So true

So true.

Other urls found in this thread:

he'll return from the shadows once we've won

Fuck the Jews - 2017

you mean anti-jew
arabs are semites too

You don't go from the brink of collapse to the 3rd Reich in a few years. It's a process.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

This recent influx of MAGA's will soon turn full on redpilled. It's the way it goes.

Not here to argue, I just like shitting facts

So are Ethiopians.

I can't see it happening. pol was creaming over Geert Wilders - a literal zionist jew who spent his youth in israel.

You pussies can't defend trump anymore it will be so funny when you try to meme him out of the white house.

PS it wont work.

You speak like this but I bet the Mossad got you to believe the anti-Muslim meme too.
>muh respect for women
>muh human rights

Read what Hitler had to say about Islam.

>Inb4 "i-it's completely unrelated, it's just a coincidence that they are Israel's greatest enemy and I hate them too!"

This. Sup Forums used to be great, but now its mostly just edgy snowflakes saying and supporting anything that might be considered controversial in the mainstream. In some ways, Sup Forums has turned into the very thing it used to hate.

I'm one of the biggest critic of Judaism, the true religion of piss. I even refuse to support crytokikes like Wilders and Le Pen. But for Trump, it was different and we had to make some sacrifices to gain influence in the mainstream.

There's a basic progression that occurs in all of us. You have to first be a giant faggot who only criticizes things like Islam and BLM. At some point you eventually get into race realism and the JQ. I have faith that they will assimilate just like the rest, it's just going to take a while because of the quantity.


>anti-muslim meme
>implying anything that comes from low-iq brown people is good

Sit down MAGA. Read this.

>tfw being such manlet you get removed from non-digital photo


A bunch of insincere dicks conspiring to overturn the principles of Western civilization, spreading falsehoods and sticking their noses into everywhere they don't belong?

Sure, I'll buy that.

We need more posting like this. Back to basics. It really does need to flood this board considering the board has been flooded with new friends.

Hitler admired the muslim's zeal in their religion because that's what he wanted German people to be like for their country, he didn't actualy admire subhuman religions like Islam.

This is an opportunity. If we can blame Trump on the jews the way the media has blamed it on russians and neonazis, we can inject antisemitism into the frothing insane left.

Stop trying to make Jews on Sup Forums happen.
Its Not Going To Happen

filtered ;^)

