Drinking is degen

Drinking is degen.....

Thats just fuzzy drank.

Nazis and the SS weren't drinking from beer bongs and slamming 3 shots of hard liquor (a degenerate jewish invention- at once

That beer is really big for me.
Most be like 7 shots.

Mein Nigger

Incapacitating yourself is degenerate. Addiction is degenerate.

Going out for a drink with buddies is a good thing.

Passing out in a pool of your own vomit is degenerate.

Spending your entire paycheck at the divebar is degenerate.

... in Maßen

Also it's just Faßbrause, bro

Drinking is not degenerate
Being a drunk is.

Wine merchant here, can confirm what the leaf says.

Having a good beers with buddies is fine, enjoying a good wine with your dinner is great. Even getting drunk once in a while isn't an issue, as long as you don't act like a subhuman when drunk.

People who can't control how much they drink or how they behave when they do are utterly degenerate.



Most of my friends just refuse to drink because muh degeneracy.

it's properly just because they dont get laid often. Most people who can't get laid are also anti beer.

Depends on what kind of bier it is, too. Most pilsners aren't as strong as ales, etc.

How is that a jewish invention?

Alcohol is as old as man. alcohol and dogs are our oldest friends

If you post on this board you are automatically degenerate.

A good Hefeweizen after a hard working day is something that fat virgins never will truly understand.

I agree. I'm a Mormon and don't drink, but I don't think it is harmful for people to have a drink once in a while with dinner or friends. Of course, the Pharisees promote "drinking culture" (aka degenerate club culture) pretty hard, and that is very bad. Overall I wouldn't support banning it or eliminating people's free agency and ability to choose, but I think it should definitely be dealt with warily and acknowledged as a potentially harmful substance to the individual and society.

Mormons in particular avoid alcohol because we believe it is simply wiser to avoid potential problems caused by unneeded things, rather than to risk it just to have a good time. Especially since we also are trying to look out for our brethren, so even if we as individuals would be fine drinking, some of our friends or family members might not, so we think it's best to avoid potential traps together, in order to strengthen our brethren.

bier schmeckt gut!

And yet, here you are

I didn't deny my own degeneracy. I'm merely pointing out the hypocritical nature of the fat bodies on this site who go on about living a pure life with their aryan virgin queen when in actuality they're sexually frustrated betas looking for validity.

That's probably the equivalent of 3 cans of beer