Daily Reminder Europe is Subcontinent

>smaller than half the size of Brazil
>had 16+ million deaths war for territories which are smaller than the puniest brazilian province
>chimp out harder and more savage than BLM could ever dream of
>every stupid 10km has a new complex and retarded language because europoors are too stupid to acknowledge the benefits of an universal tongue
>made of a gorillion of different countries which somehow hate each other even though they are an hour of driving distant

Have you stopped to acknowledge how tiny and meaningless your countries are, Europe? Have you swallowed the red pill and realized europeans are only triggered by country sizes on a map?

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We fucking discovered your nation.

brit doesn't understand ancient American history

Ooga booga



Idiot he's talking about Europe as a whole he knows it was the Portuguese

If it wasnt for us you would still be living in a wooden "house" in the middle of the jungle. Not that you have really improved...

I guess that means that there is Nothing in Brazil worth going to war over.

Its not the size of the land its the intelligence of the people on it

> ancient American history

I think they were going for a quality>quantity approach. Most of their land is used, only a fraction of Brazil is developed. Enjoy your rain forest shitskin.



America refers to the continent, not just the country.

>invaded by Europeans
>culture and language destroyed by Europeans
>all gold stolen and shipped to Europe
>become giant slum
>lose 7-1

And still half of the world is dying to go and live there

And this is how we like it cunt,every single meter has been gained with death,blood and toil

,,,, and on that small space we can achieve much, much more in three years than Brazil ever will in three million years.

>had 16+ million deaths war for territories which are smaller than the puniest brazilian province

In other words, the tiniest trench in Europe is worth more than any Brazilian region.

you dont even have your own language jungle nigger

>muh dick

>proud of the fact that his nation was Brutally fucked by war
over & over just like the continent

So much for Carin about the white race,let's have a bunch of apocalyptic tier wars! Repeatedly!

Hard times make strong men. That's why Europe Cucked your whole continent hanz

daily reminder that we all need to move to estonia and make it a libertarian paradise

it would only take like seven hundred thousand to ensure a popular majority

>Hard times make strong men.
To bad the strong men all got ripped to shreds by bullets and bombs on the battlefield while the cucks awaited in safety,waiting to ruin Europe yet again(Germans)

This only shows that we aren't pussies.

3rd worlders like you are too unorganized for a big war.

We don't delude ourselves with false yokes and murder millions of our own in the name of nothing,repeatedly,over and over again,Kr*ut.
(Inb4 muh Falklands)

Discovered it, built it and then handed it over to subhumans like him to run into the ground.

>mfw they really take the bait

She makes a fair point tbqh

Teenyweeny Germany has a greater GDP then Brazil

Again, we aren't pussies.

All great men dream of conquering the world. It takes some balls to really try it.

Europeans have no idea about the size of foreign countries.

When they come to Brazil as tourists, they are completely unprepared to travel 2000km from a neighbor state to another.

The only tourists who usually know what they are doing are japanese, americans and russians. Japanese because they are smart, americans because their country is also big and russians because, you know, they are russians.

You tried to conquer Europe multiple times and failed,great lagacy
Imagine how better things would be if you didn't chimpout

Brazil is an extension of Portugal in America, America was built by Europeans whom brought civilization.
By the way, Portugal did not steal Brazilian gold because the gold was Portuguese to begin, how could Portugal steal itself?

The times were different back then idiot

90% of all countries were dictatorships or monarchies.

You can't look at the 3rd Reich in isolation from the rest of the world. America still had race segregation and eugenics, Russia was doing barbaric shit too, almost all European countries were fascist, etc...

If Britain and France didn't declare war it would have been a local conflict between Poland and Germany and maybe later Germany and Russia.

The biggest redpill.

Read up, Sup Forums.

and yet it will forever remain the most relevant continent of all time

I forgot the rest of my post

>balls to try it
And yet your country got nothing, nothing but destruction.
There is a difference between being a gullible dipshit and bravery
Sometimes they are the same.

Now the only thing left for the Europe you ruined is to sit and let Islam fester like a plague, but you euros a used to being plagued,right?

Different times yes,but the outcome is the same

Its not all Germany's fault(it is),but you guys always seem to be at the center of it all

Shame on your forefathers for not destroying England and france,

Nothing triggers the europoors more than maps.

Why do you think they started two world wars?

>what is North America?

I think you're reading the map upside down Pedro.

>North America
>Same as South America

a continent conquered, divided and settled by europeans 500 years ago

every border in the world was drawn by europeans, and every state exists only under the european international world order

Are you serious?

It's not a discovery if there's people living there you megalomaniac asshole.

Europe is the GOAT continent.


>how meaningless your countries are, Europe?

UK wrecks a South American country armed forces 300 miles off the SA continental shore.


>nearly lost to us
Very impressive

Still won, even after years of military budget cuts ans setbacks



You have no idea even how well of an argument you made for the quality of the europeans

You still got a long way to go. Feel free to challange us.

lol tumblr gtfo

>Social Darwinism.

Memri is Mossad propaganda

>1 post by this ID

A "subcontinent" has accomplished much more and it's richer than your whole continent. Congratulations.

>had 16+ million deaths war for territories which are smaller than the puniest brazilian province

Quality over quantity amigo. Europe has a high population density and lots of arable land, making it far more valuable than an uninhabitable rainforest. Same reason we don't consider desert nations to be worth much, unless they have oil.

America refers to the country, Americas refers to the American continents.

I'd argue if natives don't have extensive cartography they never truly discovered their own lands


I saw something once, a vice doc or something about Israel and they have an online propaganda division, military I think, called Memri (or something very similar) too.

Some days I don't know if you are trolling or just ignorant.

Daily reminder that Brazil would not exist as it is today if one of the smallest countries in the Subcontinent did not conquer it in under 15 years.

Wow, are they super human? A small nation like that slaughtering, enslaving and conquering a land mass 500 times the size of their own nation?!


So that makes Brazil a worthless nigger infested jungle then ?
We all knew that

I want to try some of that pre-inca chicha flavored with pepper tree berries

>chimp out

>said by monkey


Go suck off your Eiffel tower with a big black baguette up your ass Frenchie

Chicha de Jora or Aqha in Quechua.

It's basically beer.

Yep, we independently discovered beer too.

why are you defending monkeys, lardo?



Why do you think they started your country?

>be me
>be brazil
>conquered by nation 500 times smaller
>go to my job
>its counting laundered money
>walk past five dead kids
>wonder what hot water feels like
>see riot police demolish shacks to put up barriers
>arrive at job
>boss has been paid off by drug dealers again
>shoot random kid on lunchbreak and film it
>brazil is truly superior to the whiteys