag

>no Coloradah

>14 posts vs. 7
>stahp posting
Ah, so you admit defeat?

I'm sure most would know of North Carolina because of airplanes, the lost colony, and Virginia Dare. Protip, all the others suck.

You know how you can tell someone is from California or Texas? You don't have to, they'll tel you.


I'd be surprised if Americans could find other states besides California or Texas on their maps.

Hey Sverige, did you know that the General Lee in your country is huge?

I know where Cornwall is, the rest of your country I could give a fuck. Like who cares or knows where Mercia is.

They're the easiest. Most people can find more. How many states of for example Germany can you identify? How many regions in England?

C'mon, we were brothers once. We can rise again. Together!

Id be surprised if Norway could get their own thread, and fuck off

We do just fine with our own domestic geography. It's the geography of the rest of the world that we know jack shit about.

Looking at that gave me cancer

Do you know the difference between the Netherlands and holland

Not true. We just have problems with Nebraska, Wyoming and the likes.

But be honest, could you tell Slovakia, Slovenia and Slavonia apart and mark them on a map?

Because they're the most well known/famous
How much does the average American knows about Russian, English, German, French geography?

Holland is a county or region there and is the richest. They are not synonymous.

Brothers can fight, you know.

They are litteraly the only relevant states besides New York and Florida.
(and washington DC and this isn't even a state)

Slavonia isn't a real country

You mean they aren't the same thing?

simply not true, but Texas and California are easy to remember and are the meme states of American Culture. Also everyone can find Hawaii and Alaska, Florida.

Not true, we also know about Miami and New York.

You mean that sweaty swampy Deep South shithole? I'll take my open roads, open skies, and open lands thank you very much

who cares?

Slovenia near Italy. Slovakia near Czech republic, and you made up Slovania, you fucking kike.

North Charleston isn't exactly know for its uh..


Slovania is not a country but it's part of Croatia

>why can foreigners only recognize the two biggest states?

I don't know you fucktard.


Here we have every type of American
Love you guys

NC has more military bases and SF training

Miami isn't a state

Because Europeans are hypocrites who possess an instinctual drive to do the opposite of whatever they tell Americans they should do. In this instance, it's their insistence that an American should be able to name every European country on a map.

Its a state of croatia

I guess it means you have a southern accent. I can't hear mine, but every time I speak to people from other regions they can hear it.

Most european can name all south and north american countries tho

That's like asking you what's the Piedmont in NC

looks comfy af desu

Because the only American "culture" worth jack shit is Texan and California is a west-bank Sweden.

Well, in that case I've bottled it. I thought you were trying to be sneaky, but I should've remembered Germans don't joke around

I hear the same thing. Ladies love the southern charm from what I hear. I personally can't stand super thick southern accents.

Check out the Cherokee Foothills Highway
I bet you $15 Jackson can take on Bragg
SC has many different places. Downtown Charleston (that pic) is extremely expensive and has a lot of millenials because of CoC and MUSC. I wouldn't live there.

And it's comfy until you find out the roads are cobblestone and made for horses, not cars.

If you can point to where Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham, Liverpool and London are on a map I would take your point.


this is a very accurate rendition of a texan saying oregon